The royal path of the soul conference of Master Petar Deunov

  • 2015

Practice the following four things in your life:

Keep the freedom of your soul, the strength of your spirit, the luminous thoughts of your mind, and the good feelings of your heart!

Consider your good works as precious stones, which you have collected during your life! They are the reward of your life.

Enjoy much more the path of light on which you go, than the dark path of perdition that you have left behind!

Remember: The real path of the soul is the good thought of the spirit.

Enjoy much more the small, which grows and increases, than the large, which decreases and is consumed.

When the sun rises, the kingdom of light begins. When the sun sets, darkness is established.

Practice the wise order of the Divine Soul, where force precedes freedom; freedom precedes luminous thinking; the luminous thought precedes the noble feeling; The noble feeling precedes the good works. This way they can get the happiness they are looking for.

Remember and do not forget:

They were not sent to Earth to collect the abandoned bones of their ancestors.

Every conscious soul has a definite place in the world.

Thank you for what you have been given!

They weave their well-being as the spider weaves its web.

For the glory of God

Sunday conference given by Master Beinsá Dunó on July 11, 1926, at the summit of Musalá.

I will speak, in short, of an essential idea, that is, about the true manifestation of Life.

How can the words " The Glory of God " be interpreted? Glory, can be explained only through the Law of Wisdom or knowledge. Science reveals the Glory of God, but when people acquire knowledge, they do not use it for the Glory of God, but for their glory and consequently intolerance arises. I consider people as individual units.

Each unit has two possibilities in life: take the right path or deviate from this path. So, each soul, as an individual unit, has the possibility of dilating and contracting. Esoteric science explains this in various ways. Western occultists explain it with the so-called "heating ether." Ether, means the matter from which things originate and form. The particle "ethics" is the principle from which things are created. "Ther" is what forms things on Earth. Ether is not a dense matter. The caloric ether, that is to say, the primordial energy, which begins to act, is linked with affection, with Love. Consequently, in the first manifestation of Life, Love appears, when the caloric ether begins to act in matter. Therefore, Life manifests itself through heat. When the heat arose, the flow of life began its descent to Earth to organize it.

It is said in Genesis: "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth"

(Genesis 1: 1-3) This current is the Holy Spirit that descends to organize things. In your current state of evolution, you must understand the law of heating ether. It is a movement from the outside in. When we say we have to love others, we get the idea of ​​this heating ether coming from outside. People ask us for love.

Someone wants to love you and be loved by you. Why? - This is an energy of Nature that needs to manifest. When you don't understand the law, you distort things. When a source wants to manifest, what should it do? Start sprouting. When water flows from it, the source manifests itself. It happens the same with people. When an angel loves a person, they will observe that something emerges from this angel. What arises from him is liquid, while your love is dense. When you love someone, something also comes from you. If at this moment an angel, who returns from a long trip, observes them, he will say: I will take a break from this fountain. He will fill his bowl with some of his water and correctly assess whether his source is good or not. When people love in the physical world, only physical manifestations take place between them but this is not the case in the invisible world. Ah, Love is a source. These are abstract concepts for you. They just say: They love each other. Yes, it is correct, but remember that Life is related to the ether heat and if you fail to receive this stimulus from outside, then Life cannot manifest in you.

Life, which arises from within, is a manifestation of the ter heat.

When Life manifests itself, its ether creator of life is in the center of the Earth. The ether creator of life is what he creates. To manifest this life, first, this wave must come from outside.

Now, when I speak about the Earth, you resemble it. Therefore, the other heat must reach you, at all costs, as an external stimulus, to stimulate your heart to act. Sometimes they want to love. So, at the moment of receiving a stimulus from outside, from the center of your heart another impulse must arise for life to manifest itself. Consequently, whoever wants to live will have to transform solid matter. Whoever wants to love will have to transform solid matter. He who cannot work with solid matter will not be able to live either. In this respect, from the point of view of Life, sufferings are stones through which you build your future. Then comes the light, which is equally necessary for life. It is also a current, called ter luminous .

All these outer manifestations of Life have their own form. Heat creates certain forms in people. Light also creates certain forms . Life has certain forms too. Each stream creates its own defined forms. The heat and light of the Sun have a great influence, mainly in the religious state of man, as well as in that of science. Make efforts to conserve heat and light inside.

Never lose the heat you have in your solar plexus! This heat must always exist in you. It is indispensable. If they have this heat, they will be invulnerable. No one can cause them any harm. However, if they lose this heat, the greatest adversities may happen to them: storms, catastrophes. You can destroy them completely, so nothing will be left of you.

If you keep this heat inside, the light will come accordingly.

When the light comes it brings knowledge to man. This is how the light ether has influence on the brain. The heating ether has an influence on the heart. In the human heart, from inside to outside, a number of chemical processes occur. These determine how a person will manifest, in one way or another. Do not be confused by the different manifestations of human life! The outside world can be confused, but you should not be confused. Know that despite the path by which people manifest themselves, everything is for the Glory of God. Because their omissions, their mistakes, represent opportunities for progress to beings that are more advanced than you.

When you make a mistake, these beings, invisible to you, take advantage of your mistake to create a great virtue. Everything in the world has been created in such a way that these sentient beings use every mistake of theirs to create a virtue. Now, don't say: if everything is for good, we make mistakes! No, that is not like that. When they unconsciously make a mistake, when they unconsciously make an omission, in that case I tell them that they do not have to repent. Your mistake will be used by another being for something good. Know that while on Earth you will make mistakes. These are inevitable. However, mistakes should not be made on purpose. The only danger on the part of the black fraternity is that they have the task of implanting in each person a spirit of criticism that he does not live well.

We know that a person cannot become holy in a day. To be holy we must know all the laws of Nature, even know our future. Someone comes to me, saying: " I am a holy person . " Well, tell me then my future! If he cannot tell my future, I say: "You are not a saint at all." A saint can predict the future of people. An evolved person must possess this inner knowledge. You must feel how things are going to happen. So far, everyone has had the opportunity to be influenced by the outside world. You are reflectors of the outside world, of your light, but you should know that the light of the people is their light, while your light is your own light. However, if you only reflect their light, it is not light at all.

If you have your own light, only this is real. If you reflect their light, as soon as it disappears, you also stop having it; but if the light is in you, you will keep it forever. If any light comes from outside your reflector, rejoice even more, as it will intensify your light. In this case, and always, they must retain their light and heat.

We already go up to the Musalá. Here, everyone is well disposed, but down in Sofia, it is not so. There they have bad feelings, hostile to each other. A sister goes with you, you can't stand her, you want her to leave.

What are the causes of those feelings? - These are minimal, common and ordinary things but that do not resolve the issue. They don't love a sister, they want to get rid of her. Why? For now I do not want to solve these vicissitudes among you, but I tell you that these situations exist throughout the world. They do not love a person, however there is another person who does not love them either. They love someone else very much.

The opposite is also true: you love someone, they want to date but he or she rejects you. Why does this happen? This is due to these currents in space. The law of Love is the following: when a feeling of Love is born in me, since Love descends from above, from heaven, I must necessarily carry something, I must give something. If I don't give something, I can't manifest Love. When God, Who loves us, manifests, gives us something. Likewise, when we want to love God we must also give something of ourselves. We must sacrifice something. We must bear our fruits. Since God also wants something from us.

We read in the Holy Scriptures that the Jews offered sacrifices to God. What we offer We currently do not want to make sacrifices. What should we do then? What should we give? Sweet fruits of our garden? - No, we must bring fruits from the garden of our heart in a special tray, made of gold, diamond. Above, where God is, an angel will receive us and take our fruits. They will say: all this is pure illusion.

Yes, these things are sublime, hard to understand.

Now, let's go to the facts as they happen on Earth. When they love someone, what do they do? A mother first gives her son socks, makes her a dress, a hat, a t-shirt and even at the age of majority she always wants to give her something, she is always expressing her love.

When Love manifests itself in a son or daughter, the same law acts. For this law to be fulfilled in us too, we must always be connected through our conscience to the Invisible world. To be connected to the Invisible world we must always know someone from that world and know their name. How do you communicate with the Invisible world? -

While they sleep, they pray, or in their thoughts.

How are your interpreters? When I return to the distant past, I observe that on many occasions they did not take advantage of the opportunities they had to evolve. They made such mistakes, which built huge barricades in front of you. You yourselves put whole mountains in your lives. Now they run into their own mistakes, in their lives. What they once did to others must overcome it now. Therefore, today they are given favorable conditions to improve their path. Your current path is an opportunity to end all the contradictions that exist.

You can end them right now. These contradictions are not so great.

Now, when we reflect on that issue, each of you must be in a circle. Each of you has a defined circumference where you can act. Every thought has its outline outlined and outside this outline it cannot manifest itself. For example, do you want to sing so that all of Bulgaria will listen to you? The time will come when you will listen to them as if they were singing on the radio. There will be a special instrument for everything. If you heard them through the air, how loud, how loud you will hear! How loud would this sound have to be to be heard throughout Bulgaria? In the current circumstances, to transmit the sound to a distant place, it must be produced very strongly because as it passes through the air it will decrease. Within a few years, people will develop their internal capacities and when one speaks and sing anywhere, the sound will be transmitted through the ether over great distances and they will perceive it. The sound will pass through the air without any obstacle. For example, if they sing in Varna, the voice will be heard everywhere.

Therefore, devote yourself to study the heating ether, which is linked to Love. Dedicate yourself to study the Light or luminous ether, which is linked to faith and Wisdom. Become familiar with the chemical ether or with the volitional manifestations of the human soul, with water. The ancient alchemists and occultists made the following classifications: the earth is life; Water is the chemical process; Light is air and heat is fire.

You must master these elements: earth, water, air, fire, light and heat. You must produce your own fire. If your heart is cold, you should be able to heat it internally by yourself, not expect it to be heated from the outside. They will say: "May God do it!" It is God Who acts inwardly. He can do it all by himself, but he wants to push us to act ourselves. He wants us to love. In this way, they will learn a great art. If they have fire and can dominate it, they can even descend to hell. A person who cannot master water; a person who cannot dominate the air; a person who cannot dominate the light and a person who cannot dominate the heat - nothing can become. These are all opportunities as far as man is concerned.

If one does not take advantage of these opportunities, he does what the fish does. He lives in the water, but does not dominate the water. That person does what the mole does. He lives on earth but does not dominate the earth. What do birds do? They live in the air but do not dominate the air and so far nothing has been done. They have no culture. When we refer to those who have become familiar with fire, we observe that they cannot dominate it either. They make great fires: they set fire to a house, detonate a bomb, which produces a great jolt, but then they move away. Our houses are destroyed, we suffer, while they laugh and celebrate. So, you are asked to study these forces. However, there is some danger in revealing some secrets that may not be used reasonably.

Therefore, I tell you: when you look at a person, do not pay attention to their weaknesses but to their virtues. They say: "I thought you were my friend, but you have such and such a weakness." No, to understand a person we have to pay attention to his virtues, because bad things in a good person are only a shadow in his life. Only an extremely good person can have shadows in their life. Only he can reveal the bad.

Do wolves go with a shepherd who has no sheep? Wherever there is a sheep, there are also wolves and bears. Do lice spread in a dead person? If someone sees lice or fleas, they know they are alive.

Where do lice go ? - They go over the living. I tell you: each of you must form a noble character. Your souls must be wide open so that whoever finds you feels that life emanates from you, freshness. There must be in you an inner fullness and goodness, without any effort. Manifest yourself naturally, in a Divine way.

They must be good in essence, without pretending to be good. Although sometimes they don't want to be good, be good. And even if they don't want to do good, be able to do it. I call you, good people.

Now the important thing for you is to keep some of this excursion to the Musal. What will they keep of this day? One day, when they are 60-70 years old will they remember something about it? You can say: Leave us now. This has nothing to do with our gray hair! Then, where is your faith? They should not age but rejuvenate daily. They should not die but return to life, daily. They have to live happily incessantly! Thus, when they go to the other world, there they will also go up to the Musal . However, they will see the Musal in another way. It is essential that we do this excursion because we have certain tasks on Earth that we must solve. Each ascent to the Musal gives us a boost. Here, we are in the highest place and nobody can avoid it. Our vital force is so great that we can get here from anywhere. We are at a height where the black lodge has no power. Nothing can do. Let's break through everywhere. However, if we returned without having gone up to the Musal, we would have withdrawn from this place as Kuropatkin and as the Germans during the siege of Verd n.

All of us, each one, must strive! Everyone's mistake is in the lack of effort. They must have an ideal! If you stop at the smallest difficulty, there is no life force in you. If you have a vital force, you will be like the birds, you will pass through. If you have life force, if you have an ideal, no demon will stop you.

So, the high ideal striving for God gives warmth . Note that even here in the Musal, at this point we have a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius. What do 22 degrees Celsius of heat physically indicate?

When we add 2 + 2 we have the number 4 the most powerful number in the highest place. The fire of these energies, of these forces, acted in a square. Anything that is here will be destroyed. So, here we have the square of Life. At a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius, Life can destroy all obstacles that cross your path. Here, Nature demonstrates the same. Everything is destroyed in the Musal . Which means that this number corresponds to the Musal . There are also 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. The Jews interpret all their philosophy according to the C bala.

Therefore, all separate units live for the common unit. The common unity is God, to Whom we are connected. And all our ideas are corrected according to this common unit. We always think of God, but we cannot be aware of him. And there is no need for us to be because there is already a divine idea in us. When we reach a certain point, we always correct our mistakes exactly according to this idea. Who corrects our mistakes is God. He says: Don't do this! And you, with a free heart, you admit it. Then he says to you: Accept this! and you accept it. There is no person in the world who has not been corrected by God. Sometimes you cry until God comes, watches you, takes you by the hand and frees you from all the difficulties of life.

Let's not talk about your difficulties now. These are a blessing to you. They have to cope with them. Know it. We will not free them from their difficulties. To free them from difficulties would be to make them a greater evil. We give them the knowledge and opportunities to use these difficulties for good. In these difficulties all his wealth is hidden. Someone says: I hope God frees me from this difficulty. "Do not say this, but say:" God, give me knowledge to overcome all the difficulties in my life! "You have special difficulties in your life that nobody can tell. A doctor is needed! If you are a bankrupt merchant and tell your situation to another merchant, to your adversary, nothing will remain of you. However, if you tell a friend of yours who loves you, who can understand your situation, he will give you advice through which you will get rid of your difficulty. The Bible also says: " Trust your burden only in the Lord ." You can entrust your burden only to those who love you and whom you love. If you love him when you join him, he will take your load. But if he doesn't love you and isn't loved by you, he won't take your load.

Now, the fog around us shows us that this year the world will go through great difficulties. The profane will be surrounded by very dense fog, which they will have to overcome. This will be the whole year, but in the highest place there will be heat, there will be many forces there. In the fog there are forces. Whatever comes, do not fear! Be brave and determined!

You carry a divine idea. And if they are thrown ten times into the fire they do not fear, they will not burn. They will be like Daniel who was thrown into the lion's den. Did the lions devour him? They will be like the three young men in the oven on. Did they burn? They will be like Christ on the cross.

Did he die? Did He remain in the grave ? How many saints were buried in the earth but later they were not there. Neither land nor prison held them.

An Englishman, in England, knew about the White Universal Fraternity, possessed knowledge about Hindu yoga but was not esteemed by the English government. That is why they locked him in India and put a guard to guard him. When they went to jail in the morning, they discovered that it was not there. They captured him a second time, locked him up and put ten guards to guard him but disappeared again.

Finally he wrote them a letter:

“They can't keep me locked up. Leave me and go your way! I am not against the laws but I also have certain rights, for which you have to let me continue on my way! Do not believe that you can imprison me. ” The power of this man lies in his faith . The same can happen to you, but you need faith.

They can lock them up as many times as they want, but God will free them from prison. That is the beauty of the world! If any of you have understood, despite being imprisoned, with ten guards guarding you, you will go outside and feel free, master of your situation. They have faith, but it takes much more to increase their strength! They have knowledge, but you need to get much more! They have virtues, but these virtues must work much more. His Wisdom, Justice, goodness - all these virtues in us must be strengthened and can be strengthened. They have all the opportunities to strengthen these virtues.

So, to those of you who listen to me now I am not going to talk about any philosophy, because no philosophy can be discussed in the Musalá. Instead, I am going to give you some practical points to apply. The Musalá is a unique place to carry out experiments.

Now, I must leave them here, at the top, for at least an hour, so that they lie down. In this period they will learn three times more than if I gave them a lecture. When you go down, the first thing you will do is the following experiment: concentrate your mind on high, on God, and say: “God, as we have taken this path, we want to serve you, let this warmth come to us to feel it! I am willing to cope with my sufferings, but give me this warmth to feel it! ”Don't ask God for great things! They always want great things from God and that's why they lose the little things. They must ask for the small! When this warmth arrives, it will bring the new into your life. It's a law: when you ask God, ask for this warmth!

This is the first experiment, the first condition. When you feel the warmth, say: "God, give me the little light to feel it!" When you have said it, a little light will shine on your mind. You will notice in the center of your brain this whitish light. This little light will be as small as a pin. Thus, they will have two possibilities: heat and light. Then, you will start living now. Heat reacts with life, light - with chemistry, and religion.

They must become brave and determined. So, getting up in the morning they will have a couple of things for which they will ask God.

Now, when you have implemented one, two, three methods and finally find yourself in the midst of difficulties, say: "God, give me warmth, give me little light!" When you feel them, say: "God, may everything be for You Glory! ”When difficulties and sufferings come, say again:“ God, again, let it be for Your Glory ! ”Say it to all that happens in your life:“ For the Glory of God! ”This It will be your Musola benefit. If you are asked what they were told in the Musola, say: "May all be for the Glory of God!" It is the summary of everything I have told you in the Musola.

" May everything be for the Glory of God !"

Currently, we are learning about the smallest warmth, which exists in us and the smallest light that can manifest in us - Heat and Light!

Now throughout the year, know: everything happens for the Glory of God! Next year, when we come here, I will tell you: show me your warmth and your little light!

Now, we will do an exercise. Spread at a distance of at least one meter away from each other.

Turn south and say the formula:

“May Virtue be established and all the evil thoughts of the world be dispersed!

Turn east and say the formula:

"May the Justice of God be established in the world and may all injustice disappear from our lives!"

Turn north and say the formula:

"May the Truth of God be established in our lives and all slavery disappear from our souls!"

Turn west and say the formula:

"May the Wisdom of God be established in all manifestations of our lives and the evil disappears from our path !"

Turn east again and say the formula:

"May God reign and be glorified in all His Love, Wisdom and Truth!"

"May God be established in His Love, His Wisdom and His Truth!"

"May we do everything for the Glory of God on Earth!"


The royal path of the soul conference of Master Petar Deunov

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