Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ Message for light workers

  • 2015

~ 23 / October / 2015

The last guide for the Lightworkers of our friends, the beings of the 5th. and 6a. dimensions known as the Collective:

Greetings friends! We are glad to have this opportunity to speak with you again today.

There is so much changing in your world that it would be difficult, or impossible, to classify and review everything.

Well, the changes on the way are coming so fast now and to such a dramatic degree that their minds are barely able to absorb everything.

And yet, what you are not informed externally you are perceiving internally, absorbing the energies not only of the powerful Light and intelligence that are flooding the planet, but of the changes happening behind closed doors.

It is increasingly impossible for your intuition or heart-mind not to wake up to what is happening.

For the technologies used by the dark for millennia to maintain a "cap" on human consciousness and consciousness in general are rapidly dissolving and dismantling ..

And not all that is our work, although the Angelic Realms can now - in the current energies and astrological events - raise the vibrations of their loving care of their planet and all who are on it.

This in itself is helping to dismantle the old structures, but that is not the whole story.

For every time you meditate and connect more fully with your Higher Self, every time you sign an online petition requiring a fair and compassionate treatment of the Earth and His beings — adding, as a good Lightworker has suggested, “ Promulgate the NESARA Now! ” In the comment box — every time you give thanks for all you have, raising your vibration to a higher level — weaken the grip that the third dimension has had on you for such a long time.

We would say that one of the best and finest things (and the most fun) you could do now is to consider that you now live in the fifth dimension.

And why should you wait for some “authority” or expert to inform you that everything is fine, that you are in the fifth dimension, and now you will know peace, abundance, free energy, free expression, health and well-being that you have dreamed for yourself and for the whole Earth?

Why would they need a notification telling them what their heart is already announcing so clearly in their dreams, their inner feelings and visions, and their etheric night trips to their Almic Groups and Galactic friends?

Why wait for a president or any other to announce "We are not alone, " although that is a beautiful vision, worthy of having, when your own creative sense tells you that everything is changing faster than your logical mind could. ever understand

For as they take increasing steps forward as citizens of the Earth, towards their galactic citizenship, moving towards that place where they will be accepted into the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds, they will find natural what they now consider strange.

They will not need "official" confirmation that there are people living within Mars (or within the Sun and other planets).

They will not need “official” announcements that explain the presence of a shadow government, a secret space program, or explain the connections between organized religions, corporations, trillionaires, and the governments they have managed for such a long time.

You will have joined with that higher aspect of yourself, with all people at your vibrational level or frequency, and you will have intuitively absorbed what you are doing now, the truth of the matter in each case.

Understand that in this New Earth that you are building quickly, nothing will be hidden.

What you think of another will be heard clearly, and your intentions will be read and understood without interference from social teachings, the mind - logical speech, or any other falsely created expectations.

In this New place they will know each other for their vibration, just as they will choose their food for their vibration (that which is not created by a plasma generator).

Just as you will choose your friends, your place of community, your contribution (formerly known as a workplace), your places to meditate and explore Nature and your places of living with others.

There will be no hidden frequencies, except those that are much higher than what you are able to understand today — and yet you will continue to climb more, and over time you will get it too.

So by introducing his free energy devices to the world, Dr. Keshe is doing much more than finding ways to provide electricity, food, water, and even peace on Earth .

He is introducing the notion that electromagnetic frequencies are not just something to access to obtain electricity.

They are a method by which everything is Created, and everything is Known.

And increasingly, as you climb this beautiful ascendant to remember who you are, and why you have come, you will join him in understanding not only of uses but of meaning, the mechanics of the free energy and everything that she predicts.

That is why many are being attracted to live in certain places on Earth right now, to suddenly leave their place of residence or work, an old relationship (or two), to let go of objects old men who had ever loved and with those who resonated.

That is why there are so many who are attracted to crystals and other gifts from rocks and the mineral kingdom because they have an intelligence that you are increasingly absorbing, understanding and with which they are living together

So we would say that instead of waiting and you have heard us say it before know and feed the one that you are here, in the sense that this New Earth is being built and created Himself in ways that, if they wish, can become fully aware without the need for anyone to inform them about same.

By this time, instead of being the recipients and workers of someone else's plan, you are the designers, the builders, the inventors, and the Light that informs about all the new creations.

You are driving this beautiful ship while she rushes through space.

And now we extend our hand with joy, we see that they catch it and continue to rise, assuming their place among us and rejoicing with everything they have and everything they are becoming.

Namaste! We are with you — and you are increasingly aware of our presence.

AUTHOR: Caroline Oceana Ryan

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