25 uses of essential oils you should know

  • 2014

Of the wide variety of uses that essential oils have, I propose these 25 practical applications in which they can be used in your day. Take note!

.1.- Mice and spiders hate mint . Pour 500 ml of water and 15 drops of peppermint essential oil into a bottle with spray in the conflict areas

2.- To give a good smell to your shoes, shoes and all types of footwear, and also take advantage of the antibacterial properties of some essential oils.

3.- Headache ? Pour 5 drops of birch essential oil into a little champagne and wash your hair leaving it 3 minutes before rinsing it.

4.- In allergies or colds a few drops of lemon essential oil will prevent runny nose, apply at night.

5.- In the air conditioning, fans, radiators, etc. Take a few drops of your favorite essential oil and get your home to smell as you like.

6.- To remove the hiccup, pour 4 drops of peppermint essential oil in half a glass of water at room temperature and drink a drink

7.- Apply T tree oil on the toenails to avoid fungi, and if you already have them it helps you to eliminate them.

8 .- If you put a few drops of lavender essential oil on the sheets and pillows will help you sleep and get a good rest .

9.- To relieve the headache, use base oil (sweet almonds, coconut, olive, etc.) and add several drops of mint essential oil on the temples, neck, over the eyebrows and on the fins of nose.

10.- To remove the marker pen or pen marks, take a few drops of lemon essential oil and rub vigorously.

11.- Have you cooked and smells all over the house ? Don't worry, pour a few drops of lemon essential oil in a little water and spray.

12.- The essential oils of peppermint, eucalyptus or birch have local anesthetic action.

13.- Put a drop of peppermint essential oil (for internal use) under the tongue for fresh breath

14.- If the ear holes become inflamed in reaction to the earrings or for other reasons, add a drop of Tea tree essential oil.

15.- In a small spray bottle, pour water and a few drops of lavender, it will help you to clean your hands when you are away.

16.- In summer, in a diffuser essential oil of mint or lemongrass to keep flies away

17.- Add a few drops of lemon essential oil in the dishwasher box

18.- Dilute a few drops of tea and lavender essential oil in a spray bottle with water and spray on your sports equipment (backpack, shoes, mats, etc.) to eliminate germs and odors .

19.- To 200 ml of water add 50 ml of cider oil and 10 drops of Tea tree to get a fabric softener with antimicrobial action.

20.- Apply a few drops of eucalyptus and rosemary essential oil on a cloth and put it on your neck to help decongest the nose and breathe better during colds and flu .

21.-Use orange or lemon essential oil to remove gum from clothes, carpets or even hair.

22.- Apply tea tree essential oil diluted in coconut oil and apply on the skin in the area where you are going to get a tattoo. Thus we prevent it from becoming infected.

23.- Add sandalwood or lavender essential oil to your shaving cream for smooth, well-groomed skin .

24.- Make flavored ice cubes using your favorite essential oil (make sure it is for internal use)

25.- Do you have dandruff ? Add a few drops of Tea tree essential oil to your shampoo to fight it

25 uses of essential oils you should know

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