Workshop "The Subtle Senses" in Barcelona. November 6

  • 2010

(Extrasensory Perceptions)

Imparted by

May Romero and Pedro P.

November 6, 2010

from 10h. at 8pm

in Barcelona

Nature Center,

C / Francisco Giner, 17 - 08012

Contact phone:: 932.377.744 (Anna)

644403364 (Fatima - May)


In this workshop those perceptions that have been heard but not all have been able to perceive will be known. In it we will perform energy unlocks that after an activation will allow us to see the Vital Energy that is everywhere, subsequently seeing the Energy Fields. Ticos or Aura.


Find out and develop subtle senses

Awaken the vision of energy

Awaken the vision of the energy bodies

Feel the energy of other people

We will deal with:


Intuition n

Subtle Anatomy



Telepath a

Premonitory Dreams



We will do exercises:

Exercises to see the Life Energy

Exercises to feel your own Energy

Exercises to feel the Energy of other people

Exercises to see the Energy Bodies or Aura, etc ...

All this will provide the keys for each one individually to be able to enhance those capabilities that we all possess.

99% of the people who have attended the workshop have seen Vital Energy and some of the Energy Fields or Aura. People with visual problems such as cataracts do not get to see it, because of the problem of that ailment, so it is advisable not to do the workshop.

Registration is € 30 is made until October 28, being the price of the workshop up to that date of € 90

If it is after that date (10/28/2010), the price is € 110

The payment method is: making an account deposit: 0065/1518/17/0001018777

and sending an e-mail with a copy of the receipt to

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