The path illuminated in the center of duality, by Archangel Michael

  • 2012

Dear teachers, we will recognize that these are strange and disconcerting times for all of you, no matter what level of consciousness you have reached. The teachings and truths that they have accepted as theirs during this time of life are gradually being replaced by higher and more advanced teachings and many amazing new concepts. In order to achieve self-mastery, they must develop their supra-conscious abilities and their most refined powers of mind. This leads to a mental and emotional house cleaning, which means that they must seek and transmute all the old ways of thinking that are keeping them tied to the illusory reality of the chaotic lower dimensions.

A HUMAN / SPIRITUAL BEING gradually becomes conscious and begins to refine the subconscious mind, which leads to a reconnection with the Soul Self and the conscious Supra mind. This is his link to the vibratory patterns and expanded wisdom of the higher frequency spiritual realms through the many facets of his Higher Self. Probably at this stage they will begin to have flashes of inspiration through intuition, which is accelerated through meditation and turning inside. The power of the mind is then increased and the spiritual aspirant begins to see the world and current events from an advantageous point which incorporates a larger and expanded image of reality. The chakras centers gradually return to balance and harmony and begin the process of integrating the superior wisdom of the sacred mind and heart, thus working in harmony with each other under the direction of the Higher Soul-Being.

A HUMAN / PHYSICAL BEING, functioning with the distorted frequency patterns of the lower fourth and third dimensions, uses the subconscious mind and the conscious mind along with a memory overlay of past incarnations. He and she are mostly outwardly focused and strongly influenced by family conditioning, along with cultural traditions and religion. Thought patterns often distorted and usually focused on themselves, therefore seeing only the small image.

There are still many young Souls in underdeveloped countries that are functioning in their HUMAN-ANIMAL NATURE and are mainly focused on the three lower chakras. On this level, the Chakras centers are mostly centers of the unconscious mind. These dear Souls are influenced mainly by the subconscious mind and limited consciousness. They are guided by past lives and racial memories, and an instinctive reality, and survival. Most have a very narrow focus on themselves and on family survival. Those are the precious Souls who will be taken to other pristine planets where the spectrum of polarity and duality of the third and fourth dimensions will be in proper balance. These dear beings will have the opportunity to continue their journey in the physical realms of consciousness in a much more pleasant and favorable environment.

You, the Star Seeds, the counters on the Path, are those who are making this possible, because you agreed to incarnate at the densest levels of materiality in order to help raise the conscious consciousness of all mankind back to the Illuminated regions of Light and Self-mastery. However, you must remember that no matter the age of your Soul's consciousness, and no matter the benevolent and wonderful things you have done in the past, the choice to follow the Path of Light must be made consciously in every time of life, in every incarnation and in every cycle of experience.

Many of you are on your way to discover the enlightened path between polarized opposites: the balance that exists at the center of duality. The time has come when more and more of you will be reaching and integrating select vibratory patterns of the fifth dimension and up to a limited number of frequencies of the sixth dimension.

By connecting and visiting the ethereal Celestial City of Light in your area, gradually the appropriate frequencies of Light will filter into your ethereal replica residing in your personal Pyramid of Light. This rarefied energy will slowly move down your personal column of Light toward your Soul Star, the eighth chakra. Your Higher Soul will determine how much and how quickly you can integrate this Creator Light gift safely.

To give you an idea of ​​what to expect while gaining access to the Sub-levels of the sixth dimension through the Celestial Cities of Light, we have asked our messenger to share with you what she has and is experiencing in her nocturnal journeys within this Wonderful reality of the future. As we have explained in our July 2010 message, a reunification process is in full swing throughout the Universe and especially within this Sub-Universe. One of the most dramatic changes taking place is the mixing of all spiritual and religious teachings within unified Cosmic Teachings under the direction of the Cosmic Council of Light. We are reproducing that message for your best understanding:

Shortly after the beginning of his year 2010, we gave our messenger, known in this life as Ronna Herman, a vision. This vision was shared with those who attended their seminars in May 2010 * Opening to Channel * Becoming a Cosmic Telepath *. Now is the time to share this information with all of you who are diligently seeking the Path of Light. We refer this vision to you in our messenger's own words as it was given to the group that attended the event.

“Dear friends, the vision that I am going to share with you happened shortly after the beginning of 2010. In meditation, I saw a group of radiant Beings in white robes standing in a half circle around a gigantic double-pointed crystal. The crystal is radiating a beautiful spectrum of colors, and there were also complex geometric patterns of intermittent light along the crystal. There were others present, but the beings I recognized were AA. Miguel, Jeshua, Djwal Khul, El Morya and Saint Germain. I was told that specialized, individual information from teachers, archangels and beings of great light would continue as before. However, in addition, there will be message teachings and unified wisdom from many great beings, avatars and teachers of the past and the future. The wise teachings of the past are being combined with the wise teachings of the future, and they are being presented as Teachings of the Cosmic Council of Light. This new information is being encoded within the great crystal (which resembles a giant cosmic computer), and will be available to those whose frequencies are compatible with the specifically graded frequencies of the Great Crystal. The more refined frequencies they embody, the more refined levels of information they will be able to access from the great Cosmic Crystal.

I was told that any information I receive would still come through the vibrational patterns of AA. Miguel since I'm tuned to his energy. He will still send me his monthly messages; however, for the books I write, the School for the Search for Master's Degree and the seminars I give, I will also receive teachings and information from some of the members of the Cosmic Council. In order to distinguish between the two, for any unified message from the Council, I will use the title: RONNA / ESCRIBA SACRADO. It will still be illuminated by the energy of the Arc Miguel Angel and the composite messages it will receive will most often be from: ARC NGEL MIGUEL * JESHUA * DJWAL KHUL * THE MORYA * ST. GERMAIN



Almost every night, through meditation and my definite intention, I go inside my personal pyramid and join my Ethnic Replica on the glass table. I am often taken into the Celestial City of Light in our area or in other places of learning. AA Miguel first told us about the Cities of Light which contain the sixth dimensions until the 12th, in December 2004. Those Celestial cities are huge and beyond our imagination. Some of them illuminate entire countries. He gave us a miraculous validation through a photo of the portal opening on the sacred site in Grimes Point, Nevada, during the activation of the Ascension Column that we made at your request . Since then, hundreds and thousands of people have created a column of ascension in their locality, and many of them regularly visit the Celestial City of Light that Illuminates their country.

I am sharing my impressions and personal experiences in such a way that they can give themselves an idea or image of what to expect when they gain entry into the various sub-levels of the region of the sixth dimension within the City of Light in your area. I am sure that all the Cities of Light are configured the same as the one I visit, which illuminates the Northwestern portion of the United States. Although the details are quite complex, I will make them as simple as I can and give you only a brief general information.

Remember, there are seven sub-levels within each of the 12 Dimensions of our Sub-Universe. The thirteenth level is where our Father and Mother God resides, with the Creator Core in the inner Circle.

FIRST SUB-LEVEL OF THE SIXTH DIMENSION INSIDE THE CITY OF LIGHT: The outer wall of the corridor is filled with cubicles that have glass Accelerating Lift chairs. We spend time in those special chairs with radiant Rays of Light radiating through and over us to accelerate the process of cleaning, refining and purifying our negative energy patterns. Eventually, when appropriate, one moves within the cubicles in the inner wall of the corridors as they progress along the Passage Rooms.

SECOND SUB-LEVEL: When they have progressed to a certain level, a door will open in the rear wall of the chamber, and they will be guided into a room in the form of a small pyramid. Here, you will leave an Ethereal Replica of yourself on a glass table as you cross the multiple levels of the sixth dimension. While remaining at this level, they will lie on the glass table so that the appropriate vibrations of the sixth dimension flow through their physical vehicle, purifying and cleaning it, in preparation for the future integration of higher frequency patterns increasing.

THIRD SUB-LEVEL: This is the level of higher learning where they will begin to receive new and vital information that they must integrate and put into use in their physical existence. Sometimes I am guided to lie on a glass table and other times I am placed in a glass chair next to the table. I can feel that there are Beings of Light within the room, but I cannot see them clearly and they do not identify themselves.

FOURTH SUB-LEVEL: This level is full of exquisite patterns of Light frequency which flow in all directions in dramatic shapes, colors and patterns. After a while, they will gradually begin to feel the difference between each color and pattern, and gain the ability to tell the difference between the thousands of subtle shades of color. They will also gradually gain the understanding that colors contain thought codings; However, I am sure it will take a long time to learn how to decipher them. I'm just starting to get a few impressions and sometimes it's quite frustrating.

FIFTH SUB-LEVEL: This sub-level is filled with the sound of glorious Heavenly music, tones, songs and unique musical patterns. They will gain an understanding of how vital sound is and the important part of their own voice perfecting or contaminating their physical vehicle. It is interesting that I began to experience this level when I was having the most difficulty with my throat. Since the surgery, and when the healing process was complete, I began to have an intense desire to make vowel sounds, which I have made regularly since then. I have also recited the five sacred names of the five sacred languages ​​for a long time; however, suddenly I started singing them, and it feels so powerful and wonderful. I have also been given other instructions regarding using our voices as transformation tools which I hope to share in the future.

SIXTH SUB-LEVEL: This is the level of Sacred Geometry. I haven't spent much time on this level; However, I am aware that it is filled with Sacred Geometric Patterns of Light, along with sound and color. It is a true sensory world of delicious stimulation for the mind, body and soul. I will give you updated information later as I learn more about this. I know that I will be spending a lot of time on this level before being allowed to proceed to the seventh level of the sixth dimension.

Please be aware that we bring back only a tiny amount of frequency patterns from the sixth dimension. We are still focused and intensely active in an environment of the fifth dimension and this will be for a long time before we are ready to feel or integrate the full strength and power of any sub-dimensional level above the first half of the fifth dimension. . Remember also that every time you visit any of the pyramids of the fifth dimension that we have created, you bring back a little more of the vibratory patterns, qualities and abilities of that level.

If you are willing, I strongly suggest that you put your intention to go inside your Personal Pyramid of Light before going to sleep, and then ask to be taken into the City of Light in your area so that you can take advantage of the gifts Incredibles that are being offered to all of us. However, be aware that over time as a result your life will change and your ascension process will accelerate dramatically. There will be tests and challenges along the way, but I assure you dear friends that the effort is worth it. Eternal love and angelic blessings, His Sister of Soul, Ronna.


Remember, my brave, during those times when the evolution of the Earth and humanity are moving rapidly forward, you can make a difference. Let us help you to carry out your mission and nurture them with our love. We are always close to guide and protect them.

I AM Archangel Michael.



Transmitted through Ronna Herman. Translation: Odilia Rivera.

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