Online course: The Integration of the Soul “You are a wonderful being, let's meet and integrate it”

  • 2015

For the Soul Integration School

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Here you have a personal growth course whose objective is to understand how human beings function and integrate the Being that you are.

It is an online course with weekly meetings on the internet, which will allow you to experience the knowledge and practices of the course in a personalized way. It is a practical course focused on experiencing the integration of the Being that you are.

At a very affordable price, I will accompany you for 12 weeks on an internal journey that will lead you to understand and integrate that the power is in you and that the Being you are is already complete. With 20 years of experience as a therapist I can help you overcome obstacles and experience a transformative process.

We will accompany the memories of pain to free them and rewrite your sense of identity without the limitations of old beliefs and pain burdens of the past.

Each unit is explained with video and there are audios and texts. Once a week we conduct an online meeting to share, clarify doubts, and you will receive personalized help whenever you need it.

The content reflects basic notions that I will explain in a simple way, we are especially interested in internal changes. If you are tired of old employers and want to experience changes, welcome to the course.

General Program of the Course:

1. Our conceptual framework. The new paradigm
2. Definition of human being. Being and personality. Who we really are
3. How do we work? We are a multidimensional being. The personality.
4. The cerebral hemispheres. The language of consciousness.
5. Who am I? The physical and energetic body. The physical and energetic heart.
6. The dimensions (third, fourth and fifth dimension).
7. The three brains. Conscious, subconscious and supraconscious.
8. Healing the pain. The intrapersonal relationship.
9. The map of consciousness. The importance of tuning in 8 ...
10. The being that I am. Travel inside.
11. The language of your conscience. Living from the upper mind.
12. I am. Creating my reality

Each Unit is complemented with other knowledge and practices, for example, in Unit 1, we explain and practice conscious breathing, as well as the fact that we live in an energetic reality. Discover in a simple way how to take advantage of the fact of understanding and integrating this knowledge.

Course taught by:

María Pellicer de Carli, transpersonal therapist and trainer in awareness issues.

I studied Clinical Psychology at Ramón Llull University, Barcelona
I specialized in Transpersonal Psychology.

I am specialized in Regressive Techniques

I am the author of two books:
-The Second Language. We are born bilingual. The language of consciousness
-To where the soul takes me. Ada, the daughter of light
I have 20 years of experience as a therapist

I have been in a process of personal growth and spiritual search for more than thirty years, which has allowed me to understand and integrate the Being that I am, and that is what I want to share with you.

I follow the teachings of leading people in the world of consciousness like Ekhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Jim Self or Drunvalo Melkizedek

On the next page you will find more information:

If you see that you are interested, do not hesitate to contact me to talk a little more about the course and ask questions.

You will find contact forms on the page or you can do it by writing to:


You are a wonderful being, let's meet him and integrate him!

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