Advancing the ascension of your physical body, Mahatma May 5, 2016

  • 2016

Greetings of cosmic vibrations; I AM Mahatma, the Avatar of Synthesis and the Supervisor of the Cosmic Level ; I am known as the Cosmic Logos. There are 352 levels of Mahatma Energy that extend across all the Dimensions of the Creator's Universe. This means that there are 352 levels of my Being; and that your Being is composed of the same number of levels. Having this number in mind it seems easier to have access to all levels of your Being; and yet each of the dimensions of the 352 levels is immensely expansive and occupies vast aspects of the Universe and your Being. Exploring one of the levels of your Being may require numerous lives on Earth; however, the energetic vibration with which the Earth resonates is accelerating , which means that your exploration of the levels of your Being is accelerating. This means that you can explore much more of your true Self in one life; and it also means that your body and your aural field have to process more Light, Love and Consciousness. Your body is not completely aligned with your Soul; The increase in energy, Light and Consciousness that is being discovered, accepted and incorporated, can create challenges for your body.

Many factors can decrease the vibration of your physical body and create disharmony between your body and your Soul:

o Increase in spiritual knowledge, sensibility or awareness, which has not been rooted in the physical body nor is it being used at the physical level.

o The vibrations you choose to surround yourself with them, from the environment in which you work and live, to the products you put in your body and the food you eat .

o The thoughts and beliefs that you have regarding your physical body and that you recite unconsciously, as well as the feelings behind those thoughts.

o Do not spend time listening to your body, to understand the messages and the guide that is constantly expressing to you . Disregarding the voice of your physical body can create disharmony between the Soul and the body, because the body is not being respected or satisfied.

For your body to remain harmonious with the major changes that are occurring in your Soul at this time of Ascension; and for the greater acceptance of the 352 levels of your Being, it is necessary that you recognize that the growth and satisfaction of your body constitute an aspect of your Ascension process. When your body is satisfied and harmonious with your Soul, you find it much easier to incorporate your truth, experience it daily with greater fullness. Your desire for greater spiritual awakening is powerful and develops more every day; however And or I want you to recognize if you are ignoring your physical body ; Ask yourself this question. You may feel that it is impossible to overlook your physical body, since you are aware of it throughout the day. However, in your mind and in your subconscious you have programmed perspectives and beliefs regarding your body, which may no longer be appropriate or accurate. You may feel that you are familiar with your body; but if you are not connecting with your physical body and listening to it, there could be disharmony in the alignment of your physical body with all aspects of your Being.

Take a moment to sit peacefully and focus on your breathing, to reach a meditative state. Imagine that your physical body is sitting in front of you, it seems just like a projection of yourself. Recognize that before you is your physical body; and invite him to share with you anything he needs. Perhaps your physical body begins to complain about being ignored or not feeling loved; If this happens, just allow yourself to express yourself, without making any judgment and with patience. Your physical body is releasing energy to which it has been clinging; and he needed to let her go to heal. Perhaps your physical body will tell you about an aspect of it that is suffering; You may also need to release energy or guide yourself to heal it. If the expression of your physical body seems negative, please do not believe that you are negative, because once the energy has been released a healing process will take place and harmony will manifest. Perhaps your physical body wants to share with you guidance, wisdom and Sacred Spiritual Illumination, so that they may serve you in your Ascension. The more you learn to listen to your body, the healthier it will be and what it shares with you will be more beautiful and sacred. Imagine you were ignored and were suffering, constantly asking for help without being given it; when you had the opportunity to express yourself, perhaps at the beginning you would have a repressed amount of energy that you want to release. Please: Be loving, because what your physical body tells you is its truth.

Practicing daily listening to your physical body will allow your body to accept the spiritual energies that you are communicating, consciously or unconsciously, during meditation, healing or Ascension exercises. You will be more complete and you will be able to recognize the transitions or liberation processes that occur in your body, before it becomes too difficult to handle them.

Remember that your body can tell you all the things and anything you need and want to know. It can tell you precisely what is happening in it and in all the energy levels of your Being, why it is happening and how to promote healing. You simply need to be open to perceive, listen, receive and value the wisdom that manifests, even when other people can tell you something different. Listening to your body is a natural ability that must be activated and used to develop it until it is a powerful tool to maintain the health and vitality of your body, as well as the alignment of all your bodies with your inner Divine Self.

Another practice is to spend time in your daily reality, especially while you are relaxed, to invite your physical body to perform a rejuvenation process. In the same way that a computer can scan and fix any area that requires repair, your physical body can do the same if you allow it and give it instructions. Simply talk to your physical body and invite it to perform a process of rejuvenation and healing, transforming all inharmonious areas. Automatically your body will connect with your Soul and bring healing Light so that all areas of your body oscillate and vibrate while it is transmitted. When all aspects of your physical body accept and emanate the same vibration, harmony manifests and then healing takes place. Throughout the process, allow yourself to be aware of any sensation or feeling in your physical body; Perhaps this offers you insight on where to investigate further, or perhaps you recognize a pattern that is continuously happening. Even in this process you are being stimulated to work harmoniously with your body to meet its needs.

In the same way as your Soul wants to be aligned and be One with the Creator, your physical body wants to be unified with your Soul and with the Creator's energies flowing through it. When your body creates a disharmony, there is a reason for it ; and frequently it is an indication that there are aspects of your body that are experiencing separation from your Soul; and they need to be realigned. Of course, your body is always connected with your Soul, but your body is like a sponge that absorbs energy vibrations; If your body accepts an energetic vibration that does not resonate with your Soul, then difficulties may arise in your physical body.

Perhaps you already recognize your physical body as a Temple or a Sacred Ashram that houses your Soul; But: Do you recognize your physical body as a wise guide, a source of truth, of answers, of transformation and healing? Recognizing your body as a wise consciousness that can help you daily will greatly accelerate your Ascension by allowing simultaneous transformation throughout your Being, with your body acting as a powerful anchor of your truth.

Another practice to help your physical body to incorporate the Divine and have greater harmony with your Soul, is to summon my energies, those of Mahatma, to carry out a healing in you. This healing will promote the synthesis between your body and your Soul, the synthesis of your whole Being with the most appropriate of the 352 Mahatma levels. Please remember that I am simply an expression of the Creator; so the 352 levels of Mahatma are simply a manifestation of the Creator. I will also align you with the most appropriate of the 352 levels of your Being, so that from your inner truth you can wake up and remember new discernments, new illumination, new abilities and new healing. n.

Just ask that my turquoise, white and pearl Light surround you like a pillar of Light.

Say out loud:

Mahatma, Avatar of the Synthesis, please begin the process of synthesis in my Being, to help my healing, my awakening at all levels; and to the harmonization of all aspects of my Being. Thank you.

Allow yourself to receive my Light, focusing on absorbing it with each inhalation. You may also want to recite:

I am the Avatar of the Synthesis .

This is a powerful mantra that speaks of allowing the Creator to transform your interior so that all aspects of your Being are harmonic and express the Divine Truth.

When you feel that the process is complete, honor your physical body by inhaling in it the Light that you have received; and invite him to incorporate the Light anchoring on Earth everything he has received.

It is time for you to strengthen your Divine relationship with your physical body. This is essential now that the Beings of Venus are sending their Love to your physical body throughout 2016, with the purpose of elevating and transforming it. This is the ideal opportunity to heal and harmonize your physical body, so that it can become the source and expression of the Creator's Love and Consciousness; and spread the truth. The Beings of Venus are supporting the transformation of your physical body so that its true purpose and true abilities can wake up and be experienced in future years. Support the healing process that the Beings of Venus are carrying out with you, taking time to listen and communicate with your body; This way you will become a beautiful inspiring example for Humanity. Your devotion to your physical body and the help of the Beings of Venus will help the future reality without disease or suffering for anyone. This could create major changes in the Ascension, since each person's physical body would exist in a permanent state of vibrant health, allowing higher frequencies of Light and Consciousness to be absorbed by the physical body, creating enormous freedom and expansion, with greater recognition of the Creator by all and within everyone.

I AM the Avatar of the Synthesis,


TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Natalie Glasson


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