The God Amun of the ancient civilizations of Egypt.

  • 2015

God Amen is a deity that comes from the city of Thebes. He is a god of the wind, his name means The Hidden God, he is everywhere and cannot be seen, but can be felt. When Dynasty XII was founded, Thebes is named capital of Egypt, which led the priests of Amne to have greater influence on the government, especially when the pharaohs took God Amen as father

The God Amon Civilization is Ancient

The Hidden God

Ancient civilizations of Egypt and the evolution of Amen.

In ancient Egypt, religion was very important and was linked to magic, they had a large number of gods and each one fulfilled a special function for the protection of men, guiding the threshold of death and resurrection. The Egyptians were worshipers of the god Ra , who was represented by the sun, was a principal deity. Ra joined with the local deity Ammon to form Amón Ra . The father of all winds, the only god who becomes everyone.

The Egyptians were a people who considered the underworld to be of great importance . Of this custom it is that the mummification techniques are adopted, which had a ceremonial part of magical content. In the book of the dead you can find several techniques to invoke the spirits of the underworld in a way that protects the living and rituals to cross into the world of the dead.

Many believe that ancient civilizations came from aliens, that the god Amun came from the stars, demonstrating the great worship of the cosmos. This gives an explanation of the location of the most important pyramids in Egypt (Cheops, Chephren and Micerino ), which are in perfect alignment with the constellation Orion.

How was God Amun represented ?

God Amun is represented by the figure of an upright man with a hat of two golden feathers divided into several parts and a sun at the base . On some occasions it is represented sitting or with a ram's head, when it is presented as the creator god it takes the appearance of a snake or a goose. Tutancamón is one of the pharaohs who took the name of the God Amun, so that his followers took care of him with adoration so that this when crossing to the underworld gave them protection, he was listed as a representative of the Egyptian people before the gods.

Several names that were given from Nubian origin are: Horus, Ra and Osiris. His best-known places of worship were established in the cities of Thebes and Memphis, in the bible Thebes is named Ammon.

With the XXVI Dynasty, God Amun was recognized as the god of the oases. In the city of Karnak there are sphinxes of Amun recognized by the head of a lamb, also in the city of Luxor he was loved and respected, he was worshiped under the name of Amenemopett.

Ancient civilizations

He was worshiped by the name of Amenemopett

C eremon ias al D ios Amón

The most important ceremony in honor of the god Amun that ancient civilizations practiced, was among the temples of the worshiping cities. It involved moving a sphinx from Amun on a barge from the temple of Luxor to that of Karnak . The idea was that the people saw him naked in the distance, so that he would keep a distance and you could not see it clearly. Amun remained completely covered in the temples .

A group of priestesses formed who were in charge of the prayers and ceremonies in the temples, they translated the words of the god. There was a time when they became important figures in the Egyptian empire, for a time they were part of royalty and decision making.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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