A NEW EARTH: Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey

This article summarizes the content of a series of videos created in collaboration by Oprah Winfrey and Eckhart Tolle, available worldwide through YouTube. Oprah is the most successful woman on American television. A true myth among his countrymen, he has been leading his own daily program for over 20 years, The Oprah Winfrey Show and is also a producer, radio broadcaster, magazine editor and actress - Purple Color, among others-. Eckhart Tolle was born as Ulrich Tolle in Germany. He lived with his father in Spain from the age of 13 (in 1961) until he moved to England at the age of 20. I studied at the Universities of London and Cambridge. At 29, Tolle experienced what he considers a spiritual transformation that marked the beginning of his work as a spiritual advisor and teacher. Since 1996 Tolle lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. He claims to have experienced a spiritual awakening at the age of 29, after suffering long periods of depression. His essay The Power of Now emphasizes the importance of being aware of the present moment so as not to get lost in thoughts. In his opinion, the present is the gateway to a high sense of peace. He affirms that Being Now entails a CONSCIENCE that is beyond the mind, a consciousness that helps to transcend the body-pain that is created by the identification With the mind and the ego. His latest book, A NEW EARTH, explores the structure of the human ego and how it acts to distract people from their present experience in the world. Below we present a summary of the information contained in the first 4 videos of the magnificent collection of the lessons of the book A New Earth . The way chosen to present the lessons is based on the informal interview format between Oprah and Tolle and the collective participation through questions asked by the public present at different points.


On page 7 of the book, Tolle writes that the book will make sense or not depending on whether people experience a change in response to what they read.

Oprah: Where does the book come from?

Tolle: It comes from a place of Peace, to connect with inner tranquility.

Oprah: How do you know what the purpose of life is?

Tolle: We are wrong when we say and think what we want from life. The right attitude should be to ask what life wants from me. To truly find personal purpose you have to understand life as a TOTALITY and within that totality ask life where you fit and what is your purpose, your place. The answers may not come immediately. I asked life about what my purpose was and the answer did not come until enough time passed.

Oprah: What is God to you?


Tolle clarifies that the book is one inspired not channeled. And he insists on the idea that you have to ask life to tell you what your purpose is. To do this, you may have to go to a place where the answer is found in a potential way. He made him leave England and go to Vancouver. One day he got up and heard a voice telling him that to find his purpose he must go to Vancouver and left. He explains that although England likes it very much, the energy field was not adequate.


Oprah: There is something at the beginning of the book that left me very shocked. It is about what you say about the power of flowers.

Tolle: Yes, flowers represent calm. The flower in particular is a wonderful point to access the inner calm. The flowers are more fleeting, ethereal, less dense and therefore messengers of other dimensions. When you look at a flower, without interference from the thinking part, you really see. JESUS ​​said: “Look at the lilies of the field. Why are you so anxious. these flowers are not? ”There is so much beauty in the flowers… You can live like that too. JESUS, indicates that you should look at the flowers to be able to connect with that dimension within yourself.

Oprah: I live surrounded by a wonderful garden. One day I decided to see the flowers but with the eyes and mind of a baby. I went for a walk without naming flowers or trees. Not knowing I was in front of an oak. Without labeling things just feeling them. Without naming the things of nature and I felt a majesty, a force I had not felt before.

Tolle: Being present in that perception through things is the key. Do not put labels on anyone. If one is an engineer, or waiter or man or Indian or Venezuelan ... DO NOT label. That is difficult but nature is a good point to start doing this. Perceive the flower instead of seeing it. And everything becomes VIBRANT, BRIGHT WITH SO MUCH ENERGY ... It is something you experience again for the first time in life, when you are able to feel that perception of beautiful things without labeling them. As we turn years the memory begins to collapse and everything becomes more empty and more dead.

Oprah: Why is this?

Tolle: Because we work based on mental abstractions. All concepts and thoughts are abstractions that have no life. Then you can't see what's out because they are so absorbed in your thoughts. You are lost in your thoughts. It's that voice in your head that talks to you all the time.

Oprah: If we're going to be talking a lot about that voice through the lessons ...

The first intervention by the public is through a woman who wants to deepen the difference between religion and spirituality. She is Catholic and after reading the book of A New Earth, she is confused as some ideas depart from the Catholic nation they have taught her. First Oprah responds:

Oprah: Those of the book are reconciled with Catholicism or Christianity because the book simply helps you open your eyes and mind more to God. In the church there are rules, beliefs and doctrines. When I was 27 or 28 years old I remember being in the church listening to the preacher who was wonderful but he said that our God was jealous and that didn't feel good inside me. And there began my search. In the book quotes that "man made God in his image and likeness. And we did the eternal, the infinite and the unnamable reduced to a mental idol that we had to believe and worship as a God. Jesus came to teach us the Consciousness of Christ; to teach us a superior path, an awareness of which we speak here. Jesus said look I'm going to live in a body and I'm going to tell you how that is done. Tolle explains at the beginning of the book that a change in consciousness is possible; It is an AWAKENING. But he doesn't want to become the next guru!

Tolle: Religion can be an open door to spirituality or a closed door. I like to read the new testament; I also read the old man. And many of the passages in the New Testament are a gem for me. Jesus' words are much deeper than what the churches interpret. There is a lot of intensity and they reflect their own depth when they are read. So there is no conflict between the teachings, which are purely spiritual and religions. If you go deeper into religions, they all go to the same place. The important thing is that religion does not become an ideology because then beliefs are adopted and religion becomes a closed door.

Oprah: There are several books that talk about the new spirituality compared to the old one, which are based on the hierarchy and power of the church. The new spirituality is one that tells you that you are your own authority and you must know and love yourself. In the old version it is said that God is the Way and the way you do it that way is very structured and you must follow those exact steps. In the new instructions you must first listen to yourself and see your needs because there are many paths that can lead you to spirituality and Peace: ancient traditions, mythology, psychology, methods of healing No, scientific wisdom, your own experience. It's about all this awakening something in you. What conflicts do you feel?

The woman explains that these conflicts have to do with the ideas of life after death and things like that. Ideas of Buddhism and Hinduism and those ideas do not fit very well into Catholicism.

Oprah: There are many more paths than Christianity

Tolle: Other interesting writings comes from John Goldsmith; any of his books can teach you how deep are the teachings of Christianity.

Another participant from the public at another point in the country asks about the history of humanity in relation to the Awakening and as in the last 10 years and particularly in the 2 years The people are much more sensitized with the CONSCIENCE OF CHRIST. Why is this happening?

Tolle: It's happening because we're reaching a critical point. Basic things don't happen until we reach the absolute necessity of this happening. In the past this awakening seems to have been the luxury of Only a few individuals had access. They tried to teach other people but their words were misunderstood. Now is our time to WAKE UP. Jesus was a revolutionary who misunderstood a lot and we are waking up now. because it has to be this way for humanity to make its next evolutionary leap. We have to wake up because the mind can be very destructive and continue to destroy the planet by not being able to leave the egoic mind. If you look at the 20th century, you have a vision of what can happen. 100 million people were killed because of their conflicts, wars and famines, many of them caused by the common man. incredible dementia. Yes there is no change in CONSCIOUSNESS NOW we can go downhill and finally humanity may not survive.

Oprah: We are at a critical point. Everyone talks about the evil things are in. For example, the media, those movies so violent that they reflect that we are inside. We are going to see mutilate, murder people as a form of FUN. Think that if we did that in the 20th century, what could we do now with all the material and technological advances we have? What would happen if there is no change?

Tolle: Yes, because technology amplifies the egoic function in human beings.

Oprah: One of the things I've learned in the book is to evaluate our EGO. First we must see how we contribute to the problem. That saying that "if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem." Most people do not understand that we are contributing to the problem and the book made me understand this.

Tolle: We need to observe our mind. It is our responsibility to see how we react to problems; What kind of thoughts we have in mind. It is important not to amplify the negativity and not react to it. You have to be alert. Look at your mind Witness it so that consciousness can grow. You are not your mental processes since they are affected by thousands of years of human conditioning and there is an inherent dysfunction in the structure of thoughts. Through this comes the EGO. We will talk in depth about the EGO later. By recognizing this in yourself, you have a responsibility not to contribute to collective destruction.

Oprah: Eckhart is referring to collective consciousness. Talk about this on page 11 and 12 of the book. The fear of each, their anger, envy, resentment… all this contributes to the collective consciousness. In order to change The collective is each responsible for changing their own mind.

We provide youtube address where all the videos of these lessons are. The summary provided covers the videos of the first 4 lessons. Next week we will continue explaining the content of the following 4.


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