Discover what you want to do (and live from it)

  • 2015

Are you in that percentage of people who would quit their job if they won the lottery? Are you happy with your professional life? Did you buy the complete package: university education, work for life and mortgage?

Would you like to work only on something for which you feel passion, put your gift and your talent at the service of others and live on it without worrying about reaching the end of the month? How! You don't know what you want to do in your life? In this post Sergio Fernández, author of "Living without a boss" and director of the Master of Entrepreneurs of the Positive Thinking Institute, helps you try to find out. Are you staying?

Raise your hand if at some point you also assumed that you were going to be working all your life in exchange for money while fantasizing about the idea of ​​doing what you like most in your spare time or, even better, when you retire. Wow ...

The true abundance (including the economic one) of this world comes from dedicating ourselves to fulfilling what we have come to do. We cannot continue to destroy the world by working in companies we do not believe in. Wrecking our lives by working only for money, in companies we don't admire and with colleagues who have values ​​that we don't share ...

Everyone has a gift. If you think that you and only you in the world do not have it, let me tell you that what happens to you is that you live out of purpose, self-scamming yourself. You are preventing yourself from giving your best version to the rest of the world. Everyone has a mission, the problem is that you have forgotten what it is. Eliminate noise around you. Search within yourself, you already have it!

5 ideas to discover (and live) the gift you have inside

When you have the slightest intuition that something is done for you, try it! Accept the challenge of playing. Train them to work as a volunteer in what you like to discover if it is what you want to do. Ask if they let you be present in the company where you would like to work to start breathing in the same environment and start being part of what your reality will be ...

What concrete is not so important. Start walking and you will discover it along the way. Do not want to know what is in the goal from the start. You can't know If you are waiting to have everything well tied to boot, then do not say I did not warn you, you will die in the exit box. The only thing you can know is what he plays today.

Let yourself live in uncertainty. Remember that in uncertainty all options are possible.

Forget how. How is a matter of life. Your only job is to deliver your best in every little act, every day.

We are in the spring of market micronichos. There will be more and more professionals dedicated to more concrete activities. This is allowing more and more people to live in professions that ten years ago did not exist. Give at least two surnames to your profession. For example: psycho there are kicks. Psycho personal development experts there are still too many. Psycho personal development experts for people with multiple sclerosis, it is already a more concrete field Do you understand?

Take care of your habits. Our life depends on what we do every day and, most of the time, we despise small acts.

- Visualize what you want for your life, even if you don't know how to get there. Reality is created twice, in the mind and on the physical plane. I am not telling you that just by visualizing all your purposes will be fulfilled but, it is not bad to start enjoying the feeling that the reality you want will give you. If you know what you want! If you don't do it, someone will lead your life. Remember that there are two types of desires: those of the soul and those of the ego. Try to visualize desires of the soul.

- Fake it until you make it. Pretend it until you do. Do as if. Pretend you're already successful until the time comes when you don't have to pretend. Think big and act step by step. Have a global look to know where you are in the world and a concrete one to know how to act.

- From now on talk about your "mission or your purpose" instead of talking about work. Discover what you want to do and make it a mission. Remember: you are not going to work, you have a mission! How does it sound different? Use words with high vibration.

Commit 10000 hours with you to the purpose you have chosen and you will be good at it. The theory of 10, 000 hours argues that approximately this amount of time is required to achieve the level of expert in a discipline. Do you know that before Mozart turned ten he already had a musical preparation of more than 20, 000 hours in front of the clavichord? 10000 hours delivered to what you love is not so much! Spending 5 6 hours a day, in just five years, you can become an expert.

Before making a decision, ask yourself decided from love or from fear? If it is not essential, do not accept nutritional work (site where you go because you receive a check at the end of the month and if you hit the lottery you will not even go for the settlement) Work only for money you Get away from your purpose. I am not saying to quit your job but it would be good if you answered the question honestly. It's true that you have to eat, true that you need money and all the justifications to make the decision to get up early every morning to go to a place you don't like to do things you don't like; This is making a decision out of fear., that is neither good nor bad, I am not judging you, I only help you to become aware. If you have a nutritional job, use at least one hour of your day to forge your plan B. If you don't live with consistency: being, doing and saying in the same direction, I will take you away from your gift because living being one thing, doing another and saying the opposite, you lose energy.

I know you, stop snorting! If you want, you can! Organize your energy: your time and your money, and avoid excuses to devote to your purpose. Do we continue?

5 ways to know if you have found your gift, your mission, your life purpose

The purpose has to be useful for others. When you serve others only the professional makes sense. Think about how you can make life easier for other human beings?

You don't have to suffer to find your mission, you don't have to work hard. If you strive it is not worth it. The gift is good for you naturally. Understand that if you try hard, at some point you will not do it with love or start complaining; an unequivocal indicator that you are not on purpose. Your purpose is at the crossroads between what you do well without effort and point 1. what the other needs.

It allows you to live without laziness. There are tasks that you like more than others, there is no doubt about that. But each one can be the maximum he is in the least he does. If you decide to dedicate your life to your mission you eliminate the laziness of your life.

The mission prize is the act of doing it . The tao says: link with the action and disconnect from the result. Try to live the present by doing what is best for you. The result will come, or not, but you will not worry because you already have your prize, you already live in abundance. Let life take care of giving you back.

You are happy? If you are happy it is because you are fulfilling your life purpose. You complain? Bad business, he who is busy with what he has to do has no time to complain.

Everything in this universe has a meaning. You are also here for something, you have a purpose and a mission. If you dedicate yourself to what you love you will not work another day in your life.

Unknown author


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