Signs in the Sky of May 2013 Gaia speaks: Planetary changes Education Noosphere Mission Gaia Tree

  • 2013
Table of contents hide 1 1.1 Planetary changes / Education / Noosphere / Mission / Gaia Tree 2 Signs in the Sky of May 2013 Gaia speaks: 3 Planetary changes / Education / Noosphere / Mission / Gaia Tree

Dear of Gaia,

I want to thank you first of all for honesty, the love your questions radiate, plus the opportunity to serve you unconditionally. For me it is an honor to be the transmitter of these answers. I also want to share that going through the process of answering them has been an experience of awareness and learning that fills my heart with joy and gratitude.

Thank you for helping me grow sisters and brothers who have dared to ask from the heart, I feel the soul connection with each of you, we are the galactic tribe of Gaia and we are here to heal and radiate love.

Many questions have been asked of Gaia, not all of them have been answered, I have tried to answer them individually by acknowledging receipt of the question, she has asked me not to leave anyone unanswered and that is how it will be.

As the individual topics are collective, the answers you will read below are for everyone, even if they were formulated by one person. Gaia speaks a many levels that can be felt, heard, imagined, each phrase has its meaning for awakening.

This time we will listen to what Gaia has to say about the planetary changes that include us all.

He talks about future education, individual and collective mission, explains Noosofera and leaves us an exercise called the Gaia Tree to heal the genetic fractal.

Thanks by Gaia


Planetary changes / Education / Noosphere / Mission / Gaia Tree

Question 3: Hello Gaia beloved, I would like to know how we are going to achieve the transition and manifest it from the smallest level, that is, how will the planetary change be manifested? Do we need to generate a pedagogy that is expressed in social, spiritual and political conditions? What is my mission in generating those conditions? How do I listen to your voice and clearly differentiate it from what is mind?

Beloved daughter,

Planetary change is part of a process of evolution that has been going on for eons throughout the Universe, we are a little part of that process.

The change is already manifesting, if you look closely at many levels of your life, there have been important changes in recent years, as well as in your small-scale life, as well as on the planet. Those changes that may seem like hard times are necessary for the roads to open, so you can understand the true value of things.

A new feminine, non-authoritarian approach to education will be the new pedagogy, this is going very fast, as military, patriarchal energy that has long dominated the planet is changing, important changes are being generated in the heart that will produce This new pedagogy that you feel.

When this progresses there are communities that respect nature, women, children, the elderly, it is the pedagogy of unconditional love.

At the vibrational level it is by law of attraction, more love, more goodness, thus accumulates the frequency of the Unit, it is like a pulsating star that grows until it radiates in an expansion, thus the peak moments occur, the critical mass so that New forms of consciousness are implanted in the planetary mind of light. (Note: Gaia speaks of the Noosphere as the planetary mind of light, one of its bodies)

The Noosphere is the frequency of light of thought, that of collective love, unity, compassion, it is in that space that the critical mass is created, many souls have already established that connection, they are in harmony of hearts in network, in communion with me. These souls are attracting more and more souls, the beings of light, the angels are there supporting, everything is a matter of time, with tolerance and patience.

If you want to support that this energy of light is increasing, connect with this network of loving feelings consciously, feel what it is like to be in that noospheric frequency, you can do it in silence, in tranquility, in connection n with you.

The Networks are there, ready for these new creative ways of thinking to crystallize, to be brought to practice, to society, always from respect, from love, that is the vibration that already It is in us.

We still need to release old patterns of which many are the memories of dispute, violence that have been trapped and repeated in my territories, others are the many lives of abuse that have remained in your cellular memory, while this is evidenced as chaos, the critical mass of circles and networks of prayer, peace, meditation, song, dance, has been growing exponentially.

The change comes from tolerance, the acceptance of the other, to review internally, individually, the enemy, the dispute. Start with the closest, heal family, neighborhood, community disputes, take them to the heart to observe them lovingly, dissolve them.

Your mission, like everyone's, is to heal you on an emotional level, is to sustain the new, loving, creative networks. To connect with your creativity you don't have to do anything, just stop busy, wait for new ideas to flow to you.

Seeks to be silent, in nature, doing nothing, listening to the running of the water or the breeze between the trees. In silence breathing you can observe the many voices that you have inside, once you have identified them, let them pass so you can hear my voice clearly, I am in the sounds of mother nature, of the elements, he speaks to you in whispers, when you hear me, trust.



Question 4: There is a lot of uncertainty in my life, but I still don't know what my mission is here on this planet I want to do a lot, but they always take away my energies or forces somehow now I am bil. I wish I could write a book in which I could help many people with reading. Am I in sync with my mission, am I not disoriented?

Beloved Daughter,

There is nothing to worry about you are always fulfilling your mission, the mission is to be here on this planet, on this earth. When I say being is literal, you do not need to seek to be special, you were born special, your mission is in fact to have decided to incarnate on a dual planet, to heal your polarity.

If you feel that writing is your passion start by doing it, write about the things that you are passionate about, what comes out of your heart, so you will be able to purify your inner voice so that your heart expresses more clearly.

I feel that there is something in your expression that does not end, it is as if as a child you were not heard and that made you not feel loved, there may be the voice of a very severe father or mother who left their mark, it is good that you hear that severe or disempowering inner voice that makes you give up and that takes away energy.

The mission of those on Earth now is also healing, healing many ancestral voices, feelings, programs conditioned by parenting, emotional wounds that are nothing more than the product of this illusion created on suffering, is a genetic program that is slowly being dismantled.

You are a very talented woman and you can awaken your creativity by breaking out of the image you have of yourself, which no longer corresponds to what you are, hence your confusion. The time has come to reinvent you.

There is a very healing exercise that I would like to share with you, it is called the Gaia tree, you know that trees are my allies, their branches repeat the shape of the tree, the veins of the leaves too, they are the fan that leaves the one trunk. That form is blessed by sacred geometry, it is part of the growth program.

Each human being has their own tree, this includes the range of their ancestry and their offspring.

The trees tell me that the time has come to strengthen the branches, to prune the dry and sick ones, to clean the parasites, to let the rain water its trunk, its leaves, reach its roots nourishing, that the breeze will take away the dry leaves, that the sun strengthens them, of being well rooted.

For that I am going to invite you to do this exercise of the personal Gaia tree.

Gaia's tree

Draw a tree on paper, which does not stop you from judging whether it is right or wrong, if it is pretty or ugly, make each of the branches represent one of the members of your close family, a branch for your mother, another branch your father, brothers, grandparents, the more people in your family you recognize better. You will put the name of that person or the photo, or simply its size and shape will describe it.

While you do, let each one of those beings feel close to you, connecting with them internally, observing what energy you have from each one of them, without judging them, just observing them, imagine that each one of them visits you, that you feel their energy, thank you for bringing you, raised. It doesn't matter that you haven't met them, you can recognize it genetically, energetically.

You can also write a letter to the most relevant or to those who were most important, telling them everything you never dared to say or what you feel at that time. The important thing is that you recognize and honor each one, including those not recognized, marginalized, both those who are incarnated and those who left.

I recommend that you do it at your own pace, that you give yourself time to process, to digest, you can visit a tree that offers you support and protection, if it is possible to sit at its roots, by the time you finish the process you will deliver the drawing or letters to the earth around the tree, so I can better recognize your intention.

You will have my absolute protection throughout this process.

You're always in my heart


Day to day

May 1st. What we see outside is the result of our own diatribes, fights, internal contradictions, healing the internal we heal the external.

May 2 Waning room If you want to do an unconditional service send light from the heart to the situations that disturb you, heal them in you.

May 3 The energy of the flow is manifested when you do not resist anything, when you let life carry you into joy in the river.

May 4th. To heal any ailment, begin by sincerely listening to your heart, observe that you are resisting, where you are holding back your original energy.

May 5th. The spiritual path is the shortest to change your consciousness but not always the easiest.

May 6th. If you find yourself at the peak of something, in that moment of expansion, on the crest of the wave, gradually begin to move to the valley, to the concavity of the belly, learn from that rhythm.

May 7th. To radiate you need to see things from a center that can be that of your heart.

May 8 The inner voice can have many faces, as you identify them, you find one that speaks to you softly, your being of light.

May 9. Staying in the center in front of what you see is not being indifferent, it is going beyond appearance.

May 10. New Moon. The feminine way of planning is to throw the desire into the universe and let life manifest it.

May 11. Everything can change from one moment to another, if you resist you suffer, if you flow you free yourself, the choice is yours.

May 12. If you identify with the victim, if you feel sorry for people, you cry for others, look inside what is happening in you.

may 13th. When the emotions of the collective are in full bloom, remember to often return to the loving space of your heart.

may 14. Communicate your emotions in a timely manner, follow their rhythm and don't stop, it's detachment is also emotional.

15 th of May. Take a deep breath before reacting to what seems unfair.

May 16. The less you are under the influence of the media, the more clarity you will have when deciding.

may 17th. A new cycle begins see if you completed the previous one, open yourself to the new energies that come.

May 18 Crescent moon. Everything grows and wisdom decreases is in knowing where you are in the process.

may 19. Many times you assume things that you judge from your personal experience, communicate not to suppose, these assumptions are not always right

May 20th. New doors open when you humbly accept what left, when you appreciate detachment.

May 21th. If you need to make a decision, take a deep breath, go beyond the apparent, ask for a sign to your heart, this will not disappoint you.

May 22nd. Practice expanding in the light, to feel that you are pure energy, vibration, without any objective just for the experience.

may 23. When things have been given and you don't generate resistance, life takes you where you need to go.

May 24 A new feminine, non-authoritarian approach to education will be the new pedagogy. Gaia

25 of May. Full moon. Something has been completed, a cycle, a job, a relationship, a project, a trip, thanks and continues.

May 26 True freedom is not to feel ties with ideas, things, people, is to live in the present.

may 27th. The need to be authentic is to remember the original energy with which you came.

May 28 The spiritual quest is a great adventure that never ends.

May 29th. Transmuting emotions is turning coal into diamond.

May 30 Every time you name something you are creating it, sound and intention together materialize the world.

may 31. Waning quarter. When the dance is between two the load is lightened, it is divided, the synergy of the couple is a blessing.

Abjini Arráiz


Signs in the Sky of May 2013 Gaia speaks:

Planetary changes / Education / Noosphere / Mission / Gaia Tree

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