Aquarius: serving humanity

  • 2011

By Ricardo Georgini

The sign of Aquarius promotes the expansion of consciousness from the individual to the collective. Its keynotes are service and universality. It is the sign that will govern the New Age we are entering, so it is especially important to understand its qualities and influences.

All beings are parts of a greater whole. In this all, each being plays a unique and vital role. But we, human beings, pay attention not to the greater whole, but to ourselves as individuals. The opposite sign complementary to Aquarius, Leo, represents this self-centering and the unfolding of self-awareness. It is an indispensable base and the starting point for the whole extension. As the point of individual consciousness is strengthened and stabilized, we can continue with its expansion into growing spheres of consciousness: a group, a nation, humanity, the planet ... this enlargement is stimulated by Aquarian energy.

When an individual understands the way in which his life integrates a greater whole, he discovers his role in this whole and can consciously perform it. We call this service. Many times, the ideal of service has been interpreted superficially, as if it were simply helping others. It is something broader and deeper than this. Service is an expression of conscience. It means that the individual achieved a vision of a greater purpose - the purpose of everything, be it a group, a nation or humanity - and then placed at the service of this purpose, trying to participate intelligently in its realization.

Aquarius not only stimulates the service, it stimulates to serve in a group. However, it is not merely about joining an organization. Again, it is a matter of conscience. Whenever an individual approaches his own essence, he also approaches his peers. And when an individual truly finds himself, he also finds his group those who think like him, aspire like him and serve as him. Aquarian groups come together around common ideas and ideals, not personal affinities. They exist to serve a greater purpose and fulfill a function within humanity.

We are living a long period of transition between the old Age of Pisces and the new Age of Aquarius. And we can wait for the growing emergence of groups with Aquarian inclination, causing great transformations in human culture and civilization. These groups are working to promote cooperation among nations, the approach and mutual recognition among religions, circulation and distribution of economic resources and integration. n between different peoples and cultures. The influence of Aquarius will gradually dissolve exclusivism and separativity, and we will come to understand that we are all a great human family.

Annually, in the month of Aquarius (this year from January 20 to February 18), we are invited to serve humanity, intelligently participating in the construction of the new Aquarian culture and civilization .

Ricardo A. Georgini

Source: LOGOS Research Group in Esoteric Astrology

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