82 precepts of George Gurdjieff

1. Set your attention on yourself, be aware at every moment of what you think, feel, desire and do.

2. Always finish what you started.

3. Do what you are doing your best.

4. Do not get chained to anything that eventually destroys you.

5. Develop your generosity without witnesses.

6. Treat each person as if they were a close relative.

7. Order what you have messed up.

8. Learn to receive, thank each gift.

9. Stop defining yourself.

10. Do not lie or steal, if you do you lie and steal yourself.

11. Help your neighbor without making him dependent.

12. Do not wish to be imitated.

13. Make work plans and fulfill them.

14. Do not take up too much space.

15. Do not make unnecessary noises or gestures.

16. If you don't have it, imitate faith.

17. Don't be impressed by strong personalities.

18. Do not appropriate anything or anyone.

19. Deal fairly.

20. Do not seduce.

21. Eat and sleep as strictly necessary.

22. Don't talk about your personal problems.

23. Do not make judgments or criticisms when you do not know most of the facts.

24. Do not establish useless friendships.

25. Do not follow fashions.

26. Don't sell yourself.

27. Respect the contracts you have signed.

28. Be on time.

29. Do not envy the goods or successes of others.

30. Speak only what is necessary.

31. Do not think about the benefits that your work will bring you.

32. Never threaten.

33. Make your promises.

34. In a discussion put yourself in the place of the other.

35. Admit someone to beat you.

36. Do not eliminate, but transform.

37. Overcome your fears, each of them is a desire that camouflages itself.

38. Help the other to help himself.

39. Beat your antipathies and approach people you want to refuse.

40. Do not act by reaction to what they say good or bad about you.

41. Transform your pride into dignity.

42. Transform your anger into creativity.

43. Transform your greed into respect for beauty.

44. Transform your envy into admiration for the values ​​of the other.

45. Transform your hate into charity.

46. ​​Do not praise or insult yourself.

47. Treat what does not belong to you as if it belonged to you.

48. Don't complain.

49. Develop your imagination.

50. Do not give orders just for the pleasure of being obeyed.

51. Pay for the services they give you.

52. Do not advertise your works or ideas.

53. Do not try to awaken in the other emotions towards yourself as piety, admiration, sympathy, complicity.

54. Don't try to distinguish yourself by your appearance.

55. Never contradict, just shut up.

56. Do not contract debts, acquire and pay immediately.

57. If you offend someone, ask forgiveness.

58. If you have offended him publicly, excuse yourself in public.

59. If you realize that you have said something wrong, do not insist on pride in that error and immediately give up your purposes.

60. Don't defend your old ideas just because it was you who enunciated them.

61. Do not keep useless objects.

62. Do not be adorned with other people's ideas.

63. Do not take pictures with famous people.

64. Don't be accountable to anyone, be your own judge.

65. Never define yourself for what you own.

66. Never talk about yourself without giving yourself the possibility to change.

67. Accept that nothing is yours.

68. When your opinion about something or someone is asked, say only its qualities.

69. When you get sick, instead of hating that evil, consider your teacher.

70. Do not look with disguise, stare.

71. Do not forget your dead, but give them a limited place that prevents them from invading your whole life.

72. Where you live, always dedicate a place to the sacred.

73. When you perform a service, don't highlight your efforts.

74. If you decide to work for others, do it with pleasure.

75. If you doubt between doing and not doing, take a chance and do.

76. Don't try to be everything to your partner; admit that you look for others what you cannot give him.

77. When someone has their audience, do not go to contradict him and steal the audience.

78. Live on money earned by yourself.

79. Do not boast of love affairs.

80. Do not boast about your weaknesses.

81. Never visit someone just to fill your time.

82. Get to deal.

George Gurdjieff - Mystic Master, philosopher, writer and Russian composer 1872-1949

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