The Spirit of Truth and Life by Yolanda Silva Solano

  • 2010

Many frame their beliefs in the Bible, The Urantia Book or the Koran and think they should be faithful to what is said in them, but Jesus went much further when he asked us to "not become dogmatic and super specialized.1726" because “it is a mistake for any group of religious to conceive that their creed is The Truth; that attitude speaks more of theological arrogance than of certainty in the faith. There is no religion on Urantia that could not take advantage of the study and assimilate the best of the truths contained in each of the other faiths, because they all contain truths.1012 ”

"The true son of universal discernment seeks the living Spirit of Truth, in every wise word 1949" because "the authority of the Truth is the very spirit that dwells in its living manifestations, not in the dead words.1768" because "the wisdom is of double origin, derives from the perfection of the intrinsic divine discernment in beings who aspire to perfection and from the personal experience acquired by the creature.216 since “the lips of wisdom remain closed, except for the ear capable of understand, then, wherever the traces of the Master are, there the ears of the one who is ready to receive his teachings open wide. When the ear is able to hear, then come the lips that will fill them with wisdom.

With this little introduction taken from the LU I am trying to excuse the convalescence of my arm that still does not allow me to write a lot and that is why I send them something that came “by chance” to my mail and that struck me a lot because in simple words, it allows us to realize what our life could be, if we really had eyes to See and ears to Listen because "religion must become reality in our individual experience.1630" because "the true son of discernment seeks the living Spirit of Truth in every wise word. 1949.

Let us strive to seek and find the truth, where we had never done it before, because in this way we will grow in Love and Wisdom ...

With much affection he invited you not only to read, but to meditate on this

Life letter

Hello! You know me My name is Life, yes, I am your Life. I am very beautiful. Did you know?

Observe nature. It has a special charm for every moment.

During the day you can see a large torch that never goes out to give you clear light

and you see a blue that never ends.

You see restless clouds that entertain you running from here to there.

You see the plants that in their simple way of living shout at you in a loud voice

that even in them the Creator is present and gives them infinite value

They provide you with oxygen.

At night you see thousands of lights in the sky, the stars, so that

remember that even in your dark moments, there is a hope of Light ...

Rainy days also have their charm.

Every drop of water from Heaven carries in itself great blessings that come down

directly from the Home of God. Those thunders that sometimes scare you,

they resemble and remind you of the voice of God. So you understand that He is

Great and Sovereign.

The rainbow sure looks beautiful and is even more

beautiful when you understand that it is not a simple arc of colors, but that it is

a promise that who made it, has fulfilled it for millions of years and will continue to fulfill it.

What do you think of the sea? And the moon, the mountains?

What do you think of the flowers? Isn't all these things beautiful?

Each of them has something beautiful to offer you.

Now look at you.

Examine yourself.

Don't you think it's great that your material body has a breath of Life?

The fact that you are yourself and not someone else's copy is also nice.

You are unique in the entire Universe, that's why you are so immensely

important. Only you are you. None of the millions of beings

who have had life throughout history and those who will have it in the future,

It's similar to you. Awesome, right?

You have beautiful qualities and even beautiful flaws that make you be you

And they make you so special and different.

If you were perfect, you wouldn't exist. That is why it is beautiful to have defects.

It is true that you can modify the way you are, but never pretend

to be perfect. There is only one Perfect Being and he is the Lord of the Universe.

Now you understand, how good you are as you are, because you have so much to do for yourself!

See also that all the organs of your body work by themselves.

no need to force them or motivate them.

Every organ knows, without knowledge, what it has

What to do and how to do it. It is wonderful! Thank God that he is the one who does this for you.

I am beautiful also for good feelings and joys, but

also for suffering and misery. If there was no pain, happiness

It would not be. If crying did not exist, what charm would smile have?

In addition, you know that every thing that happens to you is for some special purpose.

Many times something happens to you that makes you suffer and time has passed,

you understand the reason, you learn something new for your benefit and even

Thank you for what happened. All things help you well.

And it is another reason for you to see that I am beautiful. Always look at the side

positive of things, even the most difficult to cope with.

In each one you will see the Lord. He wants the best for you. If ever

you fail, rest assured that this is not the door you must

Enter or maybe it's not the time. You will always find some door open.

How beautiful is your life that gives you the opportunity to learn until

in the most bitter moments!

Don't forget: always, after the rain, the sun rises to form

The promised rainbow. Every thing that happens to you, has its positive side.

Look around. You're not alone. You have the appreciation and affection

from other persons. You are of value to them. Learn to appreciate things

so simple that you have around you, but they are so big.

Look at the children with that innocence so pure and those energies of Life;

teenagers who struggle and strive to learn to be adults.

Look at the illusions and dreams of young people, jobs and efforts

of adults, the wisdom and serenity of the elderly.

Look at yourself again.

You have come to this day going through wide and other roads

Narrow and still standing. Look at the sky. In that deep blue there are angels

That watch over you. Moreover, up there there is Love, a Great Love.

The most beautiful thing in your life, is that you are greatly loved.

That's why you live what you live, that's why you are who you are. So immense is the

Love of God, that his only Son, Jesus Christ, suffered for you.

So deep is his love that He is waiting for you in a Heavenly abode.

Don't you think there are endless reasons to see, understand and feel that the

Life you have is Bella and of Incalculable Value?

You live this wonderful Life because Life itself gave you the gift of Life.

God gives you the gift of Life. Now live, but live happily. He lives for Him and in Him.

Learn to be grateful. It's the least you can do for everything

It has been given to you. Without Him, then nothing would make sense. Look at me.

I am your life and I smile at you. Smile at me.

Will you still complain about me for little things? Do not!

Now you can shout with all your Breath of Life:

Living is beautiful!

Yolanda Silva Solano

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