Gillian Macbeth-Louthan - Stand up in the energies of light

  • 2015

Everything that has ever been done has been undone. Everything that has been seen and underestimated has now become invisible to the senses. Everything that hides beneath the surface: under the surface of the skin, of the cells, of the memory, of the Earth, it comes to the surface in disguise while making its way through the paths of your neurons memories.

Many energies arise wearing costumes of good, which are really holographic wolves in sheepskin. Every day you will be tempted to get angry, to feel jealous, unhappy or fearful. Every time you run into energy with an emotion that is of a low nature, that is when darkness becomes your silent partner.

Being taught through tricks and the darkness of the self is one of the hardest lessons you'll ever find in earthly school. It is easy for you to understand what light and darkness is outside of you. However, when it comes to the inner ground of your mind and your heart, the gray takes over your choices and in the meantime One seed of negativity can ruin your day and the day of those who are Around you A negative thought of yourself can obscure the rest of your afternoon and prevent you from fulfilling a light contract.

Understand this my son of light. When you are at an intersection of the self within dark negative thoughts you are very close to the edge of the light, one step away from falling into a very deep black hole. Your biology can embrace light or darkness with every thought and situation. Every thought can be a blessing or a curse when you pass through your greatest fears; to each thought you are a partner of darkness or of light.

Think of the energies of light as you walk through the tunnel of confusion and fear in your mind. Every failure, every thought burdened by guilt comes to ride your emotions, as painful as they are, to strengthen you, to work your muscles of your being and your heart. Are you ready to carry the weight of this NEW LIGHT or can you be tricked into giving up so easily when you find yourself in conflict?

Inwardly you are a purity of heart. Do not carry your blame from minute to minute, day to day, life after life. Feelings of guilt are enormously heavy, like a black star. They are dense and overwhelm you emotionally and psychically. As you walk through your thoughts obscured by fear you realize that your own shadows themselves are trying hard to become light.

LOVE THEM ALL because that is the only way to move forward. You are being guided to TAKE YOUR LIGHT POSITION. Dear ones, in this position of light you cannot falter. When the Light shines on life it creates shadows. Sometimes the shadow appears to be larger than the light. Remember, DEAR MYS, that without the light the shadow cannot exist at all.

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Gillian Macbeth-Louthan - Stand up in the energies of light

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