Discover the Enigma of your Ancestral exodus

  • 2010

Human welcome to the New Energy of the Noosphere of Planet Earth.

We are walking before a cliff, which we have not even deigned to look at, for an unknown fear within you. Just a little advice, take a look and see, and you will see that you are very tall. That height can provide you with confidence and security, if you accept it, and above all, you accept yourself, or it can cause you one of the biggest hecatombs that has ever happened to you.

It is time not to distract or mislead the mind with small unusable moments.

Now is that space where you can find one of the biggest keys that human has ever found. That key is called Ancestral Sabadur a, hooked to the ethereal part of your Soul.

The Noosphere, that consciousness, which, like that lovers understand and love each other, is waiting for “that your thought becomes a true anchor of joy of life”.

Metaphysicists, scientists, poets, great writers, great thinkers, great human beings, who revindicate peace, widen even more "your magnetic and love interior", widen "those electric cords of your wavy thoughts"


Human beings, men and women of the Earth, you must find that reconciliation "with whom you have been in your ancestors", because it is necessary now, a help. And the same cellular and neuronal codifications, so that you can have the thrust you need, to walk very straight, to channel what is yours, to be able to express "that great unimaginable strength that you keep all within yourself."

All this will lead to a fantastic, wonderful and wonderful correlation, and several gears, so that the Earth, so that this Friend and Mother, can also be hooked with her own Self, with her more evolved Self.

And what has to say, that great hopes become only reality, when you “are predisposed”, when you “are there, but really”, when you “vibrate” and leave your musical notes that are caressed by the “great atmospheric helios ”, when you“ decide to interact with Everything ”, when you“ give yourself an outstanding ”, when you“ do not expect anything in return ”, when you“ let others pass from here and others from there ”. And the latitudes that will envelop you, those latitudes of new energies, will transform you, feed you, so that you can inquire much more, and that you can caress, that you may want and protect yours.

There are endless words, scrutinized already, by many prepared minds, and by many wise men, but how is that great sage different from you, that you are now reading this ?, there is no basic difference, but, if there is a great awareness, respect, unique moments, dreams that can come true, both in some as in others. The wise "fight only for others."

It is not interesting to be sane inside, in a sanity too real. Madness must be unreal, and jump the frontiers "of the time they have taught you."

Your own alignments in search of happiness are those items that your Soul needs to expand, that your Soul needs to express, in order to bring you the fruits of teachings, that your ancestors are waiting for you to understand.

The trip to the future must be a reconnection with the past. The moment of "here" is an oscillatory wave of "a pure feeling."

I am a Mayan ancestor of this channel, I am his teaching, his heart, his form reconnected with his joy and my life. I am a male part of Ennhur, (Olga Calduch), towards her there is a respect, and towards you.

We are grateful that this Mother, that Guardian, that Mayan Woman, who from the Interior of the Earth will tell us like her, reconstitutes every day.

The feminine being speaks, Eyakota: The “powerful human feeling” is the most beautiful thing that exists in your lives, in our lives and in many lives, in many places and in this place, towards many eons of light, and towards this “ sacred moment ”that is yours.

Don't waste a single second of your life, you know it doesn't come back, but it can be transformed.

If from now on, if from today, you have wasted your life, I tell you "that you can transform those energies", in a very simple way, only, "knowing that they have served so that you learn now to live", thank them for His teachings.

Don't feel bad, don't feel uncomfortable, don't feel uncomfortable. You are now a "new being, " and why a new being? Because you have learned to live, you have learned to value, absolutely, everything that has happened to you.

That path you looked at, that you saw so difficult, has been transformed. Maybe you don't feel it? Maybe it's because you don't accept yourself? Maybe it's because you don't accept your environment? The rebellion of the Soul, the rebellion of your mind, you have to know how to use it, you have to know how to love it, what would men do if they were not revolutionaries? If they did not change, things would not spin, the Galaxy spins and spins endlessly, our Pacha Mama spins and spins endlessly.

The thought that unites the Earth with the human, that new Creativity, that new Noosphere is the signal, it is that Light, it is that “virtual” point of view, it is that point of view that is not fantasy, that it is imagination to us, that It is part of you, your breath, your emotion, your love, your sweetness, your strength, your magnetism, your desire, your laughter.

Leave a friend, let yourself be human, spread. Open your fingertips, connect with that fantastic gland that has granted you life, which is "that great bridge to your own microcosm of the great universal macrocosm." And yes, that "Pineal Gland" is the time to put radar. Ally yourself with her and don't stop listening to her, don't stop loving her. Ancestral wisdoms are waiting, that through it, you can reconnect and you can expand your broadcast frequency.

You can, talk to that “great, great, great Mystery, ” talk to that “great, great, great, Enigma, ” talk to that “great, great, great Lord, ” talk to that “great, great, great Wisdom ", That is there, only there, waiting for" someone like you "to open a door, and enter a place, which is and is part of" the Enigmatic Mystery of Your Life ".

Channel: Olga Calduch Meseguer

January 2010

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