Signs in the Sky of April 2013: Gaia talks about relationships and how to open the heart.

  • 2013

In this new edition Gaia asked me to ask the members of the to ask her questions, she wants to start a new cycle where her communication is more direct with you and her most effective service in this stage of quick times.

Following your request I asked the questions and beautifully many people asked about different topics that we will publish in their time.

If you have a question for Gaia, do not hesitate to write to: and you will be included in the list, we will respect your privacy by publishing them excluding your name.

I asked that they be shared and published so that the healing reaches many more people. By that magic that when reading something that she responds to another one touches a fiber of your being and responds to you.

For your best understanding we have chosen four questions, two that respond to the issue of relationships and two to leave the mind to open the heart.

Gaia gives us symbolic actions, which she says are a form of direct communication with planetary consciousness. It teaches us to rely on nature, especially trees, water, forests, art, music, prayer to heal.

As with any question that concerns us, we invite you to read, to feel, to heal.

I deeply appreciate being the intermediary of this service, I leave you with the questions and Gaia.


Relationships from you to you

Question 1: What should I do with the situation I am living with my daughter?

The mother / daughter relationship is always of the utmost importance. A daughter is someone of your same sex who decided to be born from your womb and who for some miraculous, magical reason chose to live a life experience with you.

The love between mother and daughter is something very sacred. The mother is the bearer of the gift of conception, the daughter is the heir of the mother, the heiress of that gift. The mother is the mirror of the daughter, the daughter is the mirror of the mother.

So you my sons and daughters are my mirrors and I am the mirror of what you are, what you do is reflected in me, what I do affects you.

Healing the relationship with your daughter is honoring the bond. The bond that made the divine energy come to you and create life inside you, in your sacred belly, that caused a being like her to be born from you.

Remember when she was a baby and you carried her and spoiled her, she remembers her innocence but more importantly she remembers how you felt, how you loved her.

To heal the relationship with your daughter is to give her the growth space she needs without intervening, without trying to change it, simply by observing what is happening with you, with your emotions, inside you.

Opening that space of growth will help you also go deeper into your healing and climb a new step in your relationships.

To heal the relationship with your daughter is to review your daughter's loyalty to the family, to review the model of daughter learned with your mother, with your father, is to realize your beliefs about the role of daughter.

To heal the relationship with your daughter is to open your heart and shelter any situation, whatever without judgment, with equanimity, with patience.

Finally, healing with your daughter is healing yourself.

I invite you to observe the situation you are living, to feel what it produces and then to deliver it to the divine order so that it can be resolved.

You are also my daughter, count on my support, with my unconditional love, remember that I exist, I am very grateful that you have asked for my advice, I am honored to serve you.

If you want to perform a symbolic act for this healing to materialize, perform a small ritual of water delivery, it may be to offer a rose to the ocean waters that symbolizes your will to heal this situation, accompanied by a small prayer to the Great Spirit of God, with your words, not forgetting that he always always listens to you.

Embracing your being


Question 2: What do you do? I am stunned, I love a man who cannot be with me, who is committed, I want to have the strength to tell him that I cannot continue with this.

Relationships always have a reason for being, souls come together in different lives and exchange roles, gender, places. They meet again to live different things, families of souls, groups are created.

When the attraction occurs, magnetism between people, when love is felt, intimacy is shared, you have the feeling of having met that person before, is that they have already lived in different fields, Different lives on earth. It is the memory of the emotional body that unites them and the desire to complete what remains unfinished.

A relationship is always a great mirror, that other person reflects in some way facets of yourself, or some belief you have about men, or reflects aspects of the first man who has been in your life, it can be from your biological father, or from the father who raised you.

An impossible relationship reflects a belief about the couple, which has to do with not being able to achieve your happiness. A belief about the lack of availability of the man you love towards you, perhaps as your father was not available. A belief about your deserve.

The pain you feel is very old, it is very deep, for that pain I honor you, it is the pain of many women who have had to leave something very precious behind, it is that of the girls who were never treated by his father, or competed for the attention among the brothers, is the pain of the woman with respect to the abandonment of the man.

The most important thing to close with this person is that you are really determined to do it, there is a little light that tells me that you have the strength.

It is desirable that you close with this person internally, for this I am going to propose that you write a farewell letter, explaining the reasons why you want to stop seeing him, write what you need to say, lovingly, uncensored, without bogus, Without taboos, let your pain and your tears come out, let it free while you do it, if memories appear with your dad or other men, it is also good that you write to them. Then if it's ok for you, thank your presence in your life.

This letter is not going to be sent to him or anyone, it is for you, but you are going to sow it under a tree, a strong, large tree, a grandfather tree.

So with this symbolic act you will announce to your subconscious of your decision and you will allow the grandfather tree and the fertile earth to transmute what is said there and give you strength to sustain your decision.

Desired that force guide your actions.


Activating the heart

Question 3: How do I activate my heart Gaia? How do I silence my mind?

Formerly people lived a balanced life and their heart and mind were in harmony. They used the heart to decide, love, feel, welcome, give and receive. The mind to solve, act, understand, reason, create, solve.

At one point the feminine was dismissed, the heart was separated and the mind began to perform all functions, even those that did not correspond to it and it was taking the space of the heart. That is how the humans have lived the last millennia, centered on the mind and leaving the heart aside.

However, there are many people like you, who have felt again and want to rediscover the heart.

The heart is also a center of knowledge and fulfillment, it is the place where intuition and love come together, get married.

To activate the heart, the most important thing is to want to do it like you do now. Your heart and mine are united, so remember that I exist, that I am here to support you.

You have to take into account that the heart is a center, it is the place of all possibilities.

To connect to your heart you can do this symbolic act:

Draw a heart on paper, use colors, make it beautiful, put a drop of blood or saliva on the paper to carry your signature, your DNA.

While doing so, think of the desire to connect with your heart, with your feminine, receptive energy, with your goddess.

Imagine that you are a dancing goddess delivered in devotion to music to the movement, if you want you can make it more effective to dance with the drawing of your heart attached to your chest with a pin, listen and dance with music that inspires you, that connects to the life.

After the dance you will sow the drawing of your heart on the earth, it can be in a pot, in a garden or somewhere in nature, with this symbolic act you will be giving your Being the signal that your heart has already opened .

Observe from now on the signals that we are going to send you, in dreams, in daily life, as coincidences and synchronicities, so little by little you will feel the sparkles of your heart.


Question 4. Gaia When, where and in what active way the key that you gave me through a patient in 2009?

Each of the people on Earth has their golden key.

This key was given to you to open your heart. You have lived a lot from 2009 until now, your heart has opened more and more and you know that the path is in the here and now.

That golden key contains all your gifts, contains your relationships, the love of nature, your family.

It is the key that connects you with your Akasha memory, with the files of your Ba (your soul) with everything you have lived on this earth.

When you received it it looked like a riddle, what is this key for? you were wondering but if you look to the past and see where you are now you will realize that much has been opened in your spiritual life.

Now the time has come to climb a step, we were waiting for you to ask for this help, that new step has to do with your mastery, with your life mission.

With the key you can open your files and know everything you need about yourself, about the paths traveled, the lives experienced, about your connection with the earth, with the plants, with the animals, about your love of sunsets, to the sunrises.

The key opens you to unconditional love for life.

For activation I invite you to perform a symbolic act that represents recognizing you as the bearer of the key in consciousness.

For this I invite you to write on paper what you want that key to activate in you, bring to you, putting qualities, remembering desires.

Then you are going to look for a jewel that you do not preferably use gold, even if it is very small, that has your energy, the idea is to use it as an offering to the Earth, so that you begin to symbolically return the gold to the earth in gratitude.

You are going to wrap the golden offering in the paper and you might want to put some saliva or hair inside the paper, so we will recognize your DNA, we will know that it is you who is doing that magical action.

Then you will go to some forest, a place where there are trees, where you can breathe fresh air. If it is a place of better power.

You will choose a tree and you will bury the paper with the offering and your DNA. While you can say a prayer to the Great Spirit, recognize your ancestors on earth, in heaven, sing a song, play a rattle, whatever is right for your Being, what makes sacred sense to you.

Then if you feel it, you can thank the privilege of being blessed with this key and request that it be fully activated.

Remember that I am always with you, that I am to take care of you and protect you.

Prayers for your path


Day by day of April 2013

April 1st. Waning moon. Mastery comes from within you, from the observation of emotions, from acceptance, from letting go.

April 2 If you move away from the drama, respectfully, you can clearly see what is going on around you.

April 3. Waning quarter. When you follow the movements of the masses, never forget your individuality.

April 4. The patriarchal has its way rooted in the past, the way now is unity and begins within you.

5th of April. Being in balance everything you do emanates that energy.

6 of April. The word has the power of creation, when you speak, imagine that your words materialize and that you believe with them.

April 7 The older you are, the heart is more like the innocence of the child, but with the experience of the wise.

April 8. Start by healing your relationships, first with your mother, heal the female wound, then with your father, restoring your inner balance.

April 9th. By breathing you relax, by inhaling and exhaling you are complying with the most basic form of giving and receiving.

April 10th. New Moon. A new opportunity to reflect on what you want, you know what you don't want, now let creativity guide you.

April 11. How do you purify yourself? what are you eating? what are you drinking? What do you breathe Are you aware of taking care of mother earth?

April 12th. When we all respect animals, when there is no cruelty towards small beings, the earth will change frequency towards the light.

April 13th. Darkness and light integrated through love is planetary evolution.

April 14th. To pray is to tell God what you want, to meditate is to listen to his voice, both are the divine language of silence.

April 15. A relationship is the mirror of your own inner polarity, the devil and the angel inside you.

April 16th. If you are going to follow someone who is in your own heart, this will never disappoint you.

April 17th. Dawn thanking the less obvious things like the air you breathe, guarantee joy during the day.

April 18th. Growing room To honor your DNA is to recognize each and every one in your family, including those you never met, especially the renegades.

April 19th. Active compassion is to see beyond the apparent, it is to go deep for love to decide for you.

April 20th. If you want to be treated with respect, start by respecting yourself, take care of your body, your thoughts, your words, the rest will come alone.

April, the 21st. When things do not go your way, it is a great opportunity to leave them in the hands of the divine will.

April 22. Controlling the details of each thing can be a virtue when done by discipline, or a defect especially when it becomes obsessive, a fine line separates them.

April 23rd. If you have any difference with someone in your family, notice what feeling manifests when you think about it, check if your self-esteem suffers, then lose yourself.

April 24 As you evolve spiritually, the tests become tougher and trust is the best ally.

April 25th. The shadow is that part that we don't see, that when another shows it to us, it moves emotions that need to leave to heal.

April 26 Full moon. The moon of transformation, a great opportunity to heal issues that had been buried in the past, that arise to be ventilated and solved.

April 27. Everything is completed in circles that in turn form ascending spirals, thus the geometry of the Universe.

28th of April. When you are looking for a signal, a key to follow, it can be in the clouds, in the water, in nature, it is just a matter of attention.

April 29. What was intense begins to be seen more clearly, to decrease, the rhythm is the wisdom of nature.

April 30th. The beginning of something is always the end of something else that ends, letting go of what happened allows us to move towards the new with greater tranquility.

Abjini Arr iz


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