Raising and balancing female energy

  • 2015

Today, more than ever, the need to harmonize, elevate and balance the feminine energy in the world prevails; This is necessary for the evolution of human beings. The feminine energy is our Mother Earth, known in that way and in many other ways; Everyone, men and women, can and should approach this energy to seek peace and harmony in our world. The vibrations of the Goddess and the feminine aspects of the Creator are usually used to increase the power and strength of the feminine essence. There are invocations to assist in the elevation of the Divine Feminine Energy, such as those shown in the article above linked to the Goddess Isis, which channels, through her presence, energy as of the Creator and of the Sacred Divine Goddess (Female Divinity).

We can know and locate this energy in many ways, with many names, through different Goddesses, and even under different concepts, since both feminine and masculine energy have been conceptualized in different ways throughout all times at all times. Cultures and countries. For example, we know that in the East, Yin and Yang are concepts of Taoism, which mark the duality of everything that exists in the universe, because they are found in all things. Yin is the feminine principle (earth, darkness, passivity), while Yang is the masculine principle (sky, light, activity). Yin-Yang are the two opposing forces, but at the same time they complement each other.

Male energy, poorly channeled, has been associated with the greatest destruction of the planet, generated by the human species, due to the active principle of nature that finds no balance with the feminine energy that is creative, healing and restorative.

After all, the Creator's Truth can and needs to be expressed as vital energy; Understanding it as such brings us closer to the truth itself, and we flow with it. Therefore, we can approach the guided visualization exercises of feminine energy, such as the one that helps us to restore the feminine and masculine energies in the body, understanding the interaction between our soul and that of the Earth ( Mother Earth ). The energies are partly, also, our emotions, feelings, and desires (with their passions).

Through meditation and visualization, the love guide that you will find in the articles of our Virtual Library, help to find peace with our body and mind, harmonize and create awareness for the transformation of the new time we live as a society in the world and on the planet

Speaking of femininity and the necessary changes in the world, it is important to continue fighting for women's rights, avoiding violence and gender discrimination. We have advanced a lot in various aspects such as technology, for example, but it seems incredible that we have not achieved at all, advance in other matters such as social and spiritual; Such is the case of gender equality.

The purification of the feminine energy has to do with the awakening of women . Society with its culture and different religions, many times have plunged the female gender into degradation, cultivating misconceptions such as female impurity, in the new generations. In the 21st century, there is still a need to raise awareness about this, so that women live with more dignity, especially in countries where they do not have it; What is experienced retrogradely today is, without a doubt, a result of the past, of so many decades of marginalization and discrimination, and yes, it must be accepted that some religions have contributed to this social unrest.

“Women must be an active participant in the change that is taking place on the planet. He has to take advantage of this change for his regeneration, the regeneration of feminine energy ”. (From our article linked in the previous paragraph).

The regeneration of the Female Energy is necessary to do it among all, with love and with awareness of the necessary change for the planet. In the last link we cite, you can also find decrees to raise the vibration, in balance with the Aquarian Energy .

Author: Team of editors of hermandadblanca.org https://hermandadblanca.org

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