Emotional Wisdom Walter Riso download free pdf

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 The book Emotional Wisdom 2 If you are wrong, you grow; if you are not mistaken, you get stuck. Walter Riso. 3 You must not make the same mistake twice, the second time you do it, it is no longer your mistake, it is your choice. Walter Riso. 4 Relationship between knowledge, intelligence and wisdom.

The Italian doctor Walter Riso with specialization in psychology and Cognitive Therapy, has written 20 books on various current topics such as Emotional Wisdom Walter Riso download for free on our website. This professor and co-founder of the Center for Research and Behavioral Therapy, the Center for Advanced Studies of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, addresses in his typical books such as depression, the best way to think and feel to be happy, the path of wisdom, among others . It is possible to access them because they have been translated in more than 10 languages.

The book Emotional Wisdom

The famous book Emotional Wisdom Walter Riso download free pdf is about how people in our society have the mistaken belief that they should hide and suppress their emotions because they are a consequence of their animal instincts, which is incorrect, the reason It is not the only thing that makes us human but also our ability to feel.

“If you are wrong, you grow; if you're not wrong, you get stuck. ”Walter Riso.

When a person suppresses their feelings, they are more prone to produce chronic diseases, the feelings are what make us feel alive because of that they are good, but there are also a number of feelings that are harmful. Depending on whether these are generated from the moment of birth or by results of having a large number of problems are classified as: Primary (pain, joy, sadness and fear) and secondary (anxiety, suffering, anger, depression and attachment restriction). The secondary are the product of the primary.

People today, according to Emotional Wisdom Walter Riso download free pdf need time and absolute control over situations or else they are insensitive and regal, the former tend to develop anxiety, high rates of stress and cardiovascular problems, the latter even tend to suffer from lung and skin cancer . In ancient times society worked with primary emotions, body and mind worked in a balanced way and people were more tolerant of each other, but the desire to have more made us selfish and unable to tolerate others. So it is necessary to present a healthier attitude taking care of what we feel, but not burying all feelings .

Emotional wisdom
by Walter Riso

"You must not make the same mistake twice, the second time you do it, it is no longer your mistake, it is your choice." Walter Riso.

The writer wanted his readers to receive a wake-up call through the knowledge of psychology he has collected in 30 years and tries that with the written in Emotional Wisdom Walter Riso download free pdf, people return to their biological emotions. According to him, our mental capacity has made the human evolve and adapt more easily to the problems that the environment where they live lives.

Relationship between knowledge, intelligence and wisdom.

People to achieve success must understand that knowledge requires wisdom to use it properly . In the book of Emotional Wisdom Walter Riso download free pdf here in the link, seeks to apply knowledge, intelligence and wisdom with feelings, to achieve the balance between reason and emotion. The book explains that emotion can be taken as a driving force for proper action, if combined with the wisdom of a person with knowledge. So a person must be instructed and prepared to come to life and live emotions that enhance change.

Emotional Wisdom Walter Riso download free pdf

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AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of hermandadblanca.org

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