Archangel Michael - Seeds of creation

  • 2016

I, Archangel Michael, introduce myself to talk with you about the Seeds of Creation with the purpose of awakening your inner memory. Every Soul that is now on Earth is connected to, or extends from those who anchored on Earth the Seeds of Creation to manifest life, experiences and evolutionary journeys. When the Earth was created, Seeds of Creation were anchored that formed the Earth and established the intentions for those who would exist in it. The Seeds of Creation composed of Light and having the energy of the Creator Universe, acted as a Source of navigation for the Earth and its Humanity with a focus on satisfaction and connection with the Creator. When a new civilization is born on Earth, there have been many, new Seeds of Creation are anchored to support its existence and purpose. Not only are they anchored on Earth, the Seeds of Creation themselves are anchored in Humanity as Light Templates, to stimulate everyone to create from the intentions established in these Seeds of Light. Each time an important change of spiritual awakening and Ascension is promoted; and every time it occurs on Earth, there are Beings of Light that anchor Seeds of Creation to support the manifestation of changes with ease and perfection. This means that when we examine all Creation Seeds anchored on Earth and that it currently has, we can see the entire history of the Earth, all the intentions of the different civilizations, each and every one of the Ascension changes that have occurred for the Mother Earth and her Humanity . We can understand the purpose of everything that has happened and what is creating the accumulation of energy and consciousness. The Seeds of Creation act as valuable markers to understand the Earth and understand the current level of Ascension of Humanity . They allow us to glimpse the wisdom and truthfulness of those who are anchoring the Seeds of Creation; and also evaluating the evolution of Humanity.

The Seeds of Creation that Mother Earth has inside have been embedded and hidden ; Moreover, Humanity has been blind to these magical luminous expressions from outside the Earth, which contain great wisdom. This has meant that it has been impossible to even contemplate the existence of the Seeds of Creation. The more Love anchored on Earth the Beings of Venus and the Internal Planes, the ability of Humanity to recognize the Light, the power and the truth of the Creator, awakens and reactivates. More and more Souls are discovering that they have the ability to connect with the Light and Love of the Creator and receive their wisdom, understand it; and be able to capture how it aligns with your physical reality . For Humanity and for those who are aware of the presence of the Creator's Light, it may seem that the Seeds of Creation are waking up now, rising to the surface to receive them; while the reality is that Humanity is waking up, becoming aware of the Seeds of Creation and approaching them to receive them.

Each Seed of Creation contains huge volumes of Light and Wisdom; some contain in their energy all the knowledge and purpose of a whole civilization. The Seeds of Creation offer you a vision of your Original Essence, your original purpose and your original existence. They can take you to the origins of your energy and your existence, both on Earth and in the Internal Planes. Some allow us to understand civilizations from outside the Earth, as well as recognize the presence of the Creator in everything and everyone. There are Seeds of Creation that show the greatest potential of Earth Humans, as spiritual Beings that exist in physical bodies. Some Creation Seeds offer guidance to bring Humanity and Earth to greater alignment and attunement with the Creator. The Seeds of Creation, which are many, are very valuable because once you connect with them, you begin to understand the purpose of everything that is happening inside you and in your environment. You see the design that continues to manifest itself, the karmic healing that takes place; and you begin to understand your role in the evolution of the Earth. Each person has a role on Earth, which can be discovered in the Seeds of Creation. The value of the Seeds of Creation is immense; they cannot be destroyed because they are created from a deeply pure Light of the Creator Universe. Tied to each Seed of Creation is the original energy that created it, it was often created by loving Extraterrestrial Beings; so from the seed we can travel along the energy path of its Creation, return to its original Source. Its original Source is primarily the Creator; and then the Being or the Beings that manifested it or gave birth to existence and anchored it on Earth. Through the Seeds of Creation we can understand much more those who support the Earth; and of course the Beloved Creator.

With the simple intention and loving pure heart, you can allow yourself to be guided to connect with the most appropriate Seeds of Creation, which will offer you new visions, energetic vibrations and memories. I, Archangel Michael, cannot affirm what your experience with a Seed of Creation will be, since it is different for each Soul ; What I do know is that you will be filled abundantly with supreme and powerful Light. It does not matter if you do not understand the wisdom and knowledge that the Light has , for it will create in your Being the necessary activations. When you allow yourself to connect with a Seed of Creation, you allow yourself to be realigned with your Inner Truth ; so take a step to return, even just a little, to your Original Essence. It is important that you remember that all the Seeds of Creation, including those that are connected with civilizations in which you did not take part, or with Ascension experiences in which you were not present, are inside your Soul so that you have access to they and you explore them, thanks to your unique connection with all Beings. Each one allows you to reform and revitalize your energies and your alignment with the Creator, to experience greater unity with Him and with everyone in the Inner Planes . You wake up the Universe of the Creator that is inside your Being.

During the different periods of your Ascension, it will be more valuable to connect with different Seeds of Creation; they will attract your attention because they know that if they are awakened and brought to your Being and your reality to merge, they will create the necessary changes and healing to empower the Ascension process that is taking place in you. The Seeds of Creation of Atlantis have already been revealed and are now being brought to fruition. When a Seed of Creation is brought to the consciousness of Humanity, the karmic energies connected with its energies (the energies and created experiences that are not aligned with the Seed of Creation) surface to be recognized and healed. Humanity is still working with the karmic energies of Atlantis ; we will know when the main Creation Seed will be fully present in each person (many additional seeds were created); and that the karmic energies of what happened in Atlantis would have been healed, when many experience harmony between technology and spirituality.

Other Seeds of Creation that are now reaching the consciousness of Humanity are the main seeds of the Creation of Lemuria. These are the first Creation Seeds for Lemuria; They are extremely pure and have deep knowledge and memories of the Creator. They have the codes of the Lemurian Consciousness of Pure Light ; without ego or fear, the Lemurians were completely focused on Love; His main focus was to bring and reform the Creator on Earth. Thanks to the Ascension of Humanity, many are ready to recognize within you, receive and incorporate once more this consciousness; It is necessary to support the manifestation and the greater experience of the Age of Love on Earth. There are other Creation Seeds born of Lemuria; some have tied to the armoric energy of the devastation caused at the end of Lemuria, which hit Atlántida and caused its fall.

A Seed of Creation never creates impacts or negative experiences, its energies have only been constituted with pure intentions; however, when Humanity loses its connection with the Seeds of Creation of its interior, especially with those of its current incarnation, devastation and chaos can be created. The Seed of Creation does not welcome the devastation or chaos created; however, it is linked or connected with them, because the healing and resolution of negative energies is required. Not always when you connect with a Seed of Creation do you experience the chaos and devastation linked to it; perhaps you only connect with the pure Light of the Seed of Creation and experience it, or perhaps you realize an aspect of yours that requires forgiveness, healing or liberation; this will amplify your experience of the Seed of Creation and your current Ascension, because you will purify your Being to experience a deeper connection with the Creator. Please do not fear the Seeds of Creation; Frequently what happens is that you connect with them in your reality, without making liberation. In this time you are ready to consciously know and experience the Seeds of Creation to create beautiful transitions and transformations within your Being .

You can summon my energies, those of the Arc Miguel Angel, to help you explore the Seeds of Creation and work with them:

Arc ngel Miguel : I invoke your permanent support, protection and guidance. My desire is to connect now within my Being with the Seed or Seeds of Creation more appropriate to help accelerate my spiritual evolution (or perhaps put here something you want to explore in yourself or manifest in your reality). Let me recognize the Seed or the Seeds of Creation, experience them and recognize them; to experience the unfolding of his Light and his Wisdom throughout my Being, with gentleness, perfection and ease. If my Being requires healing, Archangel Michael: Please guide me and help me create it and experience it with ease and perfection in your presence. I surrender now to your Divine guidance and protection. Thank you".

To access the main Lemurian Creation Seeds:

Archangel Michael: Please support me and help me connect with the main Lemurian Creation Seeds and receive the ones that are most appropriate for me now. I open my heart to remember the pure Sacred Consciousness of my Original Essence; and now I bring this to the realization and manifestation in my reality. Thank you".

With eternal angelic blessings,

Archangel Michael.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Natalie Glasson


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