Activation of the eleventh Solar Disk, The White City and the Children of the Stars

  • 2013

Channeling of Master Maria Magdalena

Well loved solar family again we are in this space time before the majestic presence of the Solar Disks. It has been a long road, full of wonderful teachings that step by step have shown you the way to the understanding of Solar Consciousness. This wonderful state of Consciousness that goes beyond the Christian Consciousness to merge into the absolute Light with Divinity.

Solar Consciousness is the purest state of Christian Love in which you recognize yourself as an individualization of Divinity and recognize that same Light in everything around you. Solar Consciousness is the Divine union with all elements, nature and stars and activating each of the Solar Disks in their bodies allows them to reach that Divine union.

In turn, synchronizing their personal Solar Disks with planetary Solar Disks allows them to retrieve the stories that sleep deep within their DNA. Remember that your story is cosmic. That the stars resonate in each molecule of their bodies and that the time has come to remember the eternal origin of humanity, because in that memory the Earth will be freed from the veils that cover the consciences keeping them in oblivion and the Divine Plan will be restored through the awakening of each Being on the Planet.

The last Solar Disk took us to the Guatavita lagoon and then to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in Colombia, where we found the Golden City that gives rise to the legends of El Dorado.

This Solar Disk was activated right on the full moon and marked the beginning of a very intense internal purification process that lasted until November 3 with the solar eclipse and continued to accentuate with the arrival of Portal 11:11.

This period has been strong in the sense of everything that has been released. While the XEMANCÓ Solar Disk required crossing through the City of Mirrors to glimpse its shadows and integrate them from Love; the force of the solar disk genre that the crossing through the City of mirrors will continue throughout the month, intensifying with the eclipse of the Sun. This with the purpose that you were aligned enough to be able to benefit from the powerful activations of information that will be received with the proximity of Portal 12.12. In this way, the Eclipse of the Sun generated a whole Planetary movement that had repercussions even in GAIA when strong storms and seismic movements were generated.

Eclipses are doors really. Stargates that allow the information encoded on the Moon and the Sun to be released and transmitted to Earth. There are information packages that are only activated that way.

While a lunar eclipse carries the energy inwards, being used as a door of transmutation and internalization. Solar eclipses carry energy out and are portals for information intensification. The Moon is receptive and its eclipses take you into your Being to release and cleanse. While the Sun is active and projects the energies, leading you to experience strong emotional movements that project outward in the same way as a solar flare.

In the initiatory schools of Lemuria the eclipses of the Sun were considered initiatory passages, in which the universe allowed you to see in an amplified way any internal process that you were living with the purpose of attaining enlightenment through active self-knowledge. The force of a solar eclipse amplifies the information coming from the Sun in connection with the Moon.

The Moon provides the feminine breath, producing a powerful tantric union between them. The Sun and the Moon unite as lovers and everything that shines under its Light is amplified. In the same way as in orgasm, the sensitivity of the body and consciousness is multiplied. An orgasm can lead you to the experience of Divinity when you are in balance and yet it can in turn amplify your negative emotions when you find yourself in inner imbalance. Orgasmic Union produces an amplification of what happens within the Being.

This eclipse genre a strong movement in the Planetary Consciousness, because with the union of the Moon and the Sun, the information was magnified, accelerating the process of interior purification that had already been living throughout the year. In that way the crossing through the City of Mirrors was experienced intensely and prologue. This has been the month in which their most hidden shadows came to light, showing them their deepest fears and at the same time their lights came to the surface showing them the beauty that those shadows They hid. However, this has been a very emotionally exhausting process and it is that they have really liberated a lot, both individually and planetarium.

Every day there are more understandings that are shown of themselves, their path and their truth. As they humbly leave behind the shadows of their ego and their limiting beliefs, the Light of their ancestral wisdom shines brighter. Allow yourself to flow through each process without losing your patience, as the inner emotional cleansing will continue until the end of the year.

The Earth within this cycle also went through a very strong inner movement. In the past few days, one of the strongest typhoons in history has been generated in the Philippines, creating a planetary framework through which thousands of Souls departed from this plane. We remind you that everything is part of a collective soul process and that each one of those Souls who choose to leave Earth at this time and in that way, does so as a way to clear planetary karma in an accelerated manner.

Typhoons and hurricanes are vertices of karmic transmutation that GAIA uses to cleanse itself and the collective consciousness of humanity. The loving Souls who chose to leave at this time did so that through them a strong collective karmic load related to the masculine energy could be released. Everything is in Divine Order, because even when the nature of collective sacrifices like this is not understood on this plane, from other planes each one of those Souls has sustained its mission in Love to Humanity and Earth and This has generated a collective soul elevation. Infinite gratitude to the Souls who left this plane, Understanding and Love towards those who were devastated by the typhoon. Take a moment Family and wrap that area with white light and Love.

AROMAN and the White City

We arrived at the eleventh Solar Disk and this time we will work on synchronizing the personal Solar Disk located in the ninth chakra with the AROMAN Solar Disk that is located in the White City in the Honduran Jungle of the Mosquitia

The White City of the Mosquitia Jungle is a mirror that remains in communion with the White City of Luxor Egypt. His guardian is Master Serapis Bey, in the company of the Pegasus and Unicorn Family from Antares and in turn the White City remains in alignment with the Celestial Consciousness through It is a sanctuary of light for the restoration of the heart.

This is a majestic city in which there is a large white pyramid that is actually an octahedron, because all the pyramids of the Planet are actually octahedra whose bottom part remains under the Earth in an eternal way and represents the union of the Goddess and the God. The pyramid of the White City is guarded by four obelisks that function as amplifiers of solar and lunar energies that are emitted from inside the sacred enclosure.

This city is dedicated to the restoration of the connection of the feminine and the masculine. Within the pyramid, Solar Initiations are carried out through which the Souls commune in unity with their hearts to meet their Twin Flame and thus reunite with the Goddess and God from the purest manifestation of Love. Enter the heart of the White City and let AROMANÉ lead you to the Divine Union.

With love, María Magdalena

The White City and the children of the stars Canalization of Serapis Bey

Beloved family, it is an honor for me to receive you in this Sacred Enclosure from which we hold the infinite Love of the Twin Flames for their reconnection in the eternal Light of Love.

The White City was built millions of years ago when the original Earth plan first emerged. Our beloved City was created as a tantric initiation enclosure for the Twin Flame couples and it was here in this Sacred Temple that the pure souls descended to Earth to incarnate through Love and the Union of the Twin Flames. In the eternal union of their hearts and bodies, the elevation of their spirits attracted to the Earth high Souls of Light who chose to incarnate to experience life in communion with GAIA for the first time.

It was through the couples of Twin Flames that came to Earth pure souls without karma, to incarnate as girls and boys of the stars in high missions of delivery of Light and information to the Planet. High Masters were conceived in the tantric ceremonies of perfection and Love that only the Twin Flames could manifest in the eternal song of their heart. This union of the Goddess and God celebrated through the bodies to beget Stellar Souls was considered the ultimate Solar Initiation.

The infinite love of the twin flames whose hearts reflected each other like a divine mirror gave rise to the Eternal Egg of Life and wisdom, through which the Divine Vehicle of the children of the stars was conceived in pure Love. That conception, my dear ones, was symbolized by the Egyptian Ankh: the perfect union of the feminine heart of the Goddess and the masculine heart of God that generates the Egg of Life, the full manifestation of balanced and complete Love.

Our beloved White City and the Pyramid of Light were the Sacred point of union where Love gave life and the star doors opened to house the elevated Souls who, through the magnetic attraction of the highest love, chose to incarnate for the first time in the earth.

The door of the White City together with the door of the Paititi, were the sacred sites through which the Souls entered the Earth for the first time, expressing with their innocence Divine eternal traces of Light, which represented the sacred song of the children Divine of the stars. That song, which is a stellar lullaby, represented the infinite love of the Twin Flames and the eternal connection with their children of Light. The Stellar Sacred Song is engraved on the wall of Pusharo, in Paititi, as a living reminder of the arrival of the children of the Stars to Earth.

The divine innocence that these Souls called Children of the Stars bear, is the eternal memory of the Love of Mother and Father. The certainty of knowing you blessed and loved by a supreme power of Love that lacks judgment and sustains your life in infinite mercy. The Children of the Stars came into the world thousands of years ago and with their journey were leaving traces and sacred teachings about that Divine innocence, which eventually gave rise to many civilizations.

Those children of the stars are the family of 144, 000 Beings of Light who over the years have been responsible for sustaining and overseeing the Divine Plan on Earth and their Father were the 72 Kumaras of Light, which brought Earth the energy of the 12 Sacred Lineages that come from the highest union of the Goddess and God. These 12 Lineages come from the 12 creators Elohim, who were the original reflection of the Sacred Union of the Goddess and God.

The 12 Lineages are the origins of humanity, the pure DNA that came from the loving union of the 72 couples of Kumaras Fathers and Mothers who came to Earth to guard the Divine Plan of the Living Library and Whose home was Machu Picchu; the Sacred place where the ancient Souls and the Cosmic Mothers of the 6 primal races entered the Planet.

This happened millions of years ago. The Kumaras Fathers, whose guides were Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus, gave rise to Lemuria accompanied by the lineage of the 144, 000 Children of the Stars, and lived many eras of light. The 72 Kumaras Fathers and Mothers were rising towards the octaves of the Light with the passage of the ages and it was not until the arrival of Atlantis that they returned to re-create the plan of the evolution of humanity through the incarnation of pure souls without karma, to attract to Earth the pure information of the raised octaves through the arrival of a new generation of the Children of the Stars.

However, in Atlántida, for the co-creation of the new Plan, only 33 couples of Kumaras Twin Flames returned to Earth, who sustained their tantric union to engender the Children of the Stars in the White City of the Mosquitia Jungle and in the White City of Luxor Egypt.

We tell you this story because it is important that you remember, you are those Children of the Stars whose stellar parents received you in love in the white cities of the Light. And although, with the passing of the ages, the Children of Light lost the connection with their essence and generated a deep collective karma through the fall of consciousness in Atlantis and in later civilizations. In these times the Light of this stellar family has begun to be reborn so that from Love, they retake the original Earth Plan.

AROMANÉ is the Solar Disk that protects this story and through the reconnection of your personal Solar Disk the memory of the perfect union between the Goddess and the God who live eternally in your heart will be reopened. This memory will arise through the redemption in love of the masculine energy, since thousands of years ago the loving and eternal union of the Goddess and God manifested on Earth through the union of the Twin Flames was fractured, due to the fall in male consciousness influenced by the search for power and abuse of sexual energy.

This began to occur in the final time of Atlantis and lasted in Egypt, when the Kumaras Fathers and Mothers tried to reconstruct the light that humanity had lost after the Atlantean fall. Thousands of Star Children lost connection with their Light and were carried away by power, generating the painful memory they continue to clean today.

Great eternal traces left in mankind the betrayal of masculine energy, which in its quest to quench its hunger for power, detached itself from the eternal love of its divine companion, thus generating the loss of the memory of true love and the disconnection of the divinity.

The masculine energy of the planet needs to recognize the Goddess and surrender to her. Recognize that without the perfect union of the Twin Flame of the heart no spiritual elevation can occur. For it is only before the recognition of the sacred aspects that are in you that you can merge again with the Divine. If the masculine does not recognize the existence of the feminine archetype, he will hardly find his absolute healing. And if the feminine does not forgive and unconditionally loves the masculine, the Planetary memory will hardly heal.

Through the loving recognition of the Goddess in you, you will heal the ancient archetypes of power manifested in your masculine energy and with it, the history of separation will be healed through the times.

Eleventh DNA strand: Antares and the children of light Channeling of Serapis Bey

Dear star family, we have told you a little about the history of the cosmic Fathers known as Kumaras. They brought to Earth the physical manifestation of the galactic lineage through their union. On this occasion the AROMAN Solar Disk and the Helios Table reveal the energy of the DNA filament contained inside, this filament corresponds to the galactic race of ANTARES and I, Serapis Bey I am a representative of this race.

Antares is the sacred home of the Pegasus and Unicorns, as well as the Belugas and the Narwhals (the unicorns of the sea) within the Celestial Consciousness is also associated with Antares.

Antares is the star of innocence. We protect the plan of infinite love and the connection of the Twin Flames. Pegasus and Unicorns are responsible for healing the deep wounds generated by the separation of the sacred feminine and masculine. Through the reactivation of this strand of DNA you will receive the Light that comes from Antares for its reconnection with the Divine Child and the pure innocence of unconditional love between the flame Feminine and the male flame.

In Love, Serapis Bey

On this occasion we will work on Activating the Eleventh Solar Disk located in our ninth chakra through the Connection with the CORAZON SOLAR Code .

We will synchronize our Eleventh Solar Disk with the Planetary Solar Disk AROMAN through the Helios Table.

Helios table active 121212

And we will activate the Eleventh DNA Strand through the release of the 11 Light Codes contained within the Helios Table whose frequency contains the cosmic language of Antares in connection with the Cetacean Consciousness

(meditation to be held on November 21)

download meditation here: download Eleventh Solar Disk Meditation

To download the meditation, follow these steps:

1. place the mouse cursor over the link

2. right click

3. select the option “save link as” or “save link as”

Watch the Meditation video here: Watch video

We will also do the Meditation through Radio to the Other Side of the Mirror at the following times:

For Spain, it will be 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00 and 24:00

For Argentina and Chile it will be broadcast at 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00 and 20:00

For Ecuador and Colombia, 6:00, 8:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00 and 18:00

For Mexico, it will be 5:00, 7:00, 9:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, and 17:00

We are Blessed in Love and Joy, always!

Love, Service, Gratitude

For Mother Earth and all her Beings


Activation of the eleventh Solar Disk, The White City and the Children of the Stars

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