Where does humanity go? by Angel Sanz Goena

  • 2013


In the human process, from the earliest times to date, there have been many transformations and changes in humanity, but I believe that what has distinguished him the most is his spiritual involvement.

What the true spiritual sense of man means has decayed and away from the authentic meaning of the Creation of Universal Man.

The Earth, a planet not yet advanced in the Spiritual Universe, but protected and loved by its Creator, and guided by Spiritual Beings who constantly watch over it, lives one of its most materialized and least spiritual moments.

The human being is great as a spiritual vision, but very far from the deepest universal understanding.

The spiritual conception, through the ego or soul, an instrument sent by the Spirit, is designed to have a sense of spiritual reality much more advanced than animals or any other living being.

Man had the privilege of transcending his own initial instinct to several new stages such as reason and spiritual mind.

If I could describe the layers of which man is composed, I would say, in greater order to lower density, that they would be the following:

1st physical body

2nd Etheric Body

3rd Life Force

4th instinctive mind

5th Intellect

6th spiritual mind

7th Spirit

From the physical body, companion of the soul, to the Spirit itself, Universal Living Being and preserved in the Celestial Plains, each and every one of the components accompany the human being in his development and evolution.

If we were aware of that wonder, of knowing that we are components of something immortal, we would feel more needs to promote our spiritual encounter. Spiritual sensations, far from human moving, protect, feed, lead and inform of the existential path of Man.

We are very far from a broad spiritual life, closer to the real purpose of Creation. It is well that we live with matter, with technology, with intellect, with all our earthly levels, but we must never get away from our true being, from the Universal Project made for Man, in short, for this planet.

At this moment in Human History, living in a decline of universal and human values, which drag us to laziness, vulgarity, to the lowest part of the human instinct, we are not using our spiritual strength, our real knowledge, our innate wisdom derived from the instruction of the Universe, and this accommodates us in passivity, in the search for material happiness, of an orthodox and extremely rational science, where the evidences do not fit with their triumphalism accommodated to an excessively earthly vision.

The spiritual mind is endowed with fantastic paths of knowledge, love and wisdom, and, precisely, in these moments of human contemporaneity the lacks of the Spiritual Man wander.

The Infinite Existence, Immortal, is the reference of the Universal Light, of the Light of God that created what is seen and not seen; what is imagined and not glimpsed; what exists and is unknown; because although there are some earthly mechanisms of understanding, there are others unknown to man, but which, on the other hand, are components of the Great Universal Creation.

The human being must go back to the most spiritual stages and, at the same time, advance in a spiritual and earthly balance. It must grow on Earth, but with the eyes of the sky; exercise as a man, but being God; move forward as an eternal spiritual walker.

If most people felt the incomparable and wonderful energy of the Universe, they would consider living differently. Simply so that his earthly personality will consolidate itself, balance and harmonize its internal stages, the light of the spirit would exercise its power in its favor. It would give him the guarantee of knowing who he is and developing on his heavenly path.

The Universe is a stranger to man, and there are as many known and unknown universes, as cells have the human being. And after each one of us, with our magnitude of cells, it would be like the grandeur of Universes and Universes that inhabit the Manifestation of Life. Incomprehensible and uncertain for this human race, but, instead, His food, His love and His mystical rays are what we can feel, perceive and develop within us.

It is not a matter of guessing what we are or what part of the Universe we are in, just to bring our universal heart closer to the mechanism of Nature and the Universe.

If we used our human and spiritual potential, we would be the true kings of ourselves and not the beggars of impaired spiritual poverty.

Let's value life; respect the living souls, our eternal companions; let's trust decent, honest and true people; Let us love those who love us; protect those who need us and be faithful traveling companions; and let those who despise their own race, pilgrims of their race, who, as wanderers lost in love, roam the unexplored paths of human dirt and misery, follow their exodus.

Life is a showcase to live, feel, vibrate and value it, trying to be true human beings, with their miseries as with their greatness, being very important to recognize who we are.

These sad moments in the history of man will end with the entry of the new Christ Energy, which advances by protecting the volunteers from good customs and destroying their aggressors.

Evil, greed and greed, which abound excessively in this world of hypocrisy, betrayals and cowardice, have much to fight to continue maintaining their leadership, when love, wisdom and universal knowledge introduce their Laws and Methods, showing us the Unique Truth

Let us feel that Great Power of the Universe, of the Creator, of the Universal Beings and Hierarchs that seek our constant personal and collective evolution.

Love is the guarantee of the Universe of Universes, and as such, the richness of the human being.



Source: http://angelsanzgoena.blogspot.com.es/

Where does humanity go? by Angel Sanz Goena

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