The Creator is saying his Name, by Archangel Michael

When they call their Angels and the Creator to help them they are asking for intervention to re-align their coordinates. When things fall, such as a job, the loss of a home, the death of a loved one, or the completion of A relationship, get out of the situation and ask for HELP. Understand and begin to see these challenges as The Creator is calling you by name, because these are the changes that are needed within this moment in the NOW to bring the change of your direction that was contracted. The Creator's Master Design was written of many, many different contracts along with the Universal Divine Will for the greater good of EVERYONE and can sometimes seem very obscure unless viewed from a much higher frequency and perspective. When you see these circumstances unfold in your lives, My Dear Ones, step back, understand and accept that a superior action is in progress, leave it to the Creator and his Angels. Stop the struggle to hold on to something Divinity has been given to change. It is the resistance that causes the greatest pain in their lives My Beautiful Beings of Light. Let it go, release it and allow The Creator to replace the circumstances with something that is in your best interest.

Greetings and welcome! My Beautiful Beings of Light. Your smile while opening this message pierces the veil.

Ah! They have been expected at this time of NOW. You are tired and exhausted and you see in your Essence My Dear Ones. Perhaps some tender and loving care within this message can return the spark to its ethereal glow.

Allow this Messenger to surround you and give you a Ciber Ethereal Embrace. The Wave of the Creator's Love flows through this Embrace to each particle that you are and everything that is within your various levels, dimensions and aspects.

Be still and allow love to envelop you and embrace your weary spirit. If the tears of frustration feel appropriate just let them flow. You are like a pot on the stove, My Dear Ones, which is very close to boiling.

Take a deep breath and be calm as you release the excess fear and frustrations you have experienced since the last meeting for the message.

The Earth Plane is becoming more and more complex since several scenarios are the main focus whether it be gasoline, global warming, or the economy, or whatever, Rest Here, My Dear Ones, Rest Here. Take these moments to replenish your Soul.

They were on the line, My Divine Beings of Grace, to incarnate during this time on the Earth Plane. They were excited when The Creator said his name and passed them the signed and approved contractual agreement that the two prepared for this role. You recognized that you knew that this would be a very crucial time with many circumstances of attempts to overcome but you wanted to come anyway.

They knew they had a chance to make a difference and bring some fresh air, if they want to, to this beautifying chaos.

The Creator reminded them while they took the copy of their approved and signed contract, that if they were pulled into a situation that they felt they could no longer bear, they would call their Angels and release the moments and concerns to the Creator for resolution.

Each time, My Celestial Beings of Light, who pick up a newspaper, turn on the news on TV or simply overwhelm themselves with everything that is piling up on their plate, so to speak, is a reminder of the Creator CALLING HOME, if so they want it, and so that they leave the worries to the Creator and his Angels for them to handle.

With the overwhelming incidents in which they are involved, reading or observing, the constant agitation or loss of work, the economic deficiencies, the concerns about breathing from one moment to the next, they all deal with The Creator by patting them on the shoulder to attract their attention. . The Creator is saying his name to remind them that they are here for a very specific purpose.

The Creator is telling you that you offered to come here. You are here to hold the firm Light, My Beautiful Beings of Light. They are here to transmit their Rays of Light in each dark area. They are here to help humanity and all the matter and particles of matter that make up this Earth Plane and its atmosphere to look deep within themselves and find the Grace of the Creator that is within all things.

Darkness is no longer acceptable and you, My Dear Ones, are the pinion in the wheel of change.

Many of you have forgotten that it is not this physical container called your body but a Spiritual Being of the very Highest Light and Frequency. You are angels with human flesh mask playing a part that you wrote.

This forgetfulness is causing them too much pain, My Divine Beings of Grace. Remembering to go inside in prayer and meditation and call on the Creator and his Angels to help them is the key to helping them walk through this time with more ease and grace.

When they call their Angels and the Creator to help them they are asking for intervention to realign their coordinates.

When things fall, such as a job, the loss of a home, the death of a loved one, or the termination of a relationship, get out of the situation And ask for HELP. Understand and begin to see these challenges as The Creator is calling you by name, because these are the changes that are needed within this moment in the NOW to bring the change of your direction. That was contracted.

The Creator's Master Design was written of many, many different contracts along with the Universal Divine Will for the greater good of ALL and can sometimes seem very dark unless viewed from a much higher frequency and perspective.

When you see these circumstances unfold in your lives, My Dear Ones, step back, understand and accept that a higher action is in progress, leave it to the Creator and his angels. Stop the struggle to hold on to something Divinity has been given to change. It is the resistance that causes the greatest pain in their lives My Beautiful Beings of Light. Let it go, release it and allow The Creator to replace the circumstances with something that is in your best interest.

They will find that they will be pleasantly surprised that the change had a blessing attached to it, that they could not see it in the eye of the moment.

Allow this Messenger to take you on a meditation trip.

Find a quiet area where you will not be disturbed for a while. You can sit or lie down, whatever is most comfortable for you. Cover your physical body with a light sheet if it gives you cold easily. They don't want distractions during their meditations so always make sure the physical body is comfortable.

If you help them visualize by identifying their ego with a symbol or as an object, please do so.

Direct your ego to pose on your left shoulder. Instruct your ego that you will only be an observer on this trip.

In your imagination, ask through prayer that the Creator send you a protective White Light Ray saying: My Creator I AM asking you for a White Light protective Ray so that I wrap myself up and rise so that I can experience the highest vibrations during this journey to my inner depths of understanding and Being. I am protecting myself from anything other than for my superior good on this journey. I thank you My Creator for helping me by sending me this Ray that is now entering the corner of the area in which I am meditating. It is entering this physical form, penetrating all that is within this presence of Being. I AM.

The Creator has responded and given them an Iridescent White Ray plus a deep Golden Ray along with a Sparkling Light Ray for this trip. The Rays are entering your body through the soles of your feet and moving upward through your physical body; penetrating through all its energy fields to all corners of the area in which they are; then leaving through his Crown Farm. The Rays return to the Creator and make cycles returning through you again and returning to the Creator in a circular motion. These rays are in a continuously circulating wave while they are in meditation.

Visualize yourself using your breath to form a figure of 8. Inhalation forms the upper curve of 8 which passes over your head and your exhalation forms the lower curve that passes under your feet. Half of 8 is your waistline and forms the still point between inhalation and exhalation. It is forming the sign of Infinity and continues rhythmically again and again with each inhalation and exhalation. This is a reminder that you are infinitely guided through eternity.

Now you are divinely protected at this time and nothing that is not for your superior good can even communicate with you without your permission.

Breathe deeply, My Divine Beings of Light, and have the most relaxed feelings of being divinely guided in this meditation. Breathe deeply and know that you are breathing at the Pulse of the Creator. Listen to the Creator's spiritual heartbeat and feel the unconditional love that goes through them every time you think at this moment.

Breathe deeply allowing and seeing within your spiritual imagination your Guardian Angels and Guides joining you and taking your etheric hand to take you into the Chakra of your Spiritual Heart.

At this time invite all Spiritual Guests who would like to accompany you on this trip.

His Guardian Angels, Spiritual Guides and special guests are now within his Spiritual Heart Chakra. They locate and turn the Golden Gate knob that says: "To My Inner Superior Guide" they cross the threshold.

They are in a white marble corridor. You notice that towards the elevator there is a small dressing area prepared for you. The Angels direct them to go behind the dressing room screen and put on the clothes provided for this trip.

They walk around the dressing room screen and find a wonderful and soft and comfortable pair of old pajamas and a pair of plush bunny slippers for them to wear. You take off your clothes that you were wearing and put on these comfortable options. They adore the old pajamas that are so soft against their skin, nothing tying or scratching. The smell of clean, fresh clothes passes through your nose. They have taken off their shoes and put on their slippers. They smile because bunny faces are so cute.

They walk back to where the Angels are and they also find the bunny slippers fun but you love them. They think that when they return from this trip they will have to put a pair of bunny slippers on their personal shopping list. They make them feel so good and happy inside. They seem to connect them to their inner child.

Their Angels guide them to the hall of the door on their left that says "Healing Room". You turn the knob and cross the door. The room is a bit dark and they listen to light and relaxing music playing in the background. In the center of the room they see a comfortable bed with a soft mattress with soft pillows and sheets. Above the bed they see a beautiful and huge double glass finish pointing up and down on the bed.

The Angels ask you to lie down. They do what they asked. They sink into this wonderful bed and instantly feel calm. They curl up in the blankets and find the right position. There they begin to enter a very light relaxed state.

The angels are working with the crystal on you. They open the portal on the bed to allow the Creator's Grace to more easily access their Essence while transmitting it through the giant crystal.

The Creator's Grace begins to travel through the glass to its own fields of Grace. You have a warm feeling and a glow of love and gratitude as the pulse of Grace flows over and through you. Frustration, fear and pain are released with each pulse of the Ray of Grace. They feel regrouped in a slightly different way. The Angels explain that this is a minor adjustment to allow them to release those things that no longer serve their superior good. Another way they tell them to look at this is as if their own Global Positioning System (GPS) needs a new coordinate alignment because it had deviated somewhere in the process.

You smile because you finally realize that the chaos of the outside had combined your perspective for a moment. They needed this little attitude tuning to wake up and extend their ability to see the bigger picture.

You remember that the result has a happy ending with many blessings along the way. Finally they realize that the panic they felt was nothing more than their resistance to an ever-changing environment.

The Angels tell them that if they can remember when they see many circumstances revolving around them that it is nothing more than The Creator saying His Name, simply letting them know that these changes were all contracted by all those affected and necessary to straighten their compass again.

They will always be put back on the road with some program of minor changes so they can forecast agitation more easily and gracefully. There will always be change, allow yourself to be at peace with him. Everything is within Perfection.

They relax even more now in bed and rejoice in the feelings of love and blessings that the Creator's Grace brings to their life.

Enjoy this wonderful Grace for another five minutes or more simply by allowing it to polish your Essence enough to get a ray of bright light that can be seen throughout the entire Sky.

His angels indicate that it is time to return. They are asked to stop on the frequency scale so they can record their current frequency reading. This will help them calibrate the crystal for each of their visits. Their marks were a perfect ten, their Angels tell them. Right on the road to the tuning program that was needed right now in the NOW.

The Angels tell them that they can return at any time for further adjustments and refinements now that they realize how beneficial this can be.

They jump out of bed and feel much better. The tension is gone, the blackness and lack of brightness have gone out. They look at those bunny slippers one more time and smile.

They walk back to cross the threshold and follow the Angels back to the hall.

Instantly they are back to the White Marble Corridor. They change clothes once again. Leaving the slippers behind, they smile once more and walk away.

They glimpse their shining Essence in the mirror before their Angels guide them back to the golden threshold of the door to go to the Chakra of their Spiritual Heart and then direct their Spiritual Essence back to their physical form.

Move your fingers and toes and when you are ready open your eyes. Continue your day remembering that your Angelic support group is always at your service working with you to help you reach your most appropriate superior potential.

Dear ones, you are blessed beyond words and loved beyond measure, more than any Earth Plane language can ever express.

I am the Archangel Michael, the Messenger of the Creator, of Love, of Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.

** This message is channeled and written through Carolyn Ann O'Riley. This is a copyrighted material ©. It can be shared with those who feel they can resonate with the material on condition that all appropriate credits are given and there is no charge for the channeled message shared with others.
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** Translation: Xitlalli Contreras -
** Monthly messages in English can be viewed on our website:
All of us are ONE; Treat yourself with kindness and respect. Allow yourself moments of joy and find beauty in everything you see. Each of us is here with his unique and very special piece of the puzzle that nobody else owns. See in the eyes of all who greet, smile and let their love touch their Soul. Namaste

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