12 Symptoms and more ... Of the Awakening of Your Divinity ... by Celestial Light

  • 2011

I know this topic will have been investigated. But I also know that before anyone who writes about it, they stop to know what else can happen to them ... Let them somehow guide them, in all these changes of new energy: humans and planetariums. With which they can identify and comfort, their shuddering dual lives, in the 3 D we share today ...

I add personal anecdotal quotes, along with those of a friend who writes us called Badal ... I wish you support, light and maybe even a beautiful smile will start you ... That is my idea here my beloved ones. Making them feel calmer ... but above all things, transmitting to them: that THEY ARE NOT ALONE in this. What is real that we are changing. I would be fascinated that you wrote to me, to exchange the symptoms you live ... in this whole process too ...

With certainty we tell you today, that the biggest symptom you begin to feel is that we should, need and can be better ...

It is heard, silently, in the heart. Here people call him pale, hunch, intuition, foreboding, smell, conscience, instinct, etc. When that happens to them ... our advice is: OBEY THIS ... That is the external manifestation of the Divine Guide ... of the Being of Light that IS ... and that you already feel you are fit to: begin to realize, the previous agreement you made before to return, to awaken consciously, about the BEING OF LIGHT that are here on earth ... You are an Angel and that you feel silently in your heart, are YOUR brother angels, Guides, Archangels, Cosmic or Divine Mother or Mary, Masters experts in many specialties ... that are already here (request of God). They only ask you to REMEMBER that will make all the new energy… you receive them easier…

The angels tell me to clarify something: “they must be GOOD whites : help, give, accompany, care, write, give, receive, heal, clean, seek, carry, live, sow, serve, educate, deliver, visit, dance, sing, play, comfort, observe, preserve, walk, swim, raise, release, release, let, persevere, meditate, sleep ”

Some additional symptoms may be these that we present ...

1.- Aches and pains in the body ...

Especially in the head (migraine), neck, throat (soul chakra), shoulders, in the middle of the upper back (wings), left cerebral hemisphere, forehead (third eye), base of the skull. This is due to the release and feeding with divine LIGHT, of the pineal and pituitary glands. Activation and connection of the heart chakra with the crown. Activation of our pranic respiration, which as beings of Light we are (equal to whales) is through the crown chakra. Changes in our DNA, since the “Seed of Christ Consciousness” has been activated inside us… Do not be alarmed… Just put on cold compresses… try as much as possible not to take medications… lean towards the natural, that will keep your system clean auric and energetic. Do not be surprised that the cold compresses that you put on your pain points, get hot in minutes ... All the discomforts happen in a maximum of one to three days ... Do not panic ... it is temporary and you are not alone.

2.- Unusual and annoying dream patterns ...

It is consistent, that during these spiritual processes ... you wake up from 3:30 am (angelic time), 4:00 am, or 4:30 am. Other days you will have insomnia or want to sleep all day ... Dreams will be almost movies: intense, real and will explain past events, and this is because we are releasing the deep unconscious. You will be getting up (if you slept something), more tired of how you slept ... This is due to the great work in your inner worlds, than the Archangels like Raphael (cosmic green ray of God), technicians and specialists of all diseases: psychic, physical and emotional, they are healing and liberating in you. It is practically a cleaning and removal of old energies accumulated for centuries, in our interior. Do not worry ... it is recommended to pray during these hours of night restlessness, drink fresh water, and above all : AGRA DECE . Ask your angels and teachers for help - guides who know about you, love you, care for you, protect you, since you exist and are. You are not alone. This too shall pass…

The angels also remind me that the teachers have said ... that we will have discomforts all over our stomachs and underbelly. It is removal of blockages, in the farms of these areas. It will also be only: two or three days.

3.- Feelings of deep sadness, very strong anger, crying and even wanting to scream ...

This can be interpreted as a GREAT move from an old energy to a totally new and light energy ... it's like moving from the city, to the other side where you were born and have lived your whole life ... then feelings of helplessness, longing, attachment, are justified. resistance, frustration, etc. It is also your own shadow of negative energy and pain, which is released and leaves you. I recommend that you can consume vitamin B 12 and take warm infusions of fruits, linden and chamomile ... and also take it easy, do prayer, simple meditation.

Teachers advise that at this time, try not to hurt anyone, physically or verbally. When you calm down a bit, invoke your angels of forgiveness (divine forgiveness) and forgive yourself lovingly, for all that you consider. Say through the awareness that you are breathing: I AM THE LIGHT OF GOD, I AM THE LIGHT OF GOD (3bis). This is a Holy Balm of protection.

4.- Sudden and great desire to change jobs, work, professional career

This is justified and understood, by opening yourself consciously to the great changes and internal adjustments, which you go through. If you change within yourself, it is also consistent that they are reflected in your activities and daily life. Personal I tell you, that I managed to have a stable company, producing a lot of money, my employees and a lot of responsibility with customer service jobs, in the field of advertising media It was my professional career for 15 years And one day I started to get to the door of my office and he returned me to my house, put a pillow on my head, not wanting anyone to know about me, or call me . In a few months I couldn't take it anymore and I went on trips and when I came back I dropped out and left it absolutely all behind. This happens while your soul and true Ser takes you towards the reunion with your life mission the one that you agreed before reincarnating, to move forward and evolve at last You must have patience and confidence that you are NOT ALONE (a) in all this help appears to support you at all levels, while you are reunited with what really brought you here. Mostly it is service and help of any kind to others. Just ask and it will be given to you. I swear that. Now I am extremely happy and delivered 100%, doing this for you with love, passion, vocation of the soul and that is that we love you very much ... You are not alone )

5.- Withdrawal and total and / or partial separation of personal and family relationships

This is because you are connected to your biological and / or office family through your old karmas. When you begin your inner change and transformation, those old bonds are released, just as you free yourself from the karmic cycle of cause and effect with them, you begin to realize consciously. that all those people with whom you have grown up are outstanding balances in some way, and when you settle them: They are released, they leave and you leave! Now, you can share with more love and dedication with strangers and people that you have never seen in your life The old friends of always to feel your new energy and attitude, also leave and thus begins a new stage of reunited family ( mic) and friendships related to your new wave of consciousness (everything flows better) You allow yourself with freedom, start from scratch with relationships, being this Once completely consistent with them and your feelings (BEING) Some or many relationships, at this stage end, after the experience. You must make the closures with love and peace, letting go, letting go, allowing: accepting, because the emotional ego-mental- psycho apprehension, to this type of relationships, without the heart (soul) ... will bring you unnecessary energetic wear and you will make your process slower. Also here, all kinds of relationships: one or three people, will be ending, that is, if you are in love (or) alone with someone who does not belong to you and / or are being unfaithful ... These are the new settings Awareness, far from duality, that is already imprinted on you ... It is consistent, then let this happen. It is your free will, if you do it slowly with pain ... or fast with elevation and consistent with what you came to do.

6.- Physical disorientation ...

Many times you will be feeling (if not anymore) ... like out of orbit ... out of where you are. You will feel subtly moving, the floor, bed, chair, your car, furniture, etc. ... where you are ... and you with them. I share that last year, my son and husband were literally wobbling and shaken very strongly in their beds. My husband explains, that that Saturday afternoon, he saw his feet on the bed rise strongly, unable to do anything about it ... it was an earthquake of 11.1 degrees, in his bed and in him. My son lived it in a dream, which lifted him desperate. I have felt it like the Mercalli scale, which are slight movements, and “ that are not based on seismographic records, or on the effect or damage produced in structure, but on the sensation perceived by people .”

They also explain ... that we will be challenged, with the feeling that we cannot have both feet on the ground, or that you walk and lean ... This is accompanied by strong dizziness or dizziness. Do not worry. You are not sick. As your consciousness and new energy make the transition to the new, your physical body lags a little behind. You will also feel some tachycardia and chest pain, shortness of breath and difficulty yawning. I recommend at this stage, tap your thymus throat (soul chakra), with your index and middle fingers, do meditation outdoors, walk without listening to music and be much closer to nature, you can swim ... the idea is that you connect with outer space freely. Drink fresh water and please do not tell anyone, that you know that they will not understand you ... Their opinions will make you more tense (a) and it is enough with what you live ... These stadiums are also passengers. Write me.

7.- Increase of talks with oneself, auditory humming…

You will find yourself talking to yourself more than usual. There is a new level of communication that is taking place with your Higher Self (yourself), but on another level of consciousness. In a meditation, I connected with my YS, and told him that I wanted to meet him: "He showed me my own face smiling, dressed in a purple shirt . " There I understood this point. Additionally it is happening to me, especially when I pray, meditate, write, think or talk about all this with a lot of love and peace, that my ears begin to plug (as if I were descending into an airplane), my right ear moves alone and inside my nose, I feel a: tac. As if something is uncovered and sounds: tac ... is very curious ... and this happens to me now, as I write.

We will also be with sharp and cosmic vibrational ringing in our ears. I have felt them in my right ear ... They are so clear, that at any moment you can listen to them. Some experts tell us that we are Shaumbra, moving ... I share the link about what the word Shaumbra means ... and I know that you will be in love with the subject, it is that We are One and We are not Alone ...

SHAUMBRA : http://sintesis-nicaluz.galeon.com/aficiones1551006.html

8.- Feelings of deep loneliness, abandonment and wanting to go ...

You may be feeling, at certain times very alone, removed or displaced by others or by everything. Incredibly, you will feel the desire to get away from societies, groups, crowds or spaces that are too open. As a Being of Light conscious and coherent with your worlds, you start from 0 (zero) ... a new lonely and sacred path. And in that state, it is very difficult to relate to anyone. Many days you will not be able to interact with yourself, due to so many changes and new energy movements. Others explain that at this stage, the feeling of loneliness and abandonment, is because some of your main Guides leave. They are spiritual brothers who have been with you on all your trips, comings and goings. They depart, so that you can fill those voids with your own spaces, of the Divinity that you are ... The emptiness, the loneliness and the abandonment that you can feel, is filled with love and new energy, of your own Christ consciousness, high vibrational high frequency awareness. This conscience, was the one he received, our brother Jeshua or Jesus ... 2000 years ago ... leading him to the ASCENSION OF HEAVENS, as CHRIST MASTER.

9.- Loss of passion and much reluctance ...

We may also feel totally dispassionate, with no desire to do something. Don't feel bad ... it's part of the process. Spend time doing: Nothing then ...

Do not fight or face that ... Try to make adjustments in your daily life ... so that this situation is not a complication for yours and your environment. The reading tells us "that it is because you are resetting yourself in all your planes of consciousness and you need to close for a short period of time, until you get the new software installed ...". This is ultimately the new energies of Christ Consciousness in you. We are releasing, with the help of our Beings of Light, alchemically: formats of fear, pain, darkness. Do not worry ... it will also happen ... and as you see ... You are not alone ... we have all passed, we are going through or we will go through this. AND THE HELP OF THE EXPERIENCES OF HEAVEN: IT'S ... just ASK IT!

10.- A deep nostalgia for "returning home" ...

In 2009, long before I found out online that everything I lived and had lived was collective and planetary, I had the deepest depression I faced. My heart ached with grief, and I managed to tell my husband that: “I felt something like this (example) as if they had sent me some time ago to Japan or China (on the other side of my world) and I was there for doing a job I knew I had a culmination date and that gave me peace of mind and allowed me to stay away from mine and my home with patience and resignation. The depression came when I wanted or asked to go HOME ... and they gave me Superior orders of a resounding: NOT yet. I told him: "I feel trapped and no way out here." I remember that I cried inconsolably ... apart, that he lives in the United States and I for reasons beyond my human will ... I could not return to his side, to my home ... I did not understand at that time that the pain was to leave the planet (which was really the new energy), but I thought I wanted to be with my husband, in my house, with my things. The accompanying reading of support tells us that “there is a part of us that wishes to return from where we came from… Already at this stage, we have completed cycles of karmatic recurrences, we have certainly fulfilled the contracts or covenants made before returning. We have even died psychologically, several times in this life ... ” something that would have cost you many reincarnations in other times, today, with new consciousness, you achieve it in days or minutes. We have started new lives in this same body (did you know?) ... and what you most long for is that you have an internal remembrance of what it is like to be on the other side of the veil of oblivion ... that precedes us at birth. We live for thousands of years in two planes: third and fourth dimension. Here, we forget the fourth and when we die we forget the third ...

... and this happens over and over again ... over and over again ... that is why our souls are also completely tired, exhausted ... and beg that this wheel is over.

11.- Change eating habits ... Improve: to be better, better and better ... is something you need with passion.

This often includes eliminating from your diet and strong foods, meats of all kinds, seasoning additives, energy drinks, alcoholic drinks, snacks, cigarettes, drugs, medications, soda or soda, sweeteners. Even drink water from the fridge. You tend to leave consciously, medical treatments and you notice that you no longer need them. Many diseases that accompanied you, at this stage they begin to disappear miraculously. Although we continue to fight with our fat and swelling that torment. Sunspots and / or (crazy ego); -.)

12.- Changes, more changes and more changes ...

To conclude, do not believe that all the Symptoms of this GREAT spiritual AWAKENING are bad ... it gave me a positive way, for becoming five times more neat than before, stop saying bad words for nothing, I became more respectful, stop thinking : I FEEL now. I am more calm, calm, I stopped watching unpleasant movies, I don't watch TV, I don't hear all music (I can't anymore). It gave me singing and I compose melodies of my new angelic, spiritual and Christic life (they love that and they have developed it for me).

I use edible vinegar to clean and clean my physical spaces. I recommend them to heal your skin, protect yourself, and scare off bad vibes, (energy vampires)

I can also testify to you that my life has become synchronized with the wonderful No. 11, 10 and 1. And it has something to do with a message I received, where I heard they told me: SUMA . Add and relate, my birthday date with my age, gave me: 1… and then the current day, month and year of my birthday meets my current age, gave me: 1…. I am 1… We are ONE… with the source that is: GOD.

Fill yourself with all the peace, love and tranquility that you can ... ( try )

Live totally from your heart (Intuition, hunch, good throats), there are all the answers to your questions. ALL ... not outside ... Never outside.

Do absolutely nothing, without your CORAZÖN. STOP SUFFERING, WE SUPPLY YOU (take control of your lives in this).

Be aware of: do not generate new karmas for your lives ... Do not load with other people's processes. Heal and quickly resolve those who have pending.

Forgive, forgive yourself, let go, clean your spaces, free, let go, love, let yourself be loved, open your arms and wings to receive.

Be compassionate and benevolent with yourselves, be sincere, thankful, do not be more distressed by anything, do not wear out for nonsense, discern before making decisions, do not criticize or prosecute anything, try to laugh, breathe, feel nature, walk, drink fresh water, sea and coconut (bless it), pray, meditate for a while, love each other ... give yourself lots of kisses, hugs BLESS ... Because we are all VERY BELOVED ... We are not alone in this, my precious Beings ... I love you unconditionally ...

Until next time… :-.)

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