Healing Our Relationships

  • 2010

“The next segment taken from LETTER 8 of the LETTERS of CHRIST, is necessarily long.

It is a complete section that explains itself, teaching and guiding us through those difficult moments, by putting ourselves in the shoes of the other when discord appears on the scene, relationships begin to crumble, endangered by the impulses of the ego that do not allow us' see 'the other's point of view and empathize with him.

Following this Teaching brings us not only new Understanding but eternal Peace with the person in question upon reaching true Forgiveness. The shadow in consciousness produced by our selfish thinking remains purified and new Light appears in our mind and heart.

We must be very brave to be able to reach this point of spiritual growth, but the new Life that is produced within us is well worth going through the 'remorse' that brings the deepest Understanding of ourselves and the Compassionate Love that they need and deserve all the others. ”(commented by a member of the ROAD of CHRIST).

CHRIST continues:

“I must make it clear that my words have been misinterpreted in the gospel. I said: 'Blessed are those of peaceful heart because they will inherit the earth.'

If you contemplate the world, you will see that those 'peaceful heart' countries thrive and live in harmony with their neighbors. Where there are riots and genocide, this turbulence is the direct manifestation of the 'consciousness' of its inhabitants. Such awareness destroys a country and engenders poverty and disease.

Sometimes, a country like Tibet that worships its own isolation, rituals and spiritual beliefs may be drowning under the weight of its own human / spiritual creations. The inhabitants need to forcefully go out into the turbulent world to test their beliefs. They also carry 'what is real in their thinking' to others who are charged with magnetic-emotional responses to life. They have been the means, to a small extent, of relieving the pain that modern society experiences.

While you are walking towards the LIGHT, the Heavenly Realms of 'Divine Consciousness', you will undoubtedly have difficult and agitated experiences until you reach your true goal. You will experience moments of wonderful joy and moments when your heart will weigh you and your emotions will drag you here and there, because you will feel that there is an impenetrable barrier between you and the Divine Consciousness.

Perhaps you have heard about those dark times of inner affliction, when a person no longer knows what he should be doing, or where he should go. Then, suddenly, just when this spiritual isolation becomes unbearable and the walker has completely delivered his inner 'I', the Light will illuminate the mind and the person will see some wonderfully deeper truth with respect to existence and will perceive, with more clarity, your SOURCE of BEING. Then he will be filled with joy because 'God has spoken.'

Yes, 'DIVINE LIFE' has penetrated your consciousness, and elevated it to go safely along the path until you reach the highest spiritual consciousness of the Heavenly Realms - the Kingdom of Heaven.

Therefore, the way forward is through such moments of deep revelation. These must be treasured and remembered, or all the preliminary work of the 'I' will be lost and the seeker will continually go back to where his search began.

Faith must be strong at all times. The hesitations are worthless. When I descend to your levels or dimensions of 'consciousness' I see serious seekers of Truth, elevated for a few hours and happily telling their experience to others and then, a little later, they doubt what they were so sure of having received before. This delays the process of spiritual development. These moments of doubt must be strongly resisted and overcome with meditation and prayer. Well, what is the DOUBT, but throw down what you have known and believed!

The DOUBT is a force of negative creative consciousness that is directed against the same experience of the 'DIVINE-LIFE' that raised your spirit to the top!

You create within yourself a small war between your experience of Divine Consciousness and your human blindness. You will probably destroy the memory of that Divine moment and erase all vestiges of elevation and spiritual development that brought you to your consciousness. This conflict will leave you feeling fed up and discouraged. And you will probably never realize that you alone and without help - you have brought about this negative transformation inside you!

People who are on the spiritual path do this to themselves and upset their spiritual development, never stopping, asking what right they have to fall into this exercise of lack of control.

People use the mind recklessly, ruining their lives and the lives of others with their thoughts and words that arise from their egocentric impulse. For it is only the life of your thoughts and your emotional disorders that ends in quarrels and chaos, not your face, body, hands and legs, unless the discussions end in physical abuse. But even the bodily conflict has its origin in the frustration of the ego in the mind and in the emotions, which reaches the members to discharge uncontrollable anger.

In this way, marriages and friendships begin with mutual joy and in the end end in disgrace and mutual rejection, because people find it impossible to channel their egocentric impulses into ways of life that keep love in self-expression.

Parents and children express mutual love until the adolescent years, and then hate enters the scene, which bitter relationships when children rebel against authority and parents react with pretentious abuse. Again, there is no need for such conflict. It would be better for parents to realize that each generation struggles to define themselves in the adult world and to do things more innovatively than their elders. How can young people flourish if they are shackled in a teenage captivity?

When children become young adults this is a `` growing time '' for parents, who must now prepare for the next stage of their lives: the most inspired use of their latent talents, and then old age, the acceptance of his past follies and mistakes and, finally, a peaceful transition to the eternal Light.

Why argue? Why fight? People who are totally controlled by the ego begin to warmly insist on their rights .

People who are spiritually mature solve problems by speaking with empathy.

What does this mean in human terms? It means listening to the other with spoken or silent recognition, that what the other person feels or feels in a certain situation is as valid and deserves as much respect as if it were one's feelings.

When a confrontation catches you by surprise in which neither of you is willing to give up an iota of land, retreat alone and take the time to recognize that what you are busy with. It is a battle of consciousness . The battle is not only the result of what really happened and was said at the time of anger; What really happened is the result of what you are both in consciousness.

This involves your background. The conflict arises from the personality itself, from the kind of egocentric impulse that each person possesses, from the basic perceptions of right and wrong, from the attitudes that each one has towards others. s and towards life in general. Therefore, when you are involved in a conflict or confrontation, tell your opponent that you are going to rest to stop and quiet your mind to be able to listen calmly.

Then yes very wise. Call the Divine Consciousness, ask for an intervention of the Loving Consciousness in the situation.

Try to understand - and visualize - that you are both in the presence of the Light of Divine Consciousness, equal in the origin of the soul, equal in your destiny, equally real, equally human and equally unique.

Until you can fully immerse yourself in this understanding - this state of mind - you will not yet be prepared to be present in the Divine Light to lovingly resolve your conflict and your hurt feelings.

Go back to your opponent and suggest that you should meet and have each five or ten full minutes in which calmly and clearly, to explain your point of view, your perception of what was really said, about what is really in the fight, how feelings were offended, how the matter should be resolved.

Let the other speak first and again yield the situation to the Divine Consciousness.

If there are many bitter accusations, try to calm your own ego and remain absolutely quiet and calm. This will help the other greatly, since he will feel that you are listening to him. This will avoid the feeling of frustration. Rationally understand that you are helping your opponent but, do not inflate yourself for being superior!

Try to see to what extent what is being said about you is true, whatever it is. If it is valid, bite your tongue and accept it. Be happy and rejoice, because at that moment you have received a moment of inner vision in your human consciousness, giving you the opportunity to get rid of a facet of egocentric impulse. Whenever you can get rid of a little egocentric impulse you will allow your soul to have more 'room to breathe' and have more active control of your personality. You also rise in vibrational frequencies of consciousness and feel a lighter degree inside.

In this way you grow psychologically and spiritually.

Listen to the feelings of the other. Try to restrict yours and identify with the emotions of your challenger. Feel your pain, your indignation, your anguish. Remove yours and feel yours.

Ask yourself - what would happen if someone had told you or done what you said or did to the other, how would you feel? If you can set aside your ego enough to be able to consider this, then you will be on your way to overcoming the kind of egocentric impulse that puts 'self' above all other considerations and is unable to see any other point. of view.

Before speaking, quietly wait in silence until the ten minutes of your opponent have concluded completely, even if it ends early, you both remain silent for a while. Recognize as pleasantly as you can, that you have heard what he has said and that you can understand why he is so upset. In that instant of self-control, understand that you have gained a minimum of control over yourself and that you have taken the first step to heal the situation.

On the other hand, if you have not really understood what he has said, then you are mentally blocking something from what he is saying, that you do not want to hear or receive. Therefore again, your ego is in control. Check it and invite the other to explain a little more, and again do your best to put yourself in their situation.

Feel your pain. Understand your anger.

When you have received the other person in your understanding and have recognized her, her egocentric defenses will begin to give way, you will see her begin to relax. You will both feel better.

Having done this calmly, slowly, carefully - then you will give an equally clear explanation of how you felt in those circumstances. Do not use calculated words to humiliate your opponent and thus upset him.

Remember that:

a) you are making an effort to control your ego as a prelude to unconditional love.

b) you are working to achieve peace and understanding between the two, not to earn points.

c) your response should not end in more conflict because of using words that may dislike you more. If you do, then your ego has won the assault against you. He has lost your psyche.

If you both live within the spiritual frequencies of consciousness, your opponent will grant the same response of listening, thinking and acknowledgment of your posture as you have done; but if you live fully in the frequencies of earthly consciousness, you may have difficulties. Perhaps he feels that you are trying to earn points by being 'holy' or 'superior' or bigger in some way. Reassure him, tell him it is painful to be in conflict with him. That you are simply trying a method to ensure that you both explain your point of view, and achieve mutual reconciliation instead of a superficial thing in which hurt feelings remain infecting the mind, heart and body.

You both must give the other the right to disagree, with soft words, giving valid reasons for the disagreement. Search for the strength within yourself to recognize that you, as a human being, cannot always be right because you, like everyone else, have been born with a controlling egocentric impulse that forces you to take and defend strongly the posture of 'carry the singing voice'. Remember that as long as you think you are the 'bearer of the singing voice', he also believes it. Humanly he believes himself, at least, on a level equal to yours, if not higher. Whatever the ego makes you think about yourself and your point of view, it is exactly the same as what your ego makes you think about your opinions and ideas.

When you can bring Divine Consciousness to the forefront of your human consciousness, you will literally have received - with compassionate acceptance and love - the human reality of each one within you, the negativity between the two will have dissolved and the vibrational frequencies of your consciences, allowing you to feel lighter and more vibrant. Since this will leave the two in perfect peace, there is no conflict. This is very important for your well-being.

However, if you refuse to listen, empathize and accept with love forgiveness the 'truth' of the other, rejection creates an emotional 'magnetic - rejection' energy that binds and reinforces other waste of rejection energy force within the fields electromagnetic awareness of your entire system. 'Magnetism of rejection' reduces the magnetism of adhesion between cells and begins to establish poor health.

This fact of existence is the basis of all psychosomatic medicine. People who continually blame and judge others and keep their minds totally closed about their own role in the conflict, in the end experience some kind of radical crisis in their physical or emotional world. If they can observe and work with this tendency to exert control, judge others, exculpating themselves from all guilt, and then they can give their 'soul' full mastery in their personality, the crisis, whatever its nature, will eventually disappear by full.

If, during a conflict with another time, space and understanding, finding in the other only stubborn resistance in the form of a continuous affirmation of feeling of personal offense, then you are dealing with self-centered blindness and all you can do is laugh, give up and leave.

On the condition that you leave by forgiving and understanding your controlling ego, you may have granted yourself defeat, but you have won a victory over yourself and refrained from introducing negative vibrations into your field of consciousness.

The worst thing you can do to promote discord is to tell a person that "he shouldn't feel that way" or that "he doesn't mean what he says." These two phrases are a gross violation of their dignity and respect due to the other, and rejecting the 'human reality' of the other.

You can ask another: 'Do you really believe what you say?' If the answer is 'yes' then it must be respected and the discussion must continue from this point.

Never ignore what another is trying to tell you because you don't want to face what he is saying. This is cowardice and gives points to your ego. Be brave and listen, with both ears open, to receive the truth behind the words.

You must accept the 'reality' of the person - whether or not you agree with him - even if a facet causes you stupefaction or displeasure. Remember that you don't know the full circumstances from which that human consciousness has grown to its current form. If you judge, criticize and condemn in any way, you have erected a barrier between you and that person, who will not collapse no matter how much you want to overlook everything negative in him to become friends in the future. Without knowing it, what you reject from him will remain in your consciousness as the basis for future discords that will grow and ultimately weigh more than affection. You will unconsciously say things in the future that will reflect your underlying secret distrust or dislike. Instead of accepting his weaknesses with love and helping him deal with them and overcome them, you will put him on guard against you and he will never trust you at all. Your ego and its ego will have maintained a secret battle of which neither of you will be fully aware.

Love could become hate. Remember: your life is a STATE OF CONSCIENCE in which thoughts and feelings are deposited as in a safe. Let acceptance and love be the steel from which the box is made. ”

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Valerie Melfi

Head of Expansion of the ROAD of CHRIST


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