Meaning of Dreaming of an Impossible Love

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 The human mind is made to dream awake . George Santayana 2 Interpretation of dreams dream with an impossible love. 2.1 Messages of the subconscious. 2.2 Dreaming of past lives. 2.3 Turning an impossible love into possible. 2.4 Dreaming of a love that was possible. 3 “To dream in theory is to live a little, but to live dreaming is not to exist”. Jean Paul Sartre

When dreaming of an impossible love and entering the mysterious field of dream interpretation , a spiritual journey is made through a world where the rules as they are known do not exist, dreams impose their own limits, the key to the interpretation of dreams is knowing how to differentiate when a message from another dimension is being received or when a being of light uses this way to communicate with people or is a message from the subconscious that creates the dream.

Interpretation of dreams - dreaming of an impossible love.

Many people tend to dream of an impossible love to have in their life conscious dissatisfaction with the type of activity that is carried out, to imagine in dreams a beautiful Hollywood movie actress and who loves him in an intense way, in the interpretation of dreams like this means that you will never have a love like that, or so the person believes will happen. Do not put limits on your dreams, believe in yourself . Many times he simply had the image of a beautiful person in his head and is repeating it.

"The human mind is made to daydream." George Santayana

Interpretation of dreams - dreaming of an impossible love.

  • Messages of the subconscious .

When in a dream, love crosses the line of the possible, this makes it dream of an impossible love. It may be that you are in love with a forbidden love, affecting your conscience by going against the principles that you have or those of the society where you live. Being in love with a happily married person, makes him an impossible love, it may be that he has low self-esteem and has the belief that he is not at the height of that love, so he ends up turning the dream into a love impossible as it is lived in the conscious state. It is also possible that in dreams the figure of the forbidden person is taken, because he is jealous of the relationship he has with his partner .

Dream of an impossible love.
  • Dreaming of past lives .

There is the case of people who dream of an impossible love and cannot recognize who they are, but feel a strong attraction or connection to the person of the dream. It is possible that the individual is having memories that were formed in past lives .

  • Turning an impossible love into possible.

By dreaming of an impossible love and being able to do magic . It may be that in dreams the person develops certain magical powers that he uses to reverse the reality of impossible love, it is interpreted that he has the desire to change things, he may not be very happy with his current situation.

To make use of magic is to apply fast and safe methods. If in the dream it is friends who carry power, it means that they have total confidence in the bonds of friendship they have and that they fervently believe that they can help.

  • Dream with a love that was possible .

If he repeats in dreams what could have been and was not, it is because there is still a feeling that must be overcome . If he repeats himself, he is advised to go to a specialist to help him let him go, since while the dream continues he will be showing that he still loves that person and has failed to overcome it.

To dream in theory is to live a little, but to live dreaming is not to exist. Jean Paul Sartre

The interpretation of dreams has many meanings but it can be translated that if the dreams are repeated it is because there is a connection that has not been able to get out of the mind and that it is necessary to look for the what about that situation with his impossible love. When he identifies the problem that presses him and compares him to life in a conscious state, he will be able to understand in a definitive way the reason for dreaming with an impossible love.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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