Amar, Amando… by Marisa Ordoñez

  • 2015

Today, dear reader:

  • the invitation is: to grow ascending inwards
  • the suggestion: focus on the following circuit of thoughts

“I am love… love is trust… trust is love… I give what I am… I receive multiplying what I give. So my life is fruitful… and only then can I live it ”

  • The task: contemplate the legend ...

read it ... breathe it with your senses (with your eyes, with your nose, with your mouth, with your skin, with your ears)

Without pretending to analyze anything in it . Take phrase by phrase and close your eyes when breathing it ... just breathe it slowly and take it with your intention to each of your cells, if you agree, start ...

“I am love… love is trust… trust is love… I give what I am… I receive multiplying what I give. So my life is fruitful… and only then can I live it ”

  • The orientation: let yourself be carried away by your feeling
  • The fruit: rest in the silence of your own center. Reaching relaxation above all thought remains with your eyes closed breathing, feeling and deepening ... allow yourself to resonate in your own sense of peace and well-being.
  • My gift to you: by the time you feel the natural impulse to return to the universe of thoughts ... you can take the energy benefits of the metaphysical channeling of this decree, "a clear voice will flow through the untimely and benevolent winds of the soul ...

I am the voice of your inner being announcing the birth of your creation ... listen ... you are here, you have arrived with honor transiting all the fields of the incarnation.

In you I am! You are a human, jewel in the heart of the planetary body. Regent of the announcement of the new world, maker, maker and recipient of the only real power that the egos call unconditional love.

Love of all love ... simple orientation movement ...

Force of generous action. Servant of the law of true good.

What ever perishes in being ...

You love to breathe, because your existence was loved without beginning or end.

Your presence always radiates love; I couldn't not do it then

Love is the great container that also allows darkness and illusion .

Love, the great livelihood!

Love, the full meaning!

Love, the perfect game!

You love to love ...

You love feeling ...

You love to exist ...

You love just being! ”

Embrace of the heart where you and I are the same love!

By Sat Nam

LOVE, LOVING ... by Marisa Ordoñez

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