Angelic Reiki Course ~ November 27, 28 and 29 in Madrid and December 11, 12 and 13 in Barcelona

  • 2015


Level 1 and 2 together together

November 27, 28 and 29 in Madrid

December 11, 12 and 13 in Barcelona

What is Anglic Reiki?

Angelic Reiki is the result of channeling of the Arc ngel Metatr n through Christine and Kevin Core, who founded it in 2003. It is a healing system He who works with angels, archangels, ascended masters and other beings of pure light .

No previous experience in reiki is necessary. No symbols are memorized, the angels will do it for you. The initiations are made by the angels.

Content Level 1 and 2:

  • Self healing with the angels
  • Healing with Ascended Masters and Angels
  • Multidimensional healing, past lives, ancestors
  • Tune objects and healing tools to angelic vibration
  • Cleaning and Tuning for Level 1 Angelic Reiki
  • Cleaning and Tuning for Level 2 of Angelic Reiki
  • Merger with your angelic healing group
  • Practices of the types of healing mentioned

The course can be another step in the progress and evolution of your consciousness and therefore of your own life. Since energy is light and light is information, channeling and integrating this vibration allows you to expand your heart, release emotions and blockages, awaken abilities and / or sleeping gifts, feel that You are a human and divine being, to experience the loving energy of the angels.


Montse García Ariath. Angelic Reiki Teacher Healing Archetypes and Healing Codes. Awakening of the Female Consciousness, healing and blessing of the womb, liberation of ancestral memories. Facilitator of Women's Healing Workshops.

Integrative Body Work. Psychological Astrology Ovarian Breathing In formation of Family Constellations and Integrative System of Open River and Enneagram. Diploma in Occupational Therapy specialized in Neuropisicology.

There are discounts for early booking. Get informed:


Aphrodite Reading

The Aphrodite reading is inspired by the book: Being a woman, a heroic journey, by Maureen Murdock: A path to totality (recovering the bits of female soul that the woman has been losing and is a way of life).

It is an evolutionary and self-knowledge tool that collects information from some data of your astrological chart, oracles with aspects and archetypes of the Goddesses and channeled healing phrases .

The Aphrodite READING, how can you help me?

It can help you reconnect, to know who you are and what you value (be true to your own values ). What aspects of your life do you need to nurture to connect with your feminine soul. What can help you heal your feminine self.

Advice on a problem or situation (it is not predictive, it is an evolutionary tool, it only shows the unconscious). For example: What should I know about this situation, problem, decision?

It can offer you other glasses, another look and to “see” you can choose to transform it.

I hope this tool helps to integrate all your parts, your shadow and your light.

…… .. Until mid-November Special price …………….

Montse García Ariath

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