Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ A Message for Lightworkers: This is not a small jump; it's a very big jump

  • 2015

The last guide for the Lightworkers of our friends, the Galactic and Angelic Beings of the fifth and sixth dimensions known as the Collective:

Greetings friends! It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to speak with you in these unforgettable holiday times of the season and the solstice.

All of us within the Ashtar Command and those among you in the groups and factions of the Command support are well aware of the great chaos of the energies occurring on Earth now.

We are aware that many millions, in fact billions, on Earth are now in a state that is a mixture of confusion, admiration, fascination, with the movements of energies, joy that opens the heart or turbulence, and the new Higher levels of Love born from it.

And you are also experiencing an intense curiosity to know what is next for your planet.

Although some have given in to fear and the narrow and inflexible prejudice against this or that group, against those of us in the ships or those who are earthly beings, we would say that nevertheless many millions of them are, on their way to accept a new level of higher Light and the new consciousness that it brings.

These energies are also attracting those who are attached to fear outside their inner caves of narrow sights, taking them where they lead to the so-called “foreigners, ” including those from other parts of the Galaxy and other dimensions, to see those beings with interest, not as beings to fear.

Over time, your mind-heart will show you a much higher way, but in the present we are sending to these groups and people the necessary levels of Light and forms of intelligence to open them to the presence of your being and higher selves.

Most of you are already wide open to the highest levels of the Light now emerging from your Inner Earth and raining on you, first from the Great Central Sun and then from the Angelic Legions and Higher Beings known as the Galactic. You are in the position of being fully aware of the changes in the opening of the heart imbued with love that are happening now in your consciousness and on and around your planet.

They are perfectly positioned to begin to realize (and this process began years ago, but is gaining more strength in the present) that everything must be accepted and everything forgiven.

Even those who have kept you oppressed and in slavery for millennia, you now realize that they are to be released and forgiven, without resentment or retained traumas of what you have suffered during your short kingdom.

We say "short kingdom, " because a being does not keep track of time as a three-dimensional human consciousness would.

So, what you have suffered and how long you suffered on the three-dimensional scale was in the blink of an eye.

This is not something they wish to delay to prolong the point of "we have suffered this or that and now someone has to pay [for it]."

There is no more that of 'pay, friends.

For your Earth has been in the fifth dimension for a while and you are claiming your place on that frequency now, with a fairly open heart, and nothing will hinder your path.

If you doubt that these changes are happening, if you are wondering why you do not feel so joyful all the time now or why the President of the United States has not announced them for On television, you know that what you want must happen as a process, not merely as a single event.

Realize that you have been going through these Ascension changes for some time and will continue to go through them; They cannot occur in a single day or in a month or a year.

Their bodies, minds and hearts would never be able to withstand change at such a higher frequency in such a short period of time.

This is not a small jump; It 's a very big jump.

It is a huge leap for your earthly consciousness, long time stalled by restrictive and oppressive technologies, so that suddenly they are free to rise and express themselves through individual life forms.

Perhaps they believe us when we say that the frequencies arriving now are such that there is no way for the Earth to remain on the path that the dark ones planned for Her and her people millennia of time ago.

Now there is only Ascension, and if you still don't feel how empowering and liberating these energies are - if you still don't feel like celebrating, because old issues are understandably coming to the surface and because of the emotional or physical discomforts that prevent you from feeling joy, let us Assure them this will not last.

But the empowering levels of higher Galactic and spiritual help now flowing to the planet will last, and they are already rebuilding what you consider to be your daily life.

We ask you to start simply, as Gandhi's beautiful and wonderful phrase says : be the change you want to see in the world.

Allow yourself to ride these amazing waves of new thoughts and fulfillment, of joyful expression - of your Higher Self as he / she becomes fully inhabited by your human form.

For that form is absorbing at every moment the frequencies of the Luminous Body that will change each cell by means of Sunlight and Crystalline Consciousness.

This is the Christ Consciousness of which so many speak and about which those in the churches have taught that it belongs only to one person, whom they say will return to judge humanity, arriving in a large cloud with many Angels singing and playing trumpets.

We would say that if you prefer such images, you would do well to go buy a trumpet and learn to play it because this great and beautiful conscience is here now, and you carry it inside.

You are The Christ Consciousness itself - the krystos or Christ - the crystalline forms of thought, feeling, physical being, and experiencing towards which you have been constantly moving, aided by the Galactic and Angelic forces carried by the astrological current that It is the new Golden Age, among many new and rare astrological alignments that continue to occur.

Understand that this is no accident, a beautiful day, or a wave that will be here for the moment, and then will recede.

These energies will continue to increase and you, of the population of the Lightworkers - road demonstrators, will continue to anchor you, as you volunteered to do so before coming to Earth in your current incarnation.

And will cruelty end - war, fraud and deception, violence of all kinds, corrupt governments and social structures, hunger and deprivation - will come to an end?

For sure. They have already begun to lose their base and are collapsing in it right now.

You see your Senator Sanders leading his campaign on a platform of respect and equality for all, of compassion and decency — strange concepts for the majority in high government positions (though not all) —and yet you wonder if the New Age has arrived.

You see many thousands taking to the streets to declare and demand climate change, police brutality, illegality, inequalities of all kinds to end forever — and yet you doubt that the Earth has changed to a new one. higher frequency ..

You hear that the entire nuclear arsenal has been neutralized and made inoperable (as it has been), and you read about Dr Keshe's devices of free energy and the Road to Peace Map - and you doubt again.

You watch one video or one photograph after another, including those shown on your local news channels about ships or strange lights in the sky, or visions of cities in the clouds, and yet you feel that nothing has changed.

We would say that those who choose to complain, demand more evidence, receive some kind of evidence, are not checking with their own heart.

They are relying on outside signs and announcements to tell them that their Earth has entered an unprecedented new place, of a higher vibration, a new reality in which nothing can remain hidden.

Go inside now and ask your intuitive self `` the voice of your Higher Self '' if the time is Now.

Ask if the Earth is in the process of being liberated from millennia of oppression, and explain it emphatically telling them what the truth is.

And then we will tell you, stand up and celebrate with joy.

For the star that The Wise Kings (Magi) followed so many years ago was not a literal star, but a constellation that personifies the Christic presence, the birth of the Luminous Body and the Ascension of the Earth.

That is why he came with his beloved twin flame, Mary Magdalene.

And whatever your cultural religious indoctrination in this life, you have followed that Light in your Universal Essence, and you are here.

Companions Intergaldetic Beings, we welcome you, with each of your steps forward!

Talk to us whenever you want and ask what you want.

For the veils between us are dissolving forever. And we are with you, always.

AUTHOR: Caroline Oceana Ryan


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