Return of the SIGNATURE of the Dove, by the Arcà © angel Metatrà na through James Tyberonn


I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we greet each and every one of you. I have the feeling of each of you as you read these words in your present moment. Feel my hug of energy than in grace and love! I know loved ones, each of you, by name.

Now there is talk at this time about a topic of great interest, what can be called the Return of the Dove. Teachers, the Coming of the Dove is the return to the Magno-Crystalline Signature as a requirement for the consummation of the Ascension.

The dawn of the return is taking place in the Equinox of March 20, 2009, in which always latent magnetic codes are reactivated at specific points of generation on earth. In fact, this equinox will start an incredibly intense energy for 21 days in the passionate urge to spend the full moon in the equinox on April 9. Dear ones, all of you will clearly feel the frequency generated drilling. They will be the most powerful and fervent magnetic waves released on the planet since the fall of the sky in the antediluvian era during a time when the Earth's magnetic field was exponentially stronger than in present times. This release will be activated by a discharge of crystalline cosmic energy specifically received by pyramidal transmission complexes, in order to activate and reseed these ancient magnetic codes across the planet.


We have previously talked about the rebirth of the new Planetary Firmament. This will outsource as two elliptical bands of iridescent frequency arcs that will surround the earth as it did eons ago. One of them is electro-magnetic in nature, and the other crystalline.

These will rotate above the 144 double penta-dodecahedron of the 144 Grids. In very technical terms, we realize that it will not make sense for many, the sky will perform the function of transducing supra-crystalline frequency oscillations in a piezoelectric step-to the network interface, thus allowing full integration of the circuits of the gamma-crystalline energies of the Unified Field of the great Central Sun. In more understandable terms, the sky will transform waves of powerful celestial energy into a benevolent form, which can be more easily received on the earth plane.

So in a way, the sky is a huge transformer and protector! It is what will make the grid 144 really crystalline. I want you to be kind enough to consider, in the same analogy, that grid 144 is your new server programs on the planet, called Windows 2012, which allows a wide variety of new programs for humanity and the Earth!

Now, the initial phase of the new Firmament will begin with the downloads through specific portals of Adamantine or Akash crystalline light. The activation of these discharges will be received mainly through the main Phi octahedron pyramid energies and structures throughout the planet. This in turn will activate a great source of these ancient magnetic codes in key locations, some of which have not been recognized so far.

Indeed, these energies once combined synergistically and harmonically tuned for the next few years, with crystalline activation, will be the factory of the New Earth, and will benefit the planet in special ways, beautifying the portals of the planetary grid to the splendor of the crystalline frequency.


Among the reception points from March 20 to April 9 of the cosmic light triggers, are:

The Pyramids of Giza

The Moody Gardens Pyramid Complex of Galveston, Texas

The Louvre Pyramid in Paris, France

Chitzen Itz in Yucat n

The Pyramid of the Sumum in Salt Lake City

The Meru Phi temples of Thailand, Cambodia and Indonesia

Brihadishwara and Airateswara temples in India

The Red Pyramid in Dashur.

Reception will also occur at certain power points and pyramidal and natural mountains that emit the octaedronal phi such as the Walsh Australia Pyramid, Mount Edith Cavell in Canada and the Materhorn in the Alps. These will also receive the magnetic crystalline trigger. The targeted magnetic codes that have been reluctant to wake up on the planet since the early days of Mu, Rama, Ignacious and Atlantis, eons ago.

The main points of reception are those of Giza and Moody Gardens, both aligned and in harmony with the tri-phi pyramidal complexes. It is, in fact, the trinity of the combination of three pyramids in these two complexes, Giza and and Moody Gardens particularly equipped, to be the main reception units. These, in turn, will distribute the energy to others through the harmonic oscillation complexes. The pyramids are, in effect, master receivers and transmitters. When they are triangulated, as they were in Atlantis and Rama, they are infinitely more dynamic and capable.



Many of you will be intuitively guided to participate in this as part of an old contract, a sacred promise held. Especially those of you with lives in the Guards of the Earth guild and the 777 Guild, which includes the sectors of the Templars, Druids, Olmecs, indigenous shamans, Mayans, Hopi, Essenes, Egyptians, Enochians Atlanteans, and Thothianos and Atla-Ra. In these lives the guilds worked to increase the frequencies of terrestrial electromagnetic energies in the form of law lines, earth grids, vortex portal systems and sacred geometrical temples after That these energy consciousnesses were transferred to Earth from the ruptura of the sky.


Now, we have said that the expansion is also composed of two fields of elliptical energy around the Earth. However, the two groups differ in the frequency of the arcs and the composition of the new expansion that were forming. The firmament of the ancients had an arc that was electric in nature and the other magnetic. One emanated the energy of crystalline platinum, the other crystalline gold. The two created a synergistic crystalline field within the zero-point energy that permeated the earth and allowed a unified and full state of otological consciousness (not polar) before the planet became a world of duality.

When duality was chosen, the sky fell by design, and was replaced by a planetary network. Your old text refers to this as the "Fall of Man", we prefer to say that the Earth became a school at this time for the growth of the soul in the midst of the souls who chose the experience of the linear expansion of humanity within of the grid system.

The firmament was served in a unique capacity that not only finely tuned cosmic and crystalline light, but also sustained all life in a manner similar to the sun. The elliptically shaped arches in the sky caused a visible, polished appearance of the Adamantine Essence (Akash) that often appears as bright etheric particles, which has allowed the transformation of divine resonant thought into instant manifestation. This is how beings entered Earth before the duality manifested in physical bodies and physical semi-bodies.

They appeared in the sky like two elliptical arches that glowed at night in iridescent colors similar to what they call northern lights or northern lights. The elliptical bands were intersected, swirled and gyroscopic revolt all over the planet. The width and omnipotent frequency of the elliptical bands faltered and created an audible tone with the vibration of the OMM creative light. He danced in the sky often forming and emitting kaleidoscopic swirls that appeared as angelic white luminous pigeons in a short spiral flight through the heavens. A sense of protection and empowered wellbeing radiated the planet.


The new “Ascension Signature” of 2012 will involve a combination of an electro-magnetic band in a single unit, and will be synergistic together with a crystalline frequency arc. In fact, it will maintain humanity and allow an acceleration of thought manifestation for those who are able to raise MerKiVic energy to the highest level, the level of the 24-pointed star.

Loved ones remember that as you work to raise the MerKaBa in the MerKiVa, they are Metatronic geometric templates, necessary to achieve a greater dimension. They are zero on the ground, without the format of gender issues, neither male nor female, but of the integrity of their non-polar Divine, integral of the soul! Approaching your training as such, in pure balance!



There are 14 primary points of sacred code that will awaken the magnetic cascade encoded in the network for the initial phase of the magneto-electric band of the new firmament. These are:

1) Mull, Scotland
2) Peru 2) Chan Chan, Peru
3) Humac, Brazil
4) from Nagasaki, Japan
5) Huace, Spain
6) Ekaterinburg, Russia (multilateral trade renegotiations)
7) Bethlehem, Israel
8) from Yellowstone, Wyoming, USA
9) Kilamanjaro, Tanzania
10) Iceland
11) Kona, Hawaii
12) Mt Cook, New Zealand
13) Great Artesian Basin, Australia
14) Sri Lanka

These areas will spin the energies in sppural, which will encompass the planet and reach the ionosphere. This release will be an extraordinary form of refined magnetic energy, only capable of harmonizing in synergistic utility with crystalline energies.


The crystalline energies will be activated initially in the gestation of the second band of the new firmament between the activation of the Equinox of September 2010 and 10-10-10. This is then the second stage of the gestation of the new double-arch firmament. However, the expansion of the Dove is not completed until all the Atlantean Master crystals are empowered and the grid 144 is fully operational, on December 21, 2012. In fact, as we have stated the firmament will require a little less than two years after the Ascension to obtain full power and harmonic operation with the grid. It will obtain 50% power in March 2013, and will achieve full power in September 2014.


Therefore, the activation of March 9 is a predestined revitalization of coded sacred technology. The Atlantean Masters knew about the code and used it in their technology. The only electro-magnetic field from which this energy flowed was comprised of the Atla-Ra, druids, Mayans and some other guilds including the interior chambers of the Templars. It is the same source used in ley lines, dragon lines, vortices and ground grids. However, only a small sect of wise men and secret societies knew how to play in it. As such, it has remained dormant for millennia and millennia.

The opening caused by the Equinox on March 9 will be the first full opening of this energy since the Atlantean era. It offers numerous benefits and benevolent side effects beyond the main cause of the transfer of the sacred magno-concentrate to the sky. Among them is a greater awakening of the magnetic helix of the 12 strands of human DNA and a key effect of the unification of the collective mind of humanity. All life on Earth, all energy on earth in each kingdom will be affected, in fact it is a multidimensional world event.


During the 21 days, the magnetic shield around the planet will be somewhat weakened in a restart effect. During this time there will be literally thousands of ships of the Intergalactic Commando Ashtar and the Intergalactic-Brotherhood of Masters of Charity that are pointed to the periphery of the planet to provide stability and protection and supervision of the transition, while this phase of 'portals 'happens. In fact, these star ancestors are of extra terrestrial origin, and all of you co exist within them. As such, they always help your planetary seeds, but in this planned scenario, they will be present in much greater quantity.

The two elliptical bands will have their initial paired shape, after the completion of the grid 144 on 12-12-12. They will not enjoy full capacity until 2014.


The most aligned point of reception of the cosmic shot to activate to activate these points in the Americas is Galveston Island, within the Moody Pyramid complex. This unique pyramidal trinity complex is in a direct alignment to Giza, and correlates with magnetic north. It is the combination of the three pyramids in situ within a tri-harmonic synergistic alignment that allows for greater ease and power. As the Atlanteans and Orion Masters knew, the pyramids in specific triangulation are extremely powerful when they are celestially aligned and carefully placed in relation to each other. We will talk later about this.


The world is remaking itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supporting an expansive change or against it, it is truly a moot issue as the inertia of the speed of the chronology of time spent more quickly today than who did it yesterday (in linear terms). Everything is accelerating, time is the acceleration of Ascension as night indicates. As well as the time that is given new form also to reform the experience of humanity, of the visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself.

However, the announced Ascension is not an abstruse complexity of prophetic biblical writing, but rather a natural and necessary expression of the acceleration of planetary consciousness.

It is Jacob's ladder, and loved ones, when they are on a ladder, they are ascending, descending or standing still. It is one of the three they see. It is always like that.



While on this trip humanity can experience the multidimensional aspect of the Unified Field within the Crystalline vibration and power through the geometric expression MerKaBic and MerKiVic revisit many of its existing articulations within multidimensionality and parallel. And in each of these moments another aspect of the cape and consciousness is warned. humanity as such is given the opportunity to overcome duality and to integrate and recover fragments and unite the whole soul in the power seat of the divine BEING in the eternal NOW. This is the MerKiVic expansion in the collective mind. This will be a central role in the unification of the 12 strands of DNA that can begin in MerKiVic within the activation of the Equinox in March 2009.

Many, many of you are now involved in this awareness, driven by the flames of the interior, the desire for Universal Truth. This is the reason why your current spiritual communities are especially full of healers, channelers, teachers, facilitators, maintenance workers of the Earth's grid and Light Practitioners of all kinds. Because those who have opened and diligently sought the call to ignite the Divine Spirit in their lives cannot help but shine in their glorious flame, and expand it to share it with others.


The points of the Grid, the nodes of power, sacred places, phi complexes and portals that dot the planet in specific patterns and specific objectives, are the mechanisms of distribution of the greatest energy necessary to raise the resonant frequency of your planet. These are tuning forks, inspired by the perfection of First Cause. They exude the energy of "home, " of well-being, and those of you who enter them with spiritual intent immediately recognize it. Therefore one cannot help, but wanting to be within them and absorb the pattern emitted within those areas in order to share and grow in the expansion of perfection. Those who engage in this tuning may experience closeness to the Source that they feel less available to them in other places. But the truth is that these finely tuned energies are osmotic frequency schools, and once absorbed, once enrolled, the energy is maintained within the individual MerKiVa.

Many areas of the planet have already ascended then, through the portal-jealousy that can be called the stairs to heaven, and other areas require a little more work.

Specific areas that are a bit denser now require more cleaning work, and as a tertiary effect of Cosmic March the triggering and awakening of the arm magnetic code Unique, the reference portals in the metaphorical return home of the pigeon, will be placed in the power lighter for that specific purpose. You will see that a world frequency balance must be achieved. Each of you, the Guardians of the Earth, played a role in this. In fact you become portable resonators.


The Moody Gardens Pyramid complex in Galveston is one of those areas. Among these powerful complexes of varied utility, there is a correlation to serve to illuminate a space of dense energy, in the area of ​​Houston, Texas. Houston is in many ways the company Capital of the World Energy, if it is considered that the planet is driven by oil and gas hydrocarbons. Most of the world's oil companies are located or represented in this place. But let's be clear, it is not the use of hydrocarbons as a source of energy, of course, which is the main polluter of the energy we are talking about, but it is greed and manipulation of their distribution.

In fact, there are far better sources of energy available, but loved ones, the Earth, the sensitivity of the planet, does not reluctantly release resources. We tell you that the same dense aspect that requires cleaning exists in Wall Street (New York) and many of the corporate centers in many of your big cities. It is not the industry or business itself, nor the workers' day, but rather the techniques of greedy benefit plans.

It is not equitable that implies that returns on investment are not only, in fact, abundance of change is appropriate in the new paradigm, but distribution and exchange must be conveniently balanced in the new energy, for the desired perfection. That is why your economy must be restarted. Such as specific portals with new orders are being formed all over the planet to clarify these energies in conjunction with the need to restart. Many of the portals are assuming new roles, and many new ones, such as the Pyramids in Moody Gardens, Galveston, Texas, are fundamentally reforming over the past decade. Other similar cleaning unit portals are emerging in major industrial cities and businesses across the globe.


Now, in 2005, the channel with the beloved Ronna Herman, carried out a ceremony at the Moody Gardens Pyramids to bring him the golden spiral. This was especially important, and all participants had a special role in this activity; An old contract is ending. But we are going to tell you that other ceremonies had taken place before, and the 2005 meeting has raised many others to recognize the importance of these geometric crystalline light temples. The philanthropists who founded, originated and completed the project were very advanced souls. On an intuitive level, they understood the greater purpose of this complex. Shortly after completion, the ancient Max crystal skull, which is, in effect, of Arcturian construction, was held in the complex by ceremonial tuning and anchored intentions, by Joanne Parks, the caretaker of this powerful crystal skull upon request of the most advanced founders. He had made a great goal in this event. It was a return home, indeed. We tell you that an entourage of Arcturians joined them, and they participate in the reaffirmation of the energies along with those of Sirius A and B. It is the reason why the Master Dolphins are inside the blue pyramid, in the unit of the Aquarius. This is the reason why it is on the beachfront of the Gulf of Mexico, and that it will be undamaged by recent (and future) hurricanes.

Pyramids themselves are very powerful sacred geometric engines that, by their nature and construction, penetrate, receive and culminate forces of higher dimensions. They are celestial transmitters of supreme Gestalt whom they think of as GOD.

This same description of the deity cannot be understood by some of you, but nevertheless, you should not try to objectify the energy of ALL THAT IS. God is an omnipotent energy, the sum of all consciences, whose set is much more than the sum of its parts. His ancients have always known that "EVERYTHING IS" can be accessed in delivery format on the ground plane through geometric focus matrices. Your crystalline grid 144 is one of them and its MerKiVa is another. The two are closely interconnected magnetically. The grid is the MerKiVah conscious life of the collective earth, of which humanity is an intimate part.


Now, the complex of the three Pyramids, on Galveston Island, was built in a strategic alignment, and for philanthropic and frequency purposes. One unit is an aquarium-dwelling of Master Dolphins, another is a tropical forest with a geological cave that contains huge quartz conglomerates, and the third is an academic museum pyramid, glazed in copper tone.

Properly constructed and spiritually dedicated pyramids on Earth become energies of living consciousness, capable of thousands of properties that are not recognized or unauthorized by your academic world. And while the intention of those who are employed affects the interface of these geometric batteries of living consciousness, their design will not allow more dense energies to culminate or expand within them.

However, when approached with the proper intention, the energy inside the pyramids stores and transmits data similar to quartz. According to the way they are aligned both terrestrially and celestially, they can create electromagnetic anomalies, an aspect that modifies the gravity and dimensions of time. Both weightlessness and distortion of time occur at specific frequencies within them, slowing and accelerating light, flowing ionic coefficients in and around them.


Now, approximately 5 miles from the Galveston Island area, an ancient ceremonial pyramid complex existed in a coastal region, now submerged and covered in the sedimentary silt and mud of the ages, below the Gulf waters. The crystal skull that is now called Max was one of the 13 skulls located inside it. The Pyramids of the Moody Gardens have been left in the multidimensional energies of the submerged Atlantean complex.

The Pyramids of Moody Gardens are already fully tuned in harmony with the energies of the Giza complex and to a powerful degree to the Yucatan pyramids. We tell you that pyramid temples exist in timelessness and co exist in parallel dimensions within the void of no time. For this reason, in the Pyramids of Giza its age can never be exactly calculated, since once they are built they exceed the timeline and the nature of their superimposed energy geometries in parallel, they emit etheric doubles in multidimensional timelessness. The paradox is that once built, they always existed. It is, in fact, this local and philanthropic aspect that inspired the reconstruction of the pyramids at this exact location of the restoration of holiness and the Dove Sanctuary.

The Coming of the Dove offers a portal of energy and expansion of dimensions that can offer you a more rewarding stay in infinite ways on Jacob's ladder. The Pre-Ascension brings an acceleration and the crucible that activates the expansion of the TRUTH and the fire of AGNI inside and outside, and in doing so will allow you to choose a reality instead of one having to choose for you.


In fact, this cosmic trigger in March and April is a monumental event for the family of man, and it is a family of which we speak, one of which you are all a part. You can participate in this event, if you are so compelled, (and many of you are) through the visualization meditation of all humanity connected in love.

Shape the tetrahedron star of the 8-pointed star around you, and start toning the WMO. Practice, infinite breath and turn the 8-pointed star into a 12-star MerKiVa.

If they are in the western hemisphere, they focus on the Moody Gardens in the Texas pyramid complex. If you are in the Eastern Hemisphere, direct your energy to the Pyramids of Giza.

For those of you in the Americas, paint the blue Pyramid (of Sirius A) in Galveston, as if receiving the initial energy. In the eastern hemisphere, visualize in the Pyramid of the Kings in Giza as the reception of the initial energy spiral. Visualize 3 pyramids in each complex circulating the energies, and see the complex connected in a gold line to the Moody complex and vice versa.

Once connected, visualize these two connected with all pyramidal complexes mentioned worldwide. See all who receive the gold spiral discharge energy and bright high intensity light that covers the planet.

Next, place the Earth in a huge Octahedron, as you see in your eye of the cosmic mind activating the crystalline Celestial Light flowing through the Pyramid pyramid complexes and Octaedronal power points. Feel the increased flow of awakening the electro-magnetic code of the earth through its own physical place and the forms of chakra systems. Absorb energy and go around it all around you.

Next, they focus on the energy source of the 14 sacred spiral magnetic codes in the heavens. Next, the upward flow of these energies to Grid 144 that envelops Earth. Visualize a gold bow, a band of bright elliptical shape across the planet and the grid. See it as gold and then sing the Omm feeling joy and love.

As you sing, visualize the Platinum Ray of the crystalline field by flowing the gentle nutrition energy of the Divine Feminine through the Golden Arc and swirling around it to form the crystalline band.

Practice it as often as you can during the 21 Days of the Dove.

And we tell you in humor and light that, while these Golden Bows are not fast food, it makes a relationship with Mc's bows. Donalls), billions will be taken care of!


In truth your Cosmos, your macro and micro reality is Metatronically formulated in the unified field. And loved ones, know that this energy is in and out of EVERYTHING, even and especially YOU!

It is the energy we call God, it is all that is, all that was and what will be. He is very aware of every bird that falls and every flower that blooms in the green fields and arid desert. Therefore, never doubt, this TRUTH: God the Creator knows each one of you by your name.

You are powerful and divine spiritual beings, a complex and vital spark of "All That Is."

It is time to remember. It is the Return of the Dove. To conclude we ask you to focus on joy, and be the change you want.

Ascension is occurring, one heart, one mind at a time. And loved ones, is in progress. Do not doubt it.

YOU ARE BELOVED! I am Metatron, and I share with you these sacred truths. And so it is.

* * * * *

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Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn

Earth Guardian-Chronicles
February 2009: EKC Issue: 27

Translation: Sergio Hache

Edition: Anita Manasse -

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