Global Acceleration Syndrome Some notions about SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS

  • 2014

* FATIGUE AND LETARGO: The feeling of being exhausted even after a full night's sleep. A sense of lack of meaning and discouragement regarding life in physical form

A popular song, from a long time ago, once asked: "How are you going to keep them on the farm, after seeing Paris?" In a way, this question has a deep meaning when we talk about the fatigue factor of Giving Light a New Paradigm. In the first place, a BRIDGE is being built THROUGH CONSCIOUSNESS, which connects life in 3D with our unlimited alternative stocks within Multidimensions. Every night, when we fall asleep - and even during the day, between the blinks of the eyes and the beating of our heart, many of us are taking our position on that Bridge; and constantly working for the day when he will be totally open, totally conscious ; and humanity will literally be able to "come and go" at will between dimensions.

Waking up tired can be the result of a combination of the "Night Work " we are doing outside on the Bridge, as well as the Bio-Energy Rebalance that is occurring in the physical vehicle. In addition, the growing awareness of life on the “other side” of the Veil, which is becoming vivid in some people, can produce a great disappointment with life in 3D, especially in light of the political stagnations and economic slowdowns that are in March currently. The transmission called "The Tragic Beings" often speaks of this, of how certain people (many of them youngsters) refuse to participate here in 3D, opting instead to sit and dream, or seek the stimulation of recreational drugs.

When the hyper-masculine energy is mixed and combined with a deep feeling and intuition, the impulse to "action" diminishes. We go from being “human makers” to becoming “human beings.” We feel guided to be more sensory, to contemplate more, to “stop and smell the roses.” As we do, our production of Endorphins, the body's natural pain relievers, decreases proportionally, bringing personal awareness and physical sensations that were previously diverted for greater emphasis on activity, stress; And the movement.

Energy activations (2) on the planet can also produce stress and fatigue. When New Energy infusions arrive, (3) the body's immune system (its normal sense of self) is challenged and put on alert. The stress and alarm that results from these challenges (especially if the activations are intense, such as those received from Classes M and X of Solar Eruptions, for example) can really "block" the nervous system, creating a severe feeling of discomfort. and even despair, until adequate rest and recovery can follow the infusion. In those moments, we simply have to lie down and ALLOW the repair to take place, even if our mind and our 3D logic do not understand it. When the body-mind says "Stop!" It is best to obey. There is more at stake here than many of us notice.

* PHYSICAL PAIN: Rigidity of muscles and joints, nerve pain, physical dysfunction

Generally, pain in the body indicates resistance. Our transition from a polarized universe to a Reconnection Universe, gaining new access to the Multiverse, can sometimes feel quite exhausting. The physical vehicle literally becomes a cauldron for mixing and combining divergent forces (male / female, dark / light, hot / cold, shape / chaos, etc.) There are times when wars are waged within us, when we are host to clashes between irresistible forces and immovable objects. As hosts for these reyertas, our bodies will often be filled with pain! Labor pains, really. Eager to go along this path and compulsions to go along that other a feeling of being pulled in many directions at once.

The general message that must be sent to the body during these times is simply: `` Easy, boy. Okay. We are going to solve it. '' The Respiration Work (Rebirthing), Toning, Stretching F Physical, Work with the Professional Body and Chiropractic, Energy Work, Hydrotherapy, Voice Dialogue, Language of Light, Color Healing and Sound These are only some of the multiple Tools for the `` Birth '' that can be incorporated to comfort and reorient the body as it passes through the potholes and skids of transmuting divergent forces into a Communion of the Self and a Unified Expression.

In general, stress in the body is caused by one of two factors: Forcing yourself to do what you DO NOT want to do, or refrain from doing what you do. Whenever one of his Being tries to dominate the other, there will be pain. And the pain is BOTH, because it is being generated on BOTH SIDES. In those moments, the body becomes a point of convergence, a meeting of opposites. There are no victims here; And there are no culprits. There are only scared elements that are trying to stabilize in a new and strange environment. Often, the Enthic Entity of a body will take sides between these divergent forces, trying to exorcise one aspect of itself (a feeling, perhaps) so that another aspect (a acci noh bito) can be promoted. This is very undesirable; since BOTH PARTIES belong there or else they would not have survived. Sometimes, it takes the calue of physical pain, so that each of the contest (as well as the Ego) learns to let go; and find a new center that harmoniously represents EVERYTHING that is present within a given space.

Recently, someone asked about `` fibromyalgia, '' very common today, especially among those who are sensitive in nature. The word literally means `` sore muscle fibers. '' In the body there are large muscles (boosters), which are groups of fibers, wrapped in layers of connective tissue, oriented towards certain activities and goals. These fibers can align with each other, or they can become quite upset and tangled. The muscular system and the nervous system are privileged places of "confrontation" for divergent impulses! When conflicting thoughts and impulses flow through the body, there may be pain, inflammation (cellular anger) and trapped energy. In general, those who suffer from Fibromyalgia have difficulty expressing and experiencing anger. Instead of verbalizing their feelings and letting them follow long, they cling to them while retaining conflicting emotions in the muscles and connective tissue. The main difference between simple muscle pain and Fibromyalgia is the systemic nature of the latter condition. It tends to move through the body, reflecting the problems and issues that are being integrated everywhere. The symbolism of the fibers, joined in sheaths, suggests a theme of RELATIONS, as well as the idea of ​​the joints. When there is pain in the muscle fibers and joints, it usually means that there is pain in real life relationships that has not been fully addressed.

* ABSENCE AND CONFUSION - The feeling of not being here, of floating in a pool of unconsciousness.

Confusion is the state of becoming "merged with" someone or something. It is the beginning of the CONSCIOUSNESS FUSION. In 3D, people and objects are separate and different. They have beginnings and endings, LIMITS. When things get "confused" (merge with), the boundaries begin to crumble. The peculiarity of the elements becomes disorderly, when two (or more) entities begin to merge.

Another word for "absence" would be DIFFUSE. We can consider that we are “floating in nothingness” or we can consider ourselves being “part of the whole”. Is the glass half empty or half full? That depends on your perspective, doesn't it?

Once it was said that "he who is not convinced of something can easily be convinced of anything." When the confusion begins, the person begins to forget who or what it is.

"Di-Fusion" is a delivery of old attachments (mergers), a "take off" from one reality base so we can visit another. According to the Transport Materials, (4) the three stages of Interdimensional Transport are: Disintegration (at the point of origin), Translation through the Portal; and Reintegration at the Destination Point. Normally, this sequence occurs very fast, so fast that it is rarely noticed. But if there are doubts or pauses between the steps in the process, the feeling of “being there / not being there” can in fact be very pronounced.

The diffusion can be positive, it opens a path for new definitions of oneself, or it can be the beginning of the local dissolution for an entity. It is said that joining the Reconnection Universe results in three things: Increase (an increase in personal power), Fusion (the collection of lost aspects of oneself) and Purge (the release of polarized elements that cannot or cannot they want to withstand the mix of other elements in their space).

The Diffusion of Consciousness is like the DILATION of the UTERUS, when preparing for childbirth. It opens us, freeing demons (teachers); and receiving our Christ Self. It can be a powerful instant, but quite scary. There are times when we feel that we are literally walking on jelly. When it happens, it can be very useful just to be still. Those who have ingested "special" mushrooms will confirm that there is a point in the process where only the essential elements are collected from the soil and remain there. Walking and moving is useless. The same happens when ingesting the Energy of the Self. There are times when the action and focus should ultimately be given to a dream diffusion. So be it. It is all part of the process. During these times, our greatest inspirations can find us. Then, when the "fog" passes, we are free to move again. If the "fog" never passes, it is usually because we refuse to surrender to it. Resistance exacerbates symptoms. Cooperation and admission tend to calm the body. This is true in regards to most of the symptoms discussed here.

* DISORDER OF DREAM PATTERNS: the inability to sleep can come from many sources. Two of the main ones, related to Global Acceleration are: Anxiety (around the idea that dreams and night trips are taking over) and true internal motivations (integration of awake and sleeping consciousness). Some people are disturbed by dreams. They have difficulty participating in the Work with the Shadow (5) during the waking life, so that the sleep processing becomes more intense. Occasionally, sleep deprivation can be a way to "break" the resistance of the Ego to change. If an aspect of the Ego has forgotten the contracts of the Soul that are at stake and is having trouble "waking up, " the Expanded Self can use the sleep disturbance to mobilize the person in the "intermediate" state between waking and sleeping. in order to increase the realization of the contract with the Spirit.

* HEADACHES, PAIN IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD: Once someone exhausted many of the organic and mechanical causes for Headache and Neck (Tumors, Vertebral Subluxation, Trigger Points, Cranial Misalignment, especially Occipital Displacement, Pain Post-Traumatic, ATM - Temporo Mandibular Joint-, etc.), a primary issue related to the SAG could be an inability to move smoothly between the active and passive states of being. Some people get "trapped" on one side or another side of the brain. Traditionally, it has been discovered that the Left Brain is more analytical and active, while the Right Brain is more intuitive and relaxed. During times of high activation in planetary energy, it is important that we be able to exchange active and passive states quickly. If the nervous system is unable to do so, it can result in headaches. In some cases, treating them could involve exploring the roots of behavior patterns and the changing states of being that have developed throughout life, or predisposed through inherited genetics. Creative Visualization, Voice Dialogue, Conscious Breathing Work, Hypnosis; and other self-exploration methods can be extremely important when it comes to addressing these issues.

* "THE VOICE OF GOD": During these times of high energy, the Spirit asks many of us to become channels for Expanded Wisdom and Perspective. The "Canalization Port" for this process is on the back of the head. Although personal enlightenment comes to us through the Chakra of the Crown, conscious channeling often comes through here, in order to facilitate the rapid recovery of information from Akashic Records, Individual Entities or Groups of Souls. Do you remember the movie "The Matrix, " where Neo was plugged into the system, or when he was traveling with his friends inside the "construct?" They plugged things into the back of his head. That would represent a reasonable estimate of the Port of Channeling, except its energy (at this point) rather than connected to computers . The pain and tension there may be indicative of a "knock" at the door of our consciousness, enlisting us to the Spirit Service by verbal, musical, artistic, or other forms of Conscious Channeling . In cases where there is a longing to heal, draw or play an instrument at the Service of the Spirit, there may also be evidence of numbness or tingling in the arms, hands and shoulders, indicating that the energy wants to manifest itself. It is up to the person to discern whether these symptoms are called by the Spirit or only imbalances that need to be treated as mentioned above.

* FLUCTUANT ANXIETY, PANIC ATTACKS: Many people have had early experiences that they contracted to close them while the first years of their Holidays in Limitation were developing, here in 3D. As children, we arrive pure and sweet, with expanded hearts and open consciousness. If they had allowed us to remain in that condition, we might have "entered" too soon into full consciousness. To help us delay this process until the right time, we hired “hired killers” (or murderers) who traumatized us and formed scar tissue (of fear) around our delicate sensibilities. These encapsulated feelings remain effective until our Reconnection Time approaches. When this happens, an "acceleration" occurs in consciousness, which produces a feeling of "trouble" or "outburst." Memories of trauma (or Interdimensional Contact) may occur, causing severe feelings of disorientation and fear. In addition, these people may experience mental and emotional confusion, vertigo, incidents of a waste of time and short-term memory disruptions. Attacks may come without notice; And they can be scary. During those moments, it is important that the person is kept safe, irrigated (drink plenty of water), instructed to breathe deeply; and assured that this is something that MANY PEOPLE are feeling today. The above set of procedures for headaches can also help, if you are guided to explore where these patterns of interruptions began, or where they seem to want to go. Although medications only delay the inevitable confrontation with each other's internal demons, they can restore or maintain stability during times of great anxiety. There is no need to be stoic if your life is seriously disturbed. The issue of medication does not have to be all or nothing. And the path of herbs, oils or flower essences is a good alternative, if the symptoms are not very severe. My favorite herb to relax is Valerian. It can help greatly with sleep disorders, if they are not too serious. My favorite floral remedies are the original Bach Flower Essences and those produced by Perelandra. The most popular and universal product in this category is Bach, which comes in cream, drops; and also as a mouth spray. It can provide excellent first aid for those who have just experienced an Energy Activation or Acceleration, providing the necessary calm and balance during difficult times . In this sense, many also find help in the use of Homeopathy and the Cellular Salts developed by Dr. Willhelm Heinrich Schuessler, in the late 1800s. Never underestimate the power of a ba Hot, or the soothing spell of wrapping in a blanket, sitting by the fire and rocking gently.

* INCREASE IN Unexplained Weight: Many of you have noticed, as part of your Transmutation Trip, that you have gained some weight. Others have experienced strong sudden increases in energy, moving up and down the spinal canal. Recently, some have had to deal with the chaotic situations in their marriage and relationships. All these aspects; and many others, are clear indicators that the Connective Energy of the Group of Souls has begun to run. They are at a point of consciousness that appeared in a dark place; and many souls have been drawn to you for Reconnection with the Self. The physical body fat is a material manifestation of the energy potential not described. It is not defined enough to manifest itself as a muscle or organic mass, but it is dense enough to remain united to you, waiting for your moment to be invested in the physical plane. For many, the extra weight indicates that they are experiencing an extra wait due to the Gathering of Souls in their inner corridor, which leads to physical reality.

(Two symptoms subsequently added by Daniel Jacob)


All those present in one of the three locations of the initiation of these Star Portals (Glastonbury, Easter Island in the Pacific and the Pyramids of Giza) have received the initiation together with the Earth . And also many others that resonate with the changes that are happening with Mother Earth. (September 20, 2005)

From now on; and for some time, they will experience a de-densification effect called "Pattern Interruption" that turns their consciousness on and off every so often, causing it to "restart" (using computer terms) to a new level. During this time of "blinking" you will feel as if you are in a VACUUM and it will be a state of pure BEING for you, after which your consciousness will be updated to the new level and restarted.

Each time they "restart" (will occur between blinks), they will become more and more experts, like a mountain goat that jumps from summit to summit. Except that in your case, it will be a leap from one universe to another. And it will happen in a moment, in the blink of an eye.

This is associated with a tremendous amount of release work, especially if they are releasing a lot of physical density at this time. Although it is true that many in the Mass Mind are NOT ready to do so, Mother Earth began this process EVERYWHERE, ordering many to return to the Source to be reassigned to another place (and merged into the ONE).

They can help themselves through this process by starting, at regular intervals, the following breathing pattern:

  1. Take a deep breath
  2. Hold for 7 to 10 seconds
  3. Examine quickly

Repeat this as often as you need. That will accelerate your release of those elements that no longer serve you or that do not wish to be part of this program.

This will continue for several months of your time, although the intensity of your reaction will soon diminish. Give yourself plenty of time and space to clear! Blessings to all of you for choosing to be part of this! –Thoth, through Tricia Nobbs and Daniel Jacob.

* BODY HEAT (of the Reconnections)

“There are those who have felt a remarkable warmth in their bodies at this time as a result of the rebalancing that is occurring between their masculine and feminine aspects and in various parts of the collective consciousness. It is as if a magnifying glass concentrates energy on certain key areas of the Veil, opening new channels of perception about its life in relation to the rest of What It Is.

One could see this effect as similar to certain astrological configurations in which a planet is "stationed" in relation to the Earth, bringing a great concentration of the symbolic essence of that planet to its daily experience. By functioning as a healing laser, the influx of energy reshapes and changes the way they see themselves here and how that relates to other versions of themselves that operate simultaneously within Alternative Dimensions.

Most of this "heat" goes through the subtle energy bodies that reside just beyond your physical body. The heat that is generated there can excite sensory receptors in 3D tissues, such as empathic awareness. It is not surprising then that when patients go to the doctor in search of a diagnosis, it is difficult to discern the cause of the changes. The heat they are feeling many times is beyond their doctor's perception.

We speak of an INNER FIRE and only those who are in tune with the Inner Journey will be able to recognize and face it. If there are sensible recommendations made for the medical relief of a problem and you feel that it is okay to follow the advice of the doctor, do not stop doing it. But if not, we encourage you to simply lose your fear, drink lots of water and BREATHE! Generally, there are more revelations when the time is right. The Global Transformation is a PROCESS and is not always simple, but the end result will be well worth spending time and discomfort. ”

Translation : Susana Peralta

By Daniel Jacob

Global Acceleration Syndrome. Some notions about SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS

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