“Living from the heart” / “The HOUSE comes the Ti”

  • 2014

Interview with Geoffrey Hoppe, Tobias Channel

appeared in LICHTFOCUS nr. 17 of 2007


We met Geoffrey in Frankfurt, at the School of Sexual Energy or SES (Sexual Energies School). This school is offered by the Advanced Studies department of the Crimson Circle and deals with the abuse of sexual energies. Actually this is not related to sexuality and related abuse, but to the basic balance between male and female energies. Tobias explains that this imbalance has been caused by a "virus" that prevents us from living from the heart, because it makes us forget who we really are.

QUESTION: Hi Geoffrey. Can you tell us something about the SES school and how it addresses the issue of "living from the heart"?

GEOFFREY: Yes, the two issues are closely linked. The School is very intense and very personal. It is a difficult and stimulating school since the abuse of sexual energy is the main underlying theme of humanity. It does not refer to sesso, violence or abuse, in particular; there is much more: it is about how we manipulate and play with each other. Tobias defines abuse as a virus, such as a cold or the flu.

QUESTION: What exactly is this virus?

GEOFFREY: This virus is a virus of consciousness. It doesn't belong to anyone and no, it's not a conspiracy or anything like that and we can't blame our “dark side” or “bad side” - it's not that easy. This virus can pass from parents to children and from one person to another.

The same virus is always mutating: a moment before it manifests itself in the form of anger, the next moment it becomes depression. It has many different ways of manifesting and tends to hide. In the end it does not steal energy anymore: it feeds on fear and insecurity and keeps humans in confusion so that they FORGET WHO THEY ARE.

The virus creates the victim and the executioner - If you experience an abuse of your energy as a child, for example, because your parents say that they had not wanted you, that you are incapable, that you should not be so… etc. you are already on paper of the victim and then as an adult, you feel the urgent need to provide energy, so you become an executioner yourself. That is how the victim becomes an executioner.

The virus also causes its own individual pattern, a vicious circle from which it is difficult to escape. You lose your self-esteem, it makes you feel tired, it confuses your mind, it's hard for you to choose ... to the point where you finish believing: "This is my destiny, I can't help it!" You've fallen into the net!

QUESTION: How does this virus work? Where is it located?

GEOFFREY: The sex energy virus acts in the brain! It is found in the belly, intestines, throughout the body, but acts primarily in the brain and yields everything logical and mental.

QUESTION: Now I understand myself! "I am not in the mind!" As everyone thinks. Is this a part of the virus?

GEOFFREY: Yes, the virus manipulates your brain and says: "You have no courage, you are not able to do anything, you are not able to earn money, you are not a creator." It prevents you from having a higher consciousness, it makes you believe that you are "just an ordinary person."

QUESTION: Does this mean that the virus affects my beliefs?

GEOFFREY: The virus prevents you from having a higher awareness of your beliefs. The virus reinforces all negative beliefs, such as “I will never succeed because I don't have a good education; I was born in the wrong family, I cannot change my destiny and so on. ”

QUESTION: Where does this virus come from? How was it installed?

GEOFFREY: No one can be held responsible for the virus - no one has created it. No conspiracy theory, no extraterrestrial, or "dark part": the virus has been installed because of the imbalance between our masculine and feminine energies.

Tobias tells a story: a long time ago, long before the existence of the Earth, at a time when we still had a totally angelic form, the separation between energy already existed Male and female. Tobias defines the masculine energy Ad n and the feminine energy Isis . Isis had the responsibility of the energies of birth, of the energies of maintenance of life and of those of management, while Adam had the responsibility of supporting the feminine energies, of manifesting the feminine passion and of supporting Isis and she loved her work!

At some point, the angels began fighting each other, playing war just like the children. Isis saw all this happen and was ashamed; He thought that he had not fulfilled most of his responsibility and therefore had not done a good job. He went to Adén and asked him to continue his work and take control.

QUESTION: Why did you feel so guilty?

GEOFFREY: Due to these games among the angels, the general expansion of energy had slowed down. Isis had the impression of having to do something and handed the task to Adam.

QUESTION: How was this virus installed?

GEOFFREY: Because Adam loved Isis very much and of course he wanted to do everything possible for her, he assumed this role and began to control things; It is the point at which the masculine energy began to take over. As more and more angels became incarnate on earth, Adam took his work very seriously, thinking that it was what Isis wanted. Of course it is a metaphor, but it is also very true. Since then, the virus has become part of human consciousness!

QUESTION: Why so far we have not achieved the balance between the masculine and feminine energies?

GEOFFREY: At Atlantis we have tried, we wanted to bring the masculine and feminine energies back to equilibrium. The virus was already present and said to Ad n, Ad n, don't do it. Do not give up control. Men are definitely much smarter and much more powerful. Well, the virus was already active and since then always tries to maintain control.

Today our world is dominated by men; The leaders of the Church are men, the dominant forces in business, the world of sports, governments, the military. all areas are dominated by men.

QUESTION: How do you work to achieve a rebalancing of energy?

GEOFFREY: The School of Sexual Energy (SES) works to restore the balance between Isis and Adam. It is a very individual process. We can't apply it globally - it wouldn't work very well. We have to show each person how it is possible to restore balance and how you can get out of the vicious circle of victim - aggressor and thus prevent the transmission of the virus to other people.

QUESTION: Why is this balance important in order to live from the heart?

GEOFFREY: The balance between male and female energies within oneself, the fusion of both polarities is the basis for living from the heart! In fact, we need both energies and if there is imbalance we cannot truly live from the heart: we live from the brain and from emotions.

QUESTION: How is the balance, when it is restored? What does that mean?

GEOFFREY: We need the feminine energies, the energies of the food, the passions, the love and to be able to give birth to new ideas and concepts, just as we need the masculine energies for the realization of the ideas, the manifestation, the activity and the movement. We give life to new ideas (feminine energy) and put it into reality (masculine energy). All this happens within us.

QUESTION: Is it possible to describe male and female energies as internal and external?

GEOFFREY: Yes, this is about energies, not gender roles at the biological level. Every human being has masculine and feminine energies. The feminine part is the creative part, the ideas - the masculine part is the one that manifests these ideas.

QUESTION: Oh, I have always thought that I am very "masculine" because they are a "maker", who has many ideas, but then it is not so.

GEOFFREY: In fact it isn't - this is about energies. For example, if a person does not have within himself the feminine energy can even do his job well, easily achieve things without thinking too much, like a soldier ... but it is not at all creative. Originally, each human being has within them the two parts.

QUESTION: When a person does not bring both poles together, does the virus go into action and look outside for the “missing” part to steal its energy?

GEOFFREY: Yes, of course. The human being yields his power and seeks happiness in other things: people, teachers, God ... etc and thus projects his imbalance abroad.

Tobias also defines our concept of "God" as a virus as we know it and says: "Your concept of God is the virus"

QUESTION: Oh, this is definitely an explosive statement !!

GEOFFREY: Yes, I know, Tobias is not easily contained. Think about this: our "God" is male, mental, distributes us between paradise and hell, gives us a cult image to honor and makes us feel separated from him. This is all the virus !!! IT IS NOT GOD!

QUESTION: Well, then this "living from the heart" means first restoring the balance between the masculine and feminine energies!

GEOFFREY: Yes, otherwise you remain imprisoned in the mind. You cannot know God through the mind, it is never possible to "understand" God. The mind is to carry out specific human functions here on Earth: storing data, producing concepts, etc ... but the mind cannot "feel." Sometimes, the virus tries to make us believe that the mind can do it, but These feelings are always momentary and confusing. We believe that we feel, but it is not so!

QUESTION: I know this feeling well. I think I felt something and even created an image with it. On the contrary, a feeling that comes from the heart is not something you 'know': it makes you feel warm and expanding, clearly.

GEOFFREY: Exactly. Emotions are not feelings, they are reactions. Some confuse emotions with true feelings. True feelings are the consciousness of the senses! For 'feeling' means, for example, the ability to perceive the entities that are here, to feel if something is really good for me - in fact, only these sensations make sense!

Emotions are reactions to an event and are based on the experience of the past. In other words: if when I was a child I received a slap and I got angry with those in front of me, that emotion of anger is a reaction. During the SES school we learned how to restore balance and then feel again and truly… without thinking about what we feel, but rather starting to “feel” again from the heart.

Question: My experience is that within me there is "a certain sensation", so I breathe it and let it grow until I can feel it clearly. Is that what you mean when you talk about feeling from the heart?

GEOFFREY: Yes. This "feeling" is much more than knowing: it is a knowledge that is not of the mind but of the heart.

Question: Then it becomes so clear that there is no longer any doubt.

GEOFFREY: That is correct. Many people confuse the feeling with the drama: drama is an energy thief, drama means crying, feeling lost, fragmented, etc. When someone has a crisis, then the virus steals a lot of energy.

QUESTION: So this is the secret: when you live from the heart, there is no place for drama!

GEOFFREY: And above all the energy level remains constant without ups and downs. The drama acts just like diabetes: it feeds on energy. The person feels good, after a little he feels tired again, depressed and to be able to leave it is necessary to generate more drama to get even more energy.

Living from the heart - from the True Heart - also means that there will be no ups and downs, because in the heart there is only depth and wealth! If the virus feeds on ups and downs, it continues to expand.

Many people have trouble understanding this concept; they are so accustomed to dramas, to their emotions that they do nothing but think-feel and continuously move from the highest point to the lowest point. Otherwise, the heart shows us the path to satisfaction. Many people have never experienced a feeling for something in their life; They think they have tried something, but in reality they have only experienced emotions and no genuine feelings.

One of the difficulties encountered in wanting to restore balance is that it is necessary to stop being a victim and an abuser - and it is necessary to forgive. This for many is the most difficult step, but luckily there are wonderful teachers who accompany you in this process.

(Author's note: for this reason there are many methods, such as the school of sexual energies or SES : thanks to this method, it is created - within a safe space - a reference experience that can be memorized and chosen to personal level as a new standard. Once this experience is in your consciousness, you can always remember it and begin to orient yourself from there until your system has adapted.)

QUESTION: Okay, thanks Geoffrey. To conclude, I would like to ask if there is something that you or Tobias would like to communicate to Lichtfocus readers.

GEOFFREY: Of course, with pleasure. It is a topic that has emerged today, during the question and answer session. In Europe, but especially in Germany, there is an extremely active energy of pain and guilt. It is a part of consciousness, a part of the unbalanced energy virus; At this time your presence is very strong and leaving it is essential. It is necessary that European countries collaborate since they were separated for a long time; But now is the time to bring the energies back together. Europe has a very particular conscience, just as an entity has its own light. To survive in the world market, European countries must collaborate to maintain their individual identity and work with countries such as India, China and other developing countries. Europe maintains the balance in the market worldwide, at the business level as well as at the level of consciousness. The biggest blockade to overcome now, what delays Europe, depends on your pain and sense of guilt!

QUESTION: What should we do?

GEOFFREY: Try to understand that it DOES NOT MISS suffering! Suffering is a very old concept, the virus grows with it! The virus is the one that tells you that you have to suffer to reach enlightenment or to achieve balance. SUFFERING IS A LIE!

Each country has its own personal history and it is important to understand that each action has a specific purpose at a specific time, but now is the time to let go of the old, let the pain and move on!

QUESTION: Anything else to add?

GEOFFREY: It has been a pleasure. While walking down the street, Tobias told me: "Oh yes, I wanted to tell you too, that you have not returned home either!" I thought he had not understood well and then I asked him: "Excuse me, what do you mean? Have I never come home? Home with my wife or what do you mean?

No, I want to say home, where you came from.

Tobias, you cannot be serious, it is about that when we travel, we are here and we elaborate our own percorso to return home.

No! After this statement I was so angry with Tobias that I have not spoken for two weeks. When I calmed down, Tobias explained to me: When the Source, All That Is, has opened to us, like sparks of a greater light, we embark on our journey to learn and have the experience of being creators and of being also God, and this fact has also changed the Source. Every time you learn something, that also changes the nature of the Source. She is no longer what she was, because you have left her to embark on your journey. The same happens when you turn into the house where you were born: you remember what it was, what a smell it had, etc ... but it is no longer the same house, somehow it seems more It is small and also the smell is different.

S, but then where are we going?, he asked Tobias and he replied:

It is the house that comes back to us! We do not go back. It is the house that comes to us !!! And so it is.

Tobias is an angelic being who has lived many lives on Earth. He is best known for his life as Tobit (also known as Tob as), one of the main characters of the book of Tobit, apocryphal book of the Bible. According to Tob as, his last life on Earth ended approximately 50 BC and he returned in 2009 through the Anglic Realms for what he called The evolution nm s great consciousness that humanity has experienced.

Tob as and Council Carmes bring us the energies of wisdom and love and share the perspective of the other side of the veil.

Geoffrey and Linda Hoppe founded the Crimson Circle ( Carmes Circle ) in 1999 and have guided him to what he has now become, a global affiliation of New Energy teachers for the purpose of inspiring awareness. More information about the Carmes Circle : www.crimsoncircle.com

Linda and Geoffrey work very closely with angelic beings such as Adamus Saint-Germain, Tobias or Kuthumi, delivering their messages. As the channeler of non-messenger information , Geoffrey expands his consciousness to non- physical realms and receives the packages of thought . Then he translates the message into words so others can hear them.

More information about the School of Sexual Energies:

Denise Grace Nicolau

New Energy Teacher

Bio here


Tél: 620567853

“Living from the heart” / “The HOUSE comes the Ti”

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