Days of Wonder and Magic - Kwan Yin


Today I come to talk to you about the intense energies that are involved in each one of you Lightworkers and the rest of Humanity on Earth. There are many momentous events that are happening for each of you. Your gifts of inner vision and inner hearing are being opened. You will be seeing and listening to things that were not open before for your perception. You will begin to see your Guides, Masters and Angels while they surround you. You are entering a period of receiving the Divine Gifts to whose claim you are entitled. You who are reading these words are those who have earned the right to claim your Gifts of the Spirit. To receive these Gifts, Beloved Ones, you must go inside, in stillness, relaxation and with an open heart.

There, inside your Golden heart, your Gifts will be revealed to you. Please allow the passage of time for these Gifts to manifest in you and through you.

This is a Divine dispensation of Father / Mother God to all the Sons and Daughters of God to enable each of you to give greater assistance to your Brothers and Sisters on Earth. To do this, you must recover the memory of what you came to offer. Your great Gifts of the Spirit will come to manifestation precisely at the right opportunity for each of you, in the areas where you are now located. Many of you have perceived Divine guidance and synchronization acting in your lives. Many momentous events are happening in you and for you. This is the beginning of the days of wonder and magic. The Golden Age is coming to manifestation and each of you is helping to bring it and anchor it firmly on Earth. You are the ones who are creating your New World, or better recreating your New World, because everything is being changed, everything is in a state of flux, which some have called caos . This only means that the Light comes, Beloved.

All Lightworkers are now receiving all the opportunities to establish you in a safe situation, so that no disturbing problem can distract you from your focus on the days that are at the point of arrive. Your centers continue to act as Lighthouses and anchors of Cosmic Light, maintaining balance and inner peace no matter what seems to be happening in the World around you, because each of you knows his task well and has established his Desire to be helpful in this way. Continue to practice feeling and giving thanks every day, feeling joy and enthusiasm, because when you do this, these feelings expand to the World around you and help empower those around you. This, of course, happens at the ethereal levels; and those around you do not see or recognize the Gift you give them; however, on the levels of the Soul, they are highly appreciated.

Soon there will be a great Call to Wake up for all Humanity on Earth. Many revelations will seemingly arise at the speed of lightning; and without a doubt, it is and will be. All Souls on Earth crave positive change and can feel it in the atmosphere around them; and that's where you Lightworkers are helping every day. Your very presence, in your current situation, is vitalizing the atmosphere around you with positive frequencies and vibrations. I am not saying this to praise your ego, but as a truthful fact from the Higher levels. You are all magnificent Beings of Light and Love, incarnated on Earth to help Her and all of Her to make the transition to the higher dimensions. Let us assure you, that although everything seems chaotic, an Orchestrated Plan is really moving forward. You are both the instigators and the witnesses of the exciting changes that are happening now on your Planet. There is Love and joy in the air!

Stay alert, dear ones, continue open to the guidance, inspiration and knowledge that are manifesting within each one of you. You are all working together in the Superior planes together, that is why there are so many amazing and undeniable synchronies in your lives at this time. Be glad, Beloveds!

I AM Kwan Yin.

Translated: Jairo Rodríguez R.


Posted on 10/24/2009 7:19:05 PM

KWAN YIN channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff


October 23, 2009

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