An image about the three worlds. Master Beinsa Duno

  • 2013

Lesson given by Master Beins Dunn to the Hidden Youth Class, on January 9, 1927, in Sofia.

Faithful, true, pure and benevolent always be!


Now, as you have come to Earth, you must have a clear picture about the physical world. If you compose a clear image about the physical world, you will have an image and about the spiritual and the Divine. These worlds represent the three points of contact of man with Existence. As we talk about the physical world, people understand the world of time and space. If they reach space, they understand the world of the three dimensions: the straight line, which moves in a direction by length; from the surface, which moves in two directions by length and width; of the body, which moves in three directions by length, width and depth. However, both the straight line, and the surface, and the body, have more possibilities within each other. Then, the straight line has one dimension, but two possibilities of movement; The surface has two dimensions, but four possibilities of movement, and the cube, as a body, has three dimensions and 16 possibilities of movement. Regarding this in which world man lives, we say: if he lives exclusively for himself, man moves only in the physical world, in the one-dimensional world. When he wishes to find a partner or a companion, he moves in the two-dimensional in the Spiritual world, in the world of feelings. He begins to think, in addition to himself, more and in his neighbor. If he thinks of the All, of the Great in the world, man enters the Divine world. The physical world understands the parts, and the Divine the All. This is the cause for which the physical world represents a reflection of the Divine. The Spiritual world, then, is a connection between these two worlds. And truly, we see that man comes out of himself, as a part, gradually goes to his neighbor and finally enters the All where all parts come together.

When you study the manifestations of the physical man, you see what currents of forces act in him. The positive and negative forces in man ceaselessly change. This what happens in man himself, happens and with the external world. Man is incessantly surrounded well with good people, good with bad. Between them there is an internal connection. What man is good and what - bad, you can hardly answer this question, because there are good active people and active bad people. There are good passive people and bad passive people. Someone errs and is discontented with himself. Why? Because he suddenly wants to become good. This is impossible. Mistakes are a necessity in life. When he errs, man gradually studies himself. When faced with contradictions, contrasts, man studies, acquires experiences. When you study the life of the great people, you see that they have passed and go through great storms and contradictions. If he loses the direction of the Divine world, man faces great contradictions. Few people have walked a smooth path.

Therefore, few are those who do not know the contradictions. The higher the man in his conscience, the greater his contradictions and tests. You will say, can man not free himself from contradictions through knowledge? This is possible, but it is a matter of what knowledge is spoken. There is knowledge of which man falls asleep. What knowledge is this? True knowledge over-understands knowing the laws and principles of Magna Life, and not a knowledge of images and forms. If he knows the principles of things, man can produce his images. The task of man is to achieve that positive science that has application in all areas of life. Take care of science, because through it you can discover all areas and manifestations of life, and especially human life. Palmistry, for example, familiarizes man with the voluntary side of his life. Physiognomy familiarizes man with the positive and negative sides of his character. Phrenology shows the quality and quantity of positive and negative energies that work in the human organism. Astrology shows the favorable and unfavorable conjunctions with which man faces in his life, giving him the possibility of avoiding some dangers and misfortunes in his life.

As hidden disciples, you must deal with the occult sciences, but at the same time you must work to acquire purity and humility. If he is not humble, man is exposed to the danger of developing within himself pride and pride. In the Hidden School, not only beginner hidden disciples, but even highly advanced ones can fail. Many angels who followed Hidden Schools, have failed exams, as a result of which and until today they continue to go down to Earth, to learn those lessons they have not been able to learn for a long time. And they, along with all the people, move between the Divine and the human life, between good and evil in the world.

As disciples, you need knowledge, strength, but also faith is necessary, through which you will manage difficulties. Any knowledge that you acquire, if you do not apply it, it remains dead. Therefore, try to acquire knowledge and faith, which you will apply at every moment of your life.

- Faithful, true, pure and benevolent always be!

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