Equinox energy update - Guide for this week's powerful energies By Selacia

  • 2015

Energy updates are becoming available this Equinox and in the coming days as we head towards the powerful lunar eclipse of the weekend in the Super Moon. What does this mean for you on a personal level - what does it mean for Earth? In this article I will give background on powerful positive potentials this week and how they can benefit.

Background of the Equinox

The Equinoxes, which happen naturally twice a year can be an important moment of spiritual growth and new beginnings. Those like you who are already on the path of awakening will feel more - and they will also benefit more because they are aware and awake.

All of humanity, however, certainly benefits from these cycles - increasingly powerful as the momentum stands for the advancement of humanity outside the darkness and into the light. This momentum has been underway for a long time on this planet, but now even the increasing changes can mean major changes in the status quo.

In this Equinox, energy potentials are magnified due to the Lunar Eclipse of the Full Moon from September 27 to 28. It is as if the three events were put in a pot together, creating a powerful synergy. This, combined with a series of other background energies, makes this particular Equinox a marker of events.

Mega Changes in Consciousness

Our second consecutive Super Moon is catalyzing mega shifts in consciousness and helping them see themselves in completely new ways. The broader context is that humanity begins to see itself in completely new ways as well. They are already seeing this in recent months - and much more is yet to come.

The Momentum / Impulse for such changes is usually felt well in advance . Most likely then they have been feeling these expanded energies. Examples: your nervous system may have felt overload, dreams may have been intense or even prophetic and relationships may have been more difficult than normal.

Similarly, they may have perceived unexplained excitement, perceiving that something good was on its way. They may be meeting new people or reuniting with old friends - finding a new sense of enthusiasm for being alive. All this is part of these energies.

Whenever there is a great change in the energies, it is normal for them to first feel like whispers and maybe be with the nerves on end. Even if they detect that something wonderful is about to happen, when they don't know exactly what it is, their feeling may be accompanied by nervous tension.

It is something like in the natural world, when the birds detect that a storm front is approaching, they change direction to let the storm pass. Birds don't know how long the storm will last or how it could affect their favorite resting place - they simply know instinctively that they should move out of the way.

Magnifying Glass in the Imbalances

Equinoxes like this tend to amplify the ever-present magnifying glass over imbalances. Every time another injustice or atrocity is made known, you feel it and can perceive the magnitude of humanity's dilemmas.

The people around you - even those who are not consciously on a spiritual path - are feeling this too. They may not have words to describe what they feel however many times without having perspective of these energies, they are perceived as chaotic or disturbing.

Knowing this, make an extra effort to be kind to those you meet. Give people the benefit of the doubt - they are part of the cosmic mix, and they are trying their best to make sense of our chaotic world.

You know it is chaotic and you have at least some understanding of why. You understand the big picture and the backstory of living now. You know that life often only feels messy and confusing and out of control.

Role of the Divine Change Makers

At its core, however, they know that there is a purpose for all things, all events and for every apparent mysterious fortuitous event. You also know that as Divine Change Makers they play a decisive role at this time.

so that they pay attention at times like this, it can help them connect with new levels of information and radical changes.

High Frequency Codes

In fact, during this particular Equinox you and humanity will benefit from high frequency code energy discharges. These are like activations of your Divine Original Blue Design and can have far-reaching effects.

To receive such energy updates in the highest form, you want to be aware of them. It will also help them to join with others, in groups of energy events such as meditations. This amplifies their benefit even more by helping them with key information on their path and receiving important clarity on the most appropriate action steps after the end of week.

It is necessary to take action measures to bring these quantum energies to your physical reality.

Focus on Relationships

One approach to this lunar eclipse is relations . If that topic is not on your radar, invite a superior wisdom on how you can relate to others in a more loving way. The piece of the relationship, by the way, is always in front and center.

Relationships are the biggest challenge that any of us have. Relationships are the only thing that humanity must master if the world is going to be a peaceful and loving place.

You can do your part, learning to master loving kindness by applying it to yourself, to others and to the world in general. One way to do this is to remember the love that is in your core this Love is and always will be what you are.

SEEN AT: www.Selacia.com

AUTHOR: Selacia

TRANSLATION: Alicia Virelli

TRANSLATED AND SHARED: www.destellosdeluzcom.ar

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