About the smoke And the Sahumar ...

  • 2015

A great Grandmother taught us many things. But one was particularly important to her: sahumar. He said: “Of everything we produce, humans, smoke is the only thing that dissipates before our eyes. That is why, he said, we invite smoke to our homes. For the smoke will take away everything that is not part of us. It will dissipate with the smoke, It will dissipate in smoke.

When we smoke when we pray, we ask the BIG ONE to take away all the bad and disturbing things from us, that all that dissipates before our eyes like smoke. The same goes for our look at the world. How often we don't see the beauty of things! How often we see only its usefulness! From that the smoke releases us.

It purifies your eyes and allows you to see clearly. It also purifies the mouth.-

It doesn't matter too much with what the smoke is produced. In general we use poa de los meadows, cedar, white sage or tobacco. The medicine of the earth. In our country, tobacco does not grow, despite which we use it. Well, tobacco is a strong medicine. Not when you smoke it, but when you use it properly. For example rubbing the leaves between your hands. Well, tobacco juice strengthens your heart. Just a little, but if you smoke it, tobacco kills you.

However, you can also use other plants, if you can smoke well with them. The idea is not that you inhale the smoke, but that you purify yourself with it, that you wash your hands in it so that you touch the people you touch well. That is why you also purify your eyes with the smoke, so that when the smoke dissipates, you can see the beauty of life in everything. That's why you purify your ears with the smoke, so that when the smoke dissipates you can hear everything beautiful around you. That's why you purify your mouth with the smoke, so that when the smoke dissipates, just say good words. That's why you wash your face with the smoke, so that when the smoke dissipates, you only perceive the beauty of those who touch you.

That is why you bring the smoke to your heart, so that when the smoke dissipates, you are a strong, good person and full of love and energy.

But smoke does not only serve to purify itself. We also sahuma to prepare ourselves spiritually. You can smoke to calm the atmosphere before or after a healing, initiation or ceremony. and to purify sacred objects before using them. You can sahumar to express your gratitude. For smoke has a propitiatory effect on your intentions and prayers. All your gestures to sahumar serve to calm your thoughts and focus your intention on the ceremony. In addition, the perfume captures your sense of smell and makes your conscious experience deeper by stimulating within you very diverse planes and bonds. That way it allows you to develop an extremely broad experience.

By sahumar we join a spiritual tradition transmitted by countless generations that go back so far back in time that no one can know at what time it began. Sahumar is a ceremony that all the indigenous peoples of the North celebrate each time the occasion presents itself, for more than one thousand two hundred years.

But it is also practiced in many other cultures and religions of the world. In ceremonies and assemblies, but also in everyday life. In my homeland you will always run into someone who is sahumando, you can approach and support him. It is not something of the other Thursday. You just do it. Then you continue on your way, glad you did. Well, you will feel clean and free. You know you can see with a clear look the beauty of life. You know that with an open ear you will only hear the beautiful things that they tell you. And you know that you will only say good things about people. The smoke will allow you to see others as they really are. And it will allow you to see yourself as you really are. In your beauty and your strength. And you can follow your path erect and full of strength and beauty.

Sahumar will allow you to acquire wisdom honoring the plants and their healing properties. It is a mode of purification that invokes the spirit of the plant to restore balance within you and among men and keep away everything that is not part of you. You can celebrate this simple ceremony at any time. Also alone. Just to be in harmony with yourself and your surroundings. And each space will become for you a sacred place where you can live and work. A place of stillness, renewal and regeneration ...

Source: https: //www.facebook.com

About the smoke And the Sahumar ...

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