The Art of Jumping Time Lanes A Planetary Message from the Hathors Through Tom Kenyon

  • 2011

Earth's magnetic grid

Although it may seem paradoxical, your time lane - your life - is just one of many simultaneous possibilities. And it is very possible, in fact it is your birthright, to alter your time lane and the potentials of your life.

For various reasons, your culture has hypnotized you to believe that you are limited to a single lane of time. In this message we will try to explain how we understand the time lanes and how you can change them.

When chaotic events increase, there is a convergence of multiple time lanes. Because your planet has entered a Chaotic Node and is experiencing ever-increasing levels of chaos, there is also an increase in what we call time nodes.

Time nodes appear when two or more time lanes converge. As a result of its proximity, oscillation effects sometimes occur in which the realities of a time lane interfere or pass through, or are psychically perceived by those in a neighboring lane. Strong lanes can literally affect the possibilities and / or probabilities of other time lanes within the same time node. In other words, creative and novel effects often occur within the time lanes when they enter a time node (proximity to other lanes).

These are evolutionary trampolines that offer tremendous possibilities for accelerated evolution if you understand how to use them. Because of the volatile nature of events on your planet, multiple nodes of time are emerging. This is a very complex and complicated matter, and we will try to explain it by breaking it down into its smaller segments, because we believe that this information is of vital importance for those of you engaged in the ascension process and for mere survival needs. Let us bring your attention to the more general picture first, and then we will suggest individual strategies.


Your planet is placed on the verge of a complete transformation. The form of this transformation has multiple expressions, and it is you - the whole - that will affect the results to a greater or lesser degree.

Some of these results, of these possibilities, fulfill the prophecies of planetary destruction and purification. Other time lanes, other expressions, reveal different results. A sudden and unexpected change in human consciousness could bring the Controllers who have so negatively affected their destiny to their knees. And there are hundreds of other possible timelines between these two polarities. There are established interests in your society that want you to remain hypnotized, that want you to remain in the deception that you are limited to a single line or time lane, to a single life experience as they decide.

But you have within your nature the ability to change the timeline and probabilities until the last moment in any event, whether personal or collective. We do not say that this is "positive." We say that it is a fact that has to do with your evolutionary potential. It remains to be seen whether you will collectively reach this potential or not, but the path of an Initiate is to strive upward towards the highest potential, no matter what may or may not happen around him. So, in this message we will discuss what you can do, and how you can do it.

From our perspective, collective destiny is the sum of individual choices that you make as people. This is combined with evolutionary and terrestrial forces that are far beyond the capabilities, yours and your peers, to control them. This set of forces also involves cosmic patterns of energy and intentionality from regions of the cosmos beyond your local solar system, because you are part of a complex cosmic matrix that is your universe.

If we used a metaphor we would say that you, as humanity, are a great overseas ship. But many of you are asleep, and there is someone at the helm, running the ship, who shouldn't be there. For many historical and trans-historical reasons, which we will not explain here, several beings have commanded this ship.

Ah, but the tides are changing. More and more people are waking up among you, although some, half asleep still, stumble on the deck while they see the stormy storm of their world changing before their eyes. The Controllers know that many of you are waking up too many for your liking. Really, this is an interesting time to be alive!

The current ecological situation in the Gulf is an example of multiple time lines. Despite the great efforts of the media to downplay the situation, many are feeling how serious the situation is and, in fact, there are complications in the Gulf region that are below the surface, both literally and figuratively.

In our previous message we talked about the various timelines for this event. Which of these possible lines will unfold in your three-dimensional reality is not written, either in mud or in cement, but is an event or result that can be changed. In this message we want to talk about how you, the individual, can jump from a line or time lane to a different destination at a time. This can be extrapolated to your civilization, which can also jump lane, but it is a subject for another occasion.

For the moment we want to focus our attention on you, the human individual, and how you can jump from a disastrous timeline from a result that you don't want to something else benevolent, favorable to life, and full of evolutionary potential.

Let it be clear: there are technological means of jumping from timelines, but our information here has to do with human consciousness and with how through the power of your own awareness awakens and your intention can jump lane. For this purpose, you already have two of the greatest treasures in your own nature: your sovereign will (to make choices) and your ability to feel. These two, properly combined, will allow you to jump from time lane as you wish, since you are co-creators of your reality instead of simply pawns on a chessboard.

The Fundamental Principle

The fundamental principle to jump from time lane, involves coordinating a few significant fields of intentionality.

1) You identify the line or time lane you wish to enter.

2) You change your vibrational state to match that timeline.

3) You look at that vibrational state so you don't have ups and downs.

4) You perform an action that is an expression of the new timeline.

5) Persevere.

In this fifth stage, you must sustain the vibrational state of the new timeline you chose, making choices consistent with the new timeline and persevering in this without caring for the information of the senses to the contrary.

This last phase of perseverance is important, because your current timeline is an accumulation of your beliefs and intentions. Depending on the strength of these beliefs and intentions, you may have to accumulate a vast amount of energy to overcome the pattern established in your life.

The information we are sharing can be used to handle any timeline or expression in your life, even the most mundane situation. However, in this message we will focus on this methodology of skipping time lanes on the ascension process and on how you can move towards different timelines than the culture in which you live.

For some this is a revolutionary idea, but for us it is simply a truth about your nature. You are goddesses and creator gods, and the information we are sharing is nothing more than your birthright. We offer it to you at this time with the anticipation and hope that many of you will jump from the lane and tilt the keel of the ship you are sailing on and drive it to prosperous and safe waters.

And now enough of metaphors, we have to deal with the elementary of how it jumps out of time lane.


From our perspective, the ascension process involves energizing your second body, your KA, and raising its vibration so that it emits more light, eventually transforming into the SAHU, the Immortal Energy Body. There are many ways to raise the vibration of KA itself. Most of your spiritual traditions have their own methods to raise your vibration, but unfortunately many are also crossed by dogmas, taboos and, to be honest, by interference patterns from thought forms placed there by those who do not want and never wanted your freedom, but they benefit from your prison.

And yes, it is sad to say that some of your spiritual traditions - especially your religions - are insidious traps and that if you are going to rise in the ascension of your own being, you must separate truth from falsehood. This task can only be undertaken by you, because it is one of the requirements of the master's degree. This is a line in the sands of the same consciousness for those who have chosen the ascension of their own being. They become masters of the truth and do not try to avoid the task of discerning between the false and the real. They are not slaves of dogma. They do not bow to anyone except their own divinity.

From an energetic point of view, the ascension process begins when your life force, which the ancient Egyptians called Sekhem, begins its ascent through the Djed, or sacred path of the chakras. This is ascension in its simplest form. It is the expansion of consciousness and its awakening. When your life force enters the upper brain centers and when your KA body is energized, you enter another phase of ascension. In this phase, you begin to metabolize the light itself. We refer to the spiritual light, a light that exists in the realms of the spirit. This light feeds the body KA and increases its vibration. When the KA body reaches a certain amplitude or vibration force, without ups and downs, it is lit with an etheric type of fire, becoming the SAHU, or Immortal Energy Body. This could be considered one of the final stages of this particular form of ascension. But what we want to make clear is that the upward movement of consciousness and the movement of the life force upward in the Djed are part of the ascension process, no matter what the method used.

Now we want to discuss some basic concepts and training strategies that will impart a basic method to jump from time lane. Then we will focus our attention on how you can create a new probability for yourself, even in the middle of what seems like a huge difficulty. And most importantly, we will explore a significant evolutionary opportunity that exists within the current time node.

One of the first tasks that await you if you are going to jump into a different time lane is to transcend fear. Most humans fear the unknown, but there is a much more insidious element in all this. The Controllers, those who want to control your destiny and take advantage of it, are masters in projecting fear and use vast resources of hypnosis and mind control through the means to convince the masses that there is much to fear. And although, to be frank, there is some truth in which there are reasons to fear, the highest truth is not revealed. The highest truth, as we see it, is your ability to change your reality, your innate ability to use the two treasures of your sovereign will and your ability to feel as instruments to navigate to new timelines. We will be specific.

As we said before, the type of ascension we are talking about begins with the simple movement of your life force up the djed, or spine, towards your upper brain centers. When this happens, the energy wheels of your Ka body, called chakras, are activated in new ways. This opens windows of new possibilities, new understandings, and new forms of inspiration and creativity flourish. But if consciousness is fixed in fear, it is imprisoned in the lower centers, the impulses towards survival, sex and power.

As we said before, for several historical and trans-historical reasons there has been and continues to be a conspiracy to conserve humanity locked in the lower centers, to perpetuate fear as a means of controlling their destiny. So, for any teacher who chooses the ascending path, one of the first obstacles to cross is the Valley of Fear - the thought forms projected by the culture itself. You must then go through the portals of the limitation that confines you and recognize the lies that have been perpetuated, even by some of your most sacred religions.

But suppose you have the courage and strength to undertake that passage, and let's say, as an example, that the timeline you want to live in is benevolence: loving kindness. Here's how you would do it, remembering that the same principle applies to any timeline you want to create for yourself.

Preparation and training

The first step will be to identify the lifeline you want to create, in which you want to live. In this case it is a timeline of loving kindness. The second step is to move towards that vibrational state that matches the timeline. In this case, it is the state of feeling loving kindness, so that you yourself reside in that state to the greatest extent that you are capable. By this we mean that you will show loving kindness towards others and towards yourself.

The third step is to look at the vibrational field so that there are no ups and downs. This is an important aspect of the lane jump, because the previous vibrational state has a life that is its own. Just because you have chosen to create a new timeline and have entered a vibrational state that matches it, does not guarantee that that timeline will manifest or continue. You must set the vibrational field in place, because this is what your access to the new timeline supports.

The first two steps involve your sovereign will. You choose a timeline that you want to experience. You choose a vibrational state that matches it. And in the third step - setting the vibrational state - you use the second treasure of your nature: your ability to feel.

By feeling the vibrational state in which you want to be, you amplify it; You strengthen it. And if you also include a coherent emotional state such as appreciation or gratitude for that vibrational reality, you will accelerate its birth.

This simple act of appreciating, of feeling gratitude towards this new timeline, catalyzes its reality in ways that amaze the mind. So the two treasures of your nature are combined in these three steps. The next step again requires your sovereign will. You must persevere, sustain the vision of the new timeline and the vibrational state, no matter what your senses can tell you. This is the place on the road where many fail.

Manifesting a new timeline in your three-dimensional reality requires accumulated energy. If you persist in sustaining the vision of the new timeline with the vibrational field (or the feeling of it), along with the gratitude that it already exists, you will accumulate energy. Here the task is to be true to your vision while paying attention to what your present reality is showing you. It has nothing to do with simulate. It has to do with facing reality as it is presented to you while simultaneously holding the highest vision. In other words, you deal with the reality of your life while holding the vision of a different life. This is the art.

In our example, if you want to create a life with more loving kindness, you will move into that vibrational state showing loving kindness to others. If you were also able to feel gratitude towards this vibrational state, that would accelerate the creation of the new timeline.

In reality there will be a period when you will recognize that not everyone is capable of loving kindness, not even receiving it. The realities of life will then refine your vision, and this maturation of your consciousness will take place naturally, as you handle the realities of your current lifeline along with the emergence of your new lifeline.

A result of this way of proceeding will be that you will become a teacher of loving kindness and a teacher in dealing with those who cannot express these vibrational states. Eventually you will experience a life of greater loving kindness, in which people will express that quality to you and you to them. And when you meet someone unable to express that quality, you will be more capable of dealing with that someone without losing that quality yourself.

So you will sow that new timeline and a new reality for yourself.

Now let's go back to the collective timeline.

As we have said, time nodes are crossing points where multiple time lines converge and you can jump from one to another if you understand how it is done. We have just explained the basic principle as it applies to the individual timelines. Now, we address how you can jump to a different timeline than any group or group.

It may seem paradoxical, but it is very possible to live in a separate timeline, having a different life experience from those around you.

Let's say it another way. It is possible to live in heaven while others live in torment. At the deepest levels of consciousness, it is simply a matter of choice.

We recognize that you have been and continue to be manipulated by forces that wish to keep you a prisoner. But our option in this communication is to give you the keys to jump out of that prison, and not tell you about the history of that or the identities involved. Because, in truth, the real Controllers are invisible to you. They are the Master Puppeteers.

As chaotic events increase, you will have many opportunities to jump from time lanes. Our suggestion is that you remember the steps we mentioned before. You could experiment with this method by choosing to do an essay. Choose something that you would like to deploy as a reality in your life and using the methods described, see what you can create.

Physical and Spiritual Survival

Our main reason for delivering this message includes something more important than just creating personal desires. This "something" literally has to do with your survival, both physical and spiritual.

As the chaotic events increase, your powers of intuition will be more important to you than ever before. Some people call them p lpitos . Without knowing how you know it, you suddenly know what to do in a situation.

This is how intuition works. In those moments of intuition you are at a crossing point a time node where you can jump to a different lane of time and to a different result. This increase in intuitive receptivity is a hallmark of personal ascension, or upward movement of consciousness. A more developed intuition has obvious advantages for physical survival.

A moment ago we said something that can be paradoxical for some individuals. We said that the ability to jump from time lane has advantages for both physical and spiritual survival.

What we wanted to say here is that the ability to jump from a timeline to a different result can determine physical survival in certain situations. When talking about spiritual survival, we mean that there are threats to your spiritual awakening. If you lose sight of your own truth, if you lose the two treasures you possess in your nature - your sovereign will and your ability to feel - you will be spiritually endangered. Do not lose sight of these treasures within you. As chaotic events grow, they will grow, because this is the birth of a new world, Controllers will increase their efforts. Be suspicious of the control of minds and of any form of thought that limits your sovereign will and your ability to feel, whatever its origin - even if it comes from one of your "sacred" religions.

Any form of thinking that limits your sovereign will to choose or your ability to feel, no matter how adorned it is with sacred garments or political correctness, should be avoided. This is a vital necessity for those who wish to survive this passage spiritually intact.

The Convergence of the Timelines and the Alteration of the Probabilities.

Now let's turn attention to the primary reason for this communication. All we said so far is the foundation and suggestions to train your own consciousness to jump lanes of time.

Now we turn our attention to two highly significant timelines that exist regardless of your creation. They are in a different order of existence. They have not been created by your personal choice. They are in diametral opposition to each other.

As we have said many times, you exist simultaneously in multiple timelines and probabilities. One of the timelines in which you and humanity are living right now is a fulfillment of the prophecies of planetary destruction and destruction. It is a very real timeline. But this is only one of the possible timelines. You are at a point of convergence, a time node, where it is possible to jump from the probabilities of terminal ruin to a new type of Earth and a new order of existence.

This timeline, which we call New Earth, is a dimension of experience very different from your present reality. In this timeline, the Earth is deeply honored and most of humanity is grateful, understanding and appreciating the truth that all life is interconnected.

Here, the Earth is not sacked and exploited to take profits to the detriment of its ecosystem. Technologies have been transformed through the elevation of human consciousness. Life-threatening technologies and life-threatening mental attitudes that prevail in your current era have been eliminated. Wars are a thing of the past. The Controllers who exerted negative forces on your destiny, manipulating religion, the economy and international affairs, have ceded their power. Life itself is considered sacred, and humanity embraces a new understanding of the sacredness of matter. There is no war between Heaven and Earth in this new world.

We could say more about this timeline, but we hope you have an idea of ​​the difference between this timeline and the other that leads to ultimate ruin and destruction. There is one more thing we want to say about this line of the New Earth. It is an attribute that we especially appreciate. In this new timeline, the veils between the worlds are thin, and there is greater interaction between humans and intergalactic beings, like us, and with what you would call the devic and spirit worlds.

And we must say that our intention is not to induce them, because we believe in non-intervention. We will not interfere with your free will. However, we are free to point out what we see.

In Ancient Egypt there was a goddess named Maat, who held a scale. When an Initiate died, his heart was placed on a scale saucer and a pen was placed on the other. If the heart was as light as a feather, the Initiate had access to the celestial worlds, which means higher states of consciousness. But if the heart was charged with negativity, remorse and sadness, the Initiate had to return to the lower worlds.

In a very real way, humanity is at its meeting point with Maat. Each person who believes in the timeline of ruin, destruction and horror will add their weight to that reality. Everyone who holds the New Earth timeline as real, will add their weight to that reality.

You are not helpless in this situation. You have in your very nature the power to radically change yourself and the planet, especially for humanity. If you feel that you resonate with this New Earth timeline and choose to live in this new order of being, you will be adding your weight, so to speak, to dump the result of the balance.

We want to repeat something we said before, because it is of vital importance. It is possible to live in heaven while those around you live in torment. It has little to do with your location in time and space; It has more to do with your vibrational state.

If you feel the truth in what we say and choose to align yourself with this New Earth, we welcome you to a new timeline and a new destination.

Our suggestion is to review the steps on how to jump from the lane of time that we gave you before and start the great experiment. Enter the New Earth timeline and get ready for miracles.

Finally: let the Earth speak to you. Let him caress you and transfer his knowledge and his deepest wisdom. She will be a great ally in the changes that will come.

In future communications we will give more information on skipping time lanes and the New Earth. For now, we hope you have a basic understanding of how to proceed.

As always, even in the midst of difficulties as great as those you are going through, we have a higher vision of you, the human family. We see its hidden greatness, even though you may not see it within. It is time to release this light within you. Future generations will be blessed by their ascension. So be it.

The Hathors August 3, 2010

Tom's Thoughts and Observations

Several things caught my attention in this communication. First, they used a term, "trans-historical" that I had never heard before. When I asked them about that, they said I described a way of seeing certain types of intergalactic influences that transcend linear time. Then, the influences they were talking about were generated out of time, as we understand it, but then manifested in our timeline from prehistory to the present moment. I do not quite understand everything they are saying. I just transmit it. As they emphasized the importance of time nodes so many times, and elaborated on the issue of how to jump from one time lane to another, I asked them what the duration of this current time node was. According to them, this time node is highly significant because it contains multiple convergences of possible / probable timelines that will affect our planet and our destiny as a species. Two of the timelines they specifically mentioned were: the one that fulfills the prophecies of purification and planetary destruction, and the other that leads to a new and more benevolent future, a timeline that they called the New Earth.

So when did this time node start and when will it end? According to them, this particular time node, with opposite polarity destinations, emerged in our 3D reality in July of this year and will continue with several permutations until July 2013.

Please note that they do not say that the New Earth timeline began to exist during this time node. In fact, according to them, this benevolent timeline has been running for quite some time. But the timelines of opposite poles, planetary destruction versus planetary renewal, are now moving very close to each other (the aspect of the time node). So, if one knows how to jump from one timeline to another, it is much easier to do it when the timeline you want is so close to the one you are traveling through.

The importance of this time node is that humanity is at a point of choice with respect to which timeline it wants to experience as a collective reality. According to the Hathors, the reality that will prevail is anchoring by the choices we are making now, both as individuals and collectively.

In this message, the Hathors have imparted a basic method of jumping from one timeline to another, which they indicated is, first of all, information for those of us who choose to live in a different and more benevolent reality, rather from the increasingly surreal and negative reality towards the life that humanity is currently transiting.

The Training and Preparation part of the message can certainly be used as a method for personal manifestation. In fact, those who are experts in these matters would probably consider this information as Manifestation 101. But the simplicity of the method hides its depth.

Hathors are masters in simplifying complex techniques and concepts, and this message is no exception. Sin embargo, su objetivo al compartir este método básico no es para que manifestemos deseos, aunque funciona para lograr ese propósito; más bien presentan un método que nos permita cambiar radicalmente las realidades planetarias, si no para el colectivo mayor de nuestra familia humana, por lo menos para nosotros mismos.

Me encant la met fora que eligieron para describir nuestra situaci n actual un barco en el mar. De hecho, nuestra situaci n me recuerda lo que suced a en el Titanic cuando se estaba hundiendo. El barco hab a chocado con un t mpano y el agua invad a los niveles inferiores. En el primer momento trataron de ocultar el peligro para los de los niveles superiores. As que la fiesta segu a, con orquesta y todo, hasta que el fin se volvi obvio.

En los medios de comunicaci n manipulados de nuestra cultura obsesionada por el consumo, hay pocos que se alen que nuestro barco, la Civilizaci n Occidental, est carenando seriamente hacia un lado, o que su capacidad de flotaci n est disminuyendo.

Los Hathors creen que, si suficientes personas saltan de carril de tiempo, dejando atr s la l nea prof tica de la destrucci n planetaria y entrando en la realidad m s benevolente y protectora de la vida que ellos llaman la Nueva Tierra, muchas de las profec as de desastre para nuestro planeta no llegar na cumplirse. Pero ellos tambi n aclaran que aun si el conjunto no cambia hacia un destino m s elevado, algo notable suceder para aquellos que tengan el coraje de vivir una realidad diferente de la que nos est imprimiendo nuestra cultura actual. Es posible vivir en el cielo mientras los que te rodean viven en el tormento.

Hay algo m s en este ltimo mensaje que me parece de vital importancia, especialmente para aquellos de nosotros que realmente vamos a intentar saltar de carril. Y este algo tiene que ver con nuestra capacidad humana para autoenga arnos, o pensamiento m gico . Por si no conocen el t rmino, el pensamiento m gico es un desorden del pensamiento por el cual la persona cree que con s lo pensar algo, eso ser real o puede hacerse realidad sin ning n esfuerzo de su parte.

En mi opini n, hay un elemento altamente t xico en el pensamiento de la Nueva Era que alienta la negaci n como medio de enfrentar ciertas dificultades de la vida (esto es, pensamiento m gico). Es cierto que la creciente insania actual de nuestro mundo es cada vez m s dif cil de manejar para muchos de nosotros. Pero si alg n lector piensa que la negaci n es una forma aceptable de enfrentarse con las realidades de nuestra l nea de tiempo actual, quiero advertirle que los Hathors est n diciendo lo contrario.

En parte, el arte de saltar de carril de tiempo demanda sostener la visi ny la signatura vibracional de la l nea de tiempo que queremos experimentar. Pero a la vez necesitamos poner atenci n en las realidades presentes de la l nea de tiempo que transitamos. Esto es vivir entre mundos, y es el tipo de maestr aa la que los Hathors nos convocan.

Sospecho que muchos de los que elegimos saltar de carril de tiempo (y me incluyo) encontraremos una curva de aprendizaje, donde no llegaremos a ser capaces de saltar al nuevo carril y/o no podamos sostenerlo. Esto es completamente normal cuando se aprende algo nuevo, ys, esto es esencialmente una habilidad nueva una profunda. De modo que mi consejo para todos nosotros, saltadores ne fitos de carriles de tiempo, es que seamos pacientes con nosotros mismos, dejemos atr s los juicios, y entremos en este tipo de experiencia de aprendizaje con un buen sentido del humor. Despu s de todo, esta cosa es una grandiosa broma c smica, por lo menos desde una cierta perspectiva.

C mo navegaremos las realidades de una civilizaci n en transformaci n (algunos dir an en estado terminal) mientras conservamos nuestros corazones y nuestras mentes en la l nea de tiempo en que queremos vivir, sin duda llegar a ser una forma de arte.

Entonces…para mis colegas Artistas del Misterio Viviente, para aquellos de ustedes enamorados de la visión y que tienen el valor para saltar, yo levanto mi copa.

Saludo a ustedes ya la gran empresa en que están por empeñarse, que es nada menos que el ascenso hacia nuestras cualidades más elevadas como seres espirituales viviendo una experiencia humana.

Bendiciones para ustedes y para sus seres queridos, Tom Kenyon

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