How cells work

  • 2012

The cell is the smallest unit of living matter. This means that all living beings such as vegetables, animals and even humans, are composed of cells; and that its vitality is the result of cellular activity.

Science says there are a million billion cells in the body of an adult; and that each one of them is associated with a specific function that it has, a certain mission or function in the organism.

There are three types of cells in the human body: Labile, stable and permanent. Labile cells are those that are constantly renewed throughout life; Since they are indispensable for the functioning of the organism and its duration, it is very limited. For example, red blood cells have a half-life of only thirty days; and when for one reason or another they disappear, they are immediately replaced.

Which means that millions of labile cells are born and die every day in the body. It is worth remembering that for many centuries Rosicrucians have always affirmed that the renewal of the human organism is carried out, following cycles based on the number seven. Since some parts of the body are completely renewed every seven years; others do it every seven hours, and there are others, which regenerate completely every seven minutes.

Stable cells are those that stop multiplying when the body reaches a certain level of development; but that when a lack occurs, they can reproduce again and manifest their regenerative action.

They belong to this type of cells, most of which make up the internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc.

And likewise, the cartilaginous, bony cells and those that form the viscera muscles are stable.

As the name implies, permanent cells are those that should last a lifetime. So they are cells that do not multiply; nor are they replaced in case of destruction.

They are part of this last category, the brain cells and those that constitute the striated muscles of the body.

Without going into technical details, we want to remember that the cell is made up of three main parts: the plasmic membrane, the cytoplasm and the nucleus. In addition to its protective mission; the most prominent property of the plasmic membrane; which also receives the name of "outer membrane", is its ability to be traversed by some substances. It is precisely such capacity, which allows the body's cells to extract from the blood the nutritional elements they need; and fire, waste created by its own metabolism. As one might say, the cell is endowed with a certain form of intelligence.

Collaterally, experience shows that the external plasmic membrane is not allowed to pass through any substance; allowing only the entry (Assimilation) of those substances that are useful, giving out (Excretion) to substances that do not need.

From the Rosicrucian point of view, it should be remembered that it is precisely in the plasmic membrane, in which the negative polarity of the Vital Force of the vital or etheric body (chemical Ether) is condensed; while the positive polarity is concentrated above all, in the nucleus of the cell.

The cytoplasm is the intermediate part between the plasmic membrane and the nucleus. In part it is composed of transparent liquids; and precisely because of this transparency, it is called "hialoplasma". It contains a weak concentration of nutrients stored by the outer or plasmic membrane as a reserve. The main mission of the cytoplasm is for the cell to maintain its elasticity, fluidity and viscosity properties.

And what matters to us first and foremost as Rosicrucians, is to know that the polarity of this part of the cell is neutral; and that thanks to such intermediate neutrality, an electromagnetic field can be established between the plasmic membrane and the nucleus.

In the cytoplasm, there is also the centrosome or corpuscle formed by a centriole; an attractive sphere and fibrils, which plays an important role in cell division.

The nucleus is the true brain of the cell, since it is he who regulates and directs the activities of the cytoplasm; and the filter work carried out, by the plasmic membrane.

Also, the nucleus is the one that establishes the most favorable moment for cellular reproduction; which in most cases is performed by mitosis1, and which comprises four main phases called "prophase", "metaphase", "anaphase" and "telophase". During these four phases, the centrosome and the cell nucleus are divided into two, giving birth to two new cells; which in turn have their own centrosome and nucleus, provided with the forty-six characteristic chromosomes of human beings.

Under the angle of mystical healing; What is important to retain is that the nucleus is the seat of the psychic activity of the cell.

As mentioned above, it is precisely at the level of the nucleus of the human cell, where the positive polarity of the Vital Force, of the etheric physical body is concentrated; and above all, the Cosmic Essence contained in the air and whose origin is in the Nous.

This essence; which is contained in the sun's rays, is not only the origin of life but also that of human consciousness. Which means; that the nucleus is also the center of cellular consciousness.

The cells have their own consciousness, which allows them to fulfill a specific job. For example, the cells that form the heart only have intelligence for the mission that they must perform in the service of cardiac activity; Any other function escapes its competition. Starting from this principle, it is easy to understand that the harmonious union of all cellular consciousnesses that work in the heart, form the global consciousness of that organ. And the present principle can be applied to the rest of the organs of the human body.

The cells that make up the lungs must carry out a specific mission in the pulmonary processes; and they only have intelligence for it so that all together, they form the global consciousness of the lungs.

There is also a global awareness of the stomach, liver, spleen, etc. Such a form of consciousness; whether individual or collective, it has nothing to do with the objective consciousness of the brain. It is about; as already mentioned, of a consciousness that has its origin in the Cosmic Essence. It is what we call "psychic awareness" of cells and organs; which means, that the psychic consciousness of the human being is formed by the set of psychic consciences of each of its cells.

What medical science calls "cancer" is usually the result of two different types of cell disorders. It may happen that some cells of an organ begin to take a cellular awareness of a specific job that is not their own or their own; opposing the global consciousness of the organ to which they belong, thus causing an anarchic situation.

The problem becomes more serious, as such crazy cells reproduce. And if nothing is done to neutralize them, they would become so numerous that they could cause a total disorder in the organ in which they are found.

It can also happen, that cells of a given organ and that are transported by blood, continue to perform in the new recipient organ, the same function they performed in the previous organ; whose cellular activity is completely different. So also, there is an anarchic situation against which we must fight.

For any type of anomaly; for example, it can reach the stomach and remain in a certain number of liver cells (See red spot on the stomach of the graph), performing in it the same function they had in the liver, which collaterally opposes the global awareness of the stomach. Naturally, such liver cells in the stomach would create a situation of cellular discordance that can result in a cancer that is first located and then extended.

The consequences of the two types of cell disorders that have just been considered may be due to three fundamental causes. 1.- Corresponds to a repeated violation of natural laws; For example, when someone smokes too much, consumes alcohol or drugs, and ingests very rich or poorly balanced foods, lives and works in an unhealthy place and runs the risk in more or less time, of getting a cancer in one of their Organs. 2.- In hereditary and karmic order, due to a genetic anomaly that is difficult to neutralize, and 3.- That it is much more frequent than one thinks, but Cellular imbalances can also come from a person's psychological instability, when he does not usually have much awareness; what produces a psychological shock of stress, persistent anxiety and also, a great lack of spirituality by materialistic and consumerist tendencies.

Since each cell in the organism is the seat of a constant electromagnetic field, the best way to maintain good health is to make said electromagnetic field remain as active as possible. To achieve this, just remember the importance of feeding and breathing. So it should be known that if a very low quality feed is regularly ingested, a negative polarity of very weak potential is being provided to the body's cells.

In addition, all cells have a tendency to extract nutrients or the positive counterpart from the blood corresponding to the negative potential that has been transmitted to them by food and breathing. In other words, body cells always seek to maintain a perfect balance between their positive and negative nature. In order for the electromagnetic field in the cells of our body to be as dynamic as possible, we must introduce into the body food that can provide enough negative potential; trying that by means of an appropriate breathing, this one is balanced in the same proportions by the corresponding positive potential coming from the blood.

We have all been able to check; that when a long-term outdoor activity is exercised for pleasure, he feels a desire and a growing need for food. In other terms, you are hungry. On the contrary, when he has eaten abundantly, the need to take fresh air is instinctively perceived. This fact demonstrates that the cells always have the tendency to maintain a constant balance between the negative polarity of the power supply; and the positive polarity resulting from oxygen and the Cosmic Essence contained in the air, which we breathe. So in addition to maintaining good food and respiratory hygiene that serves to provide electromagnetic vitality to all our cells, it is also important to maintain a positive mental and emotional state; given that discordant thoughts and emotions disturb cell harmony and, consequently, the balance of the whole body.

Previously it has been explained that each cell is animated by a psychic consciousness; It follows that it is extremely important that this psychic consciousness vibrates in perfect harmony with the Cosmic Consciousness. Such harmony is only possible, if sufficient importance is attached to spirituality. We can affirm that many diseases are due to the fact that people have an excessively materialistic existence, thus separating themselves from Divinity. In doing so, they deprive themselves of the healing forces put by God at their disposal. So you should not forget to carry out the mystical exercises of self-observation, meditation, hindsight, prayer, etc., since most of them contribute to strengthening the close ties that unite the physical aspect of your being, with Your spiritual dimension

From both a scientific and mystical point of view, the cell is the smallest unit of living matter; which means that the cell is both matter and life. Or put another way: Spirit and Life Force. It could be exposed; that the cell is the smallest body, in which these two energies are united for the first time. And previously it was said that the positive polarity of the Vital Force (Oxygen and Cosmic Essence), is more concentrated in the cell nucleus; and as for the negative polarity (Liquids and food), it is more concentrated in the plasmic membrane. The Spirit, which is the basis of matter and manifests through it; according to the principles of cohesion, adhesion, attraction and repulsion, it permeates the entire cell. However, the plasmic cell membrane has the densest material structure, motivated by the chemical substances it contains. As the cellular plasmic membrane, it is the one that manifests most strongly the vibrations of the Spirit. The cell nucleus; on the other hand, it vibrates more to the rhythm of the Cosmic Essence contained in the positive polarity of the Vital Force. So we can consider that the cell is composed of atoms that are kept in vibration by the Spirit; and animated by the Life Force. Both energies (Spirit and Life Force) have their origin in the Nous. Therefore, we call living matter, animated matter.

Information extracted and interpreted from Reiki Rosacruz, by John S. Nygma, Chapter IX, in:

1 In biology, mitosis (Greek myths, strand) is a process that occurs in the nucleus of cells; and that immediately precedes cell division, consisting of the equitable distribution of the characteristic hereditary material (DNA). This type of division occurs in somatic cells and normally concludes with the formation of two separate nuclei (Caryokinesis), followed by the cytoplasm partition, to form two daughter cells.

2 Intelligence or Spirit, the human mind or divine consciousness. For Anaxagoras, it was the true principle of individualization, ordering and animation forming and giving meaning to the preexisting matter. Aristotle considered Nous the upper part of the Soul. According to Plotinus, it was the second hypostasis (Trinity), emanating from the One or the Supreme Being; and emanating from the Soul or the superior mind of the World. For Pythagoras, Nous is the union of ideas and numbers; and for the esoteric, it is a material breath that penetrates all reality and the default.

3 Quality or product of the intimate activity of the Spirit of the human, to be recognized. In its essential attributes and in all the modifications that it itself experiences, when perceiving and aquilating the objects, the images and sensations of the environment, which are transmitted to it by the sensory organs and the brain.

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