Message from Saul ~ You are on the verge of a massive disruption of normal life

  • 2012

Transmitted through John Smallman

September 5, 2012

You are on the verge of a massive disruption of what you call normal life that will be sensational in your development while inspiring and elevating you. They have been working very hard to reach this point in your spiritual evolution, and they have truly earned the monumental praise and honor that is soon to be granted. You know all this, but as long as you remain within the confines of illusion the memory of that knowledge will remain hidden from you. What is required of you is that you continue to hold the Light up, while you trust that your Father will fulfill all that he has promised you, as you certainly know he will do.

The Light that you carry with such patience and determination is a beacon for the many who are aware that something strange is in the air, that not everything is as it seems. Your constancy and imperturbability are surprisingly effective stabilizing influences on everyone in your neighborhood and on all who know them, even though you mostly do not know the powerful and supportive presence that your loving behavior constantly demonstrates.

Love is the power, the energy, the creative potential that gives life its spark. Life and Love are one - a divine dependence that is infinitely fertile and infinitely abundant. In the illusion, you experience only a small hint of what this means. You have writers, painters, poets, composers and artists who manage to convey a mere glimpse of the fantastic possibilities that life offers you, but until you dissolve your illusory reality and wake up completely, your understanding of what this really means will continue to escape from you.

You all have deep longings for much more than life, as you experience it today, can possibly offer, and therefore remain dissatisfied, unhappy; in fact, deeply disappointed with what she offers them. Many of you strive to achieve them and, not being pleased with the results, strive even harder, but it is in vain. What you seek and so desperately desire is not of this world, which is an extremely good reason to change it beyond recognition, and that is what you are in the process of doing.

Pay close attention to the impressive plurality of information that is increasingly being disseminated throughout the world, as more and more people in positions of trust are revealing much of the secret knowledge that has been hidden from them in order to disempower and control them.

This dictatorial secrecy can no longer be imposed, or even maintained, because those who have been hired to archive and organize information of any kind are being permeated by the field of divine love. They are waking up to the need for transparency in all interpersonal, interdepartmental, inter-organizational, intergovernmental and international communications. As a result, they are feeling inspired, motivated and spiritually driven to take the responsibility of releasing information that they had previously refused to disclose to anyone in this way, unless expressly ordered by a very high member of the corporate structure or organization for which you work.

The authoritarian and corrupt groups that have been ruling the world and controlling its citizens are disintegrating. They never really trusted each other, and have always taken enormous precautions to ensure their interdependence through concealment and disguise. There was never a single controlling authority alone, and now, as more and more information is released into the public arena, their distrust has intensified to the point that they no longer feel safe supporting each other, and they are separating. The confusion has become endemic and is quickly leading them to their ruin.

It could be said that the final game has begun and that it is becoming a crushing defeat, a defeat of unimaginable proportions for those who control and oppress them. They do not know where to go or where to run - in fact, there is nowhere - and what is happening transcends totally anything they could have foreseen or for what they could have prepared. They are totally tangled.

As they have been told and remembered frequently, Love is the power, the energy, the fullness of God. There is no trial, revenge, punishment or compensation in reality, for there is no need. All are in total harmony and agreement, united with each other and with God in an eternal state of transcendental supraconsciousness. Nobody is missing, nobody wants to see another injured or called to account, because nobody would do or could do something that arouses such desire in the other.

In your illusory unreality this is not the case. Your laws were framed to judge offenders and provide compensation to the offenders - if they could afford to hire lawyers and use the law. The inequity will change. The field of divine energy that is enveloping your planet and intensifying is causing the understanding that old customs were self-perpetuating - your laws have been very severe at times, and people have almost always defended themselves against unfavorable sentences - and could never bring true peace and harmony.

However, while the illusion dissolves, a means of restraint is necessary to prevent those who control and punish them from continuing to do so. Containment means exactly that. It does not mean judgment or punishment but simply the discernment and competence to contain and restrain without causing harm to those who intend to cause harm to others.

While they are being held, they will be lovingly cared for, like the seemingly abandoned children they feel they are, and they will be offered unlimited opportunities to understand why they are being detained and to understand that the way forward for them is to release their enormous amount of pain and suffering repressed, which totally refuse to accept. They will have all the time they need to do this, and they will succeed. When they have finished releasing all that toxic residue buried deep inside, there will be a huge space inside their hearts that will fill very quickly with love.

Remember that every sentient being is one of God's beloved children, and that He never loses faith in anyone or forsakes him. Everyone will return home. However, those very badly damaged, who are or become detained, will not interfere with the awakening of the masses for which all of you have been working so enthusiastically and determinedly. A wonderful and amazing future awaits you.

With a lot of love.


You are on the verge of a massive disruption of normal life

Original title: You are on the edge of a massive disruption to normal life

Translation, editing and publication: ~ OjS ~

Source: http: // B3n-massive-of-life-nor / 462364983803439

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