How do we influence our children?

  • 2014

The relationships established by family members among themselves are decisive in the formation of their children's personality . A family environment that offers its children a constructive climate encourages a healthier and happier life. On the contrary, those children whose family relationships are conflictive and unloving obtain a negative behavior model and with greater emotional deficiencies.

How to positively influence children

  • First, children need to feel that they are truly loved by their parents. For this, it is important to demonstrate it through words of approval, offer them security and support at all times, explaining that the true desire of their parents is that they be happy people. Every gesture, attitude or daily detail directly influences them and continues to shape their personality.
  • Second, it is important to exercise proper authority . When children are young, it is convenient to employ a persuasive educational function. As they grow older, they can choose to exercise a more participatory education : this will allow children to understand their parents' decisions and reasons, and to give their opinion.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to have enough time to share with them and with the couple. Enjoying family free time, where it is possible to discuss the actions, tastes or concerns of each of its members, will help strengthen ties with each other. The quality of time is more important than the number of hours that can be shared with children. Living time has to be productive, making them feel that they are very important to their parents and that they are always willing to pay attention to their concerns.
  • Fourth, it is important to observe the quality of the treatment offered to them. It is necessary that the content of the dialogue be constructive accompanied by expressions of kindness. Many times, children receive more criticism than compliments and end up learning to observe the negative of each situation. To reinforce the children's self-esteem, it is necessary to discuss the positive values of each family member and their good actions.

Children are always attentive to the words used by their elders and tend to copy attitudes and behaviors. A child who uses cruel words to refer to a partner is likely to have heard an adult say in a similar way. Observing one's own reactions and opinions every day is a good way to improve the influence towards them, correct mistakes and enhance those opinions full of love and kindness.

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How do we influence our children?

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