The Circle of Life channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara)

  • 2013

Our scribe has traveled far, exploring the inner confines of her Native American Spirit. Ah, you would say, there is no drop of Native Americans in your veins.

True, but his Spirit resides with us and with those who live close to the Earth. She honors the Mother; Honor the Great Spirit. In these things she is One with us. She has felt compassion for our suffering and the suffering of many now in the world. Her heart is open and she listens inside, so we can talk to her.

And you are also One with the Great Circle of Life. Maybe they forgot this for a moment.

Recognizing that life moves in circles and spirals, one can go far without moving an inch. It is better to move because the body is designed to move, but sometimes the body retains the Spirit behind. Then the Spirit must move away and explore on its own, bringing back to the body the knowledge and wisdom gained.

When our children watched the unbalanced actions of white men, they were stunned. The young warriors thought that they could easily defeat them, and would have done so if there had not been so many. Some of the angry leaders of white men did not observe, but made decisions and acted. They saw something in their path and reacted, thinking about it later, and sometimes with remorse for their stupid actions. Or they rationalized the destruction they spread far away by calling it a manifest destiny or the duty of the white man to "civilize" the infidels. There was no sensitivity in their actions, they did not realize that they were part of an All. These lost white men did not realize that they were the infidels, that it was they who had left the Great Spirit behind, and walked a path through great darkness. They couldn't see the truth even if it was in front of them. His eyes and ears were closed. Their hearts were like stone. They did not see us even as people, but as beasts to destroy.

The Great Circle moves even when we are not ready to do so. And so it is that many of the white man's children now feel more harmonized with the Earth. They want to heal their bodies and the Mother who has been hurt by the selfish activities of other greedy and short-sighted white men ... and those who would emulate the unbalanced actions of deceived white men. They are feeling the groans of the Mother when she cuts her flesh to make roads and dig minerals. They understand the need for a great cleansing that has come because the white man did not want to listen, neither to us nor to the Mother, not even to the Great Spirit.

Remember that each of us is on a path, a path or a path that is unique to each person. I have learned to spend lives in many lands, cultures and societies. We are not limited to only one, unless the Being desires that we experience more than one life in a particular culture. So I tell you that some of those who walked like white men in the days of the Indian Wars live today as Native Americans in the Reservation, where white soldiers put their great-great-grandchildren. And some of those who walked and fought and died as Native Americans now walk like white men and women. Thus the Great Circle moves in a slow spiral so that the Being can learn all the lessons and go through the experiences necessary to transcend the Circle and advance to the Stars.

If you feel affinity for the ways of Native Americans, you understand that perhaps your Self has already experienced our way of life. We once thought we were free men. We had a good life, simple but full of work and play. Those good times ended with the arrival of the white man, not at first because they were few. As with the arrival of a flood, the trickle became a torrent that we could not hold, destroy or stop. Our way of life collapsed and we felt lost, stripped and torn, but still some of us managed to survive the bad times.

Even as captives of the white man we were still freer than our captors, although even then our ways made us stumble as well. We could not understand how many white men were because we had always been few, scattered throughout the plains and mountains and forests. We were not overwhelming the Earth with people, but we left enough space for our brothers and sisters in the plains and forests to wander and prosper. There was more than enough for everyone, especially through the grace of our brother the buffalo, who provided for our needs. We could not understand the greed and dawning of a people who attacked our villages without provocation and who denied the jealousy and hatred they felt among themselves. They were a people with a closed heart, who could not feel that their hatred for us came from their own hatred of themselves.

In the old days our hearts lay broken on the ground when we saw our children and women and the elderly die at the hands of the white man. We could not understand the cruelty that resided in these, we did not have the time to understand why the whites were so far from the Mother and from each other. They were angry and attacked each other madly; we were simply on their way and we were an easy prey, although we fought bravely and long with the resources we had. The end came badly, but some of our people survived and continue to survive. The secret wisdom of our peoples has been retained by the sacred elders and is now being passed on to our children, although some of them have been lost as the white man of bad times, so sometimes we have to look for others so that bear wisdom for future generations.

Currently some of our children roam the world, unbalanced, lost in the labyrinth of their anger with themselves and with the world. They drink, fight and run away, ashamed of the way people live now. They do not want to claim their inheritance, but flee and hide in the dirty cities of the white man. We open our hearts to them and expect them to return to us, to their family, but we understand that the need to wander is strong in some. However, it is only by going on the inner path that one can get to know oneself. Until one is willing to see inside and accept what he finds there, one cannot proceed further along the path, even if he walks miles and miles.

There are some of our peoples who are now taking a step forward and using ancient wisdom to heal their land and people. They are willing to work with the white man and woman, who are beginning to understand now, who are their brothers and sisters. The ways of the people were ancient and were those that sustained the earth and allowed all who inhabited it to flourish and live in peace. Our culture is only one of those on the planet whose roots go deep. Even the white man's culture goes deep, but he has forgotten it or denied that it has ever existed. He has believed the lies of his leaders and false parents who have sought to separate his followers from Earth and from each other. Their leaders have only sought power and wealth. Our leaders sought the prosperity and well-being of our people. In the language of our brothers, the Sioux, there was no word for m or yo . All the tribes called their people: The Peoples. Within our tribes we all worked as a unit. We weren't perfect and we fought each other, but we never forgot that we were a big family and we needed each other to survive. When we forgot and lost that unity, we lost ourselves.

Although we learned quickly how some white men lied and how little value the word of the powerful men who hated us had, the men who worked under them could not trust their feelings and followed their leaders blindly. Or they ran away too, ashamed and denying what they knew was not true. They were not willing to see inside to discover their own truth for themselves. Now the time has come for them to face their own hatred and see that it is an illusion, a chimera designed to defeat them.

The time of denial and resistance to the truth is over. The veils of oblivion have been raised and the world is learning the truth about the false foundations of the white man's world. Some of the white men are still so unbalanced that they don't even realize that the foundations of their world have already collapsed. Only through the strength of their habits and thoughts some continue to live in the superficial form taught by those who have allowed themselves to govern them. They have stubbornly believed the lies they were told, that they are impotent, undeserved and that they do not deserve to prosper. They have been systematically separated from the source of their power, from Mother and Father Heaven. His heart is closed by hatred and dislike of themselves, so they continue to attack those who are different. And yet, even in these stubborn ones, the Light is beginning to work on the barriers they have erected around their hearts. Some of those who were lost before are beginning to reconnect and understand that something is wrong and unbalanced.

The children are awake . They know that all people are their brothers and sisters. They do not consider race, skin color, religion and culture to be barriers to the power of friendship and Love. They play together, happily, resisting the threats and warnings of their parents to desist from these friendships as They know they are One with their friends.

Some of the elders and adults of white people are waking up too. We know that many are the secret rainbow warriors sent to the Mother to help her people wake up. That is why his heart and ours resonate like a heart, because we feel the frequency of truth in these people, we know that they are our brothers and sisters in Spirit. Many of them have walked with our people in other lives. We share the same values, we share the same heart.

The old ways can no longer be followed entirely as the world has moved, but there may be a return to the values ​​of the old ways. By reconnecting with the Mother and her elements, the earth, the air, the fire and the water, one can approach the truth of one's Being. You are a Star Being, a great Being that walks on Earth. Your anchor point is the body, but you are much more. Our stories talk about how easy it was to walk in different worlds; You can also do this by opening your heart and seeing the world through your eyes. And the wisdom they discover in the stars and inner worlds is yours to bring back and share with others.

As peoples, beauty let go of our anger, resentment and grief over what has happened between us and the white man. We can no longer blame the white man for our current conditions since we ourselves have contributed to them. Therefore, we must regain our power and our personal sovereignty, as peoples and as individuals, and remake our world as we would like to experience it. We now know that we must heal ourselves. By doing this we heal our world.

Like White Cloud, I did not walk in the world when white men came to our lands, but I saw their coming in my visions. I warned people then, but they didn't want to listen to me, or they forgot. They did not want to hear what I had to say; They were scared of visions and did not understand what was being said. And yet, I knew that the time of tribulation and suffering of our people would end just as the time of tribulation for the white man would begin. And we would help them regain their connection with the Mother and with each other. We would help each other by offering our gifts to the Totality, to all peoples and to the Mother.

I saw that we would have to work together as brothers and sisters, learning to speak and listen to each other. I saw that we would have to open our hearts to each other and listen to our Spirit with our hearts. I saw that those whose Third Eye was open and whose heart was full could lead people through the difficult times ahead. And only those who walk with the truth and Love in their hearts would be able to hear the guidance of the Spirits and the Mother.

We know that there are many worlds side by side of this one. These worlds are intertwined in the web of the world we walk through. It is easy for one with open eyes and an open heart to step through and enter these worlds. We call these “Walking Spirits.” They travel through us and teach us how to make the trip ourselves, as each person has this power inwardly. It is necessary to let go of the fear before one can make these trips, but they are open to those who seek to regain their power and to determine their direction in life.

The world has changed, the Great Circle has become a spiral, leading all peoples up, to a place where everyone can live as brothers and sisters. Those who can walk the spiral and enter the promise of the morning sun will live as brothers and sisters in Harmony, Peace, Love and Abundance for all. We hope to see you there with us.

We will leave now, because we have given them much to ponder. Consider our words, but listen to your own heart guide you in the direction you should go. We are at your side to guide and advise you, but we cannot walk the path for you. Now is the time to regain your power and sovereignty, and learn to listen to your heart. He will guide you well.

Be in Peace and know that we are One.


Copyright © 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered from its written form, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. No replication via voice or video is allowed.

The Circle of Life channeled by Eliza Ayres (aka Tazjima Amariah Kumara)

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