Rediscover Our Essence by Rosa Mª Gallego

  • 2015

We are born with a great index of consciousness, but as we grow it becomes numb at the same time that, layer after layer, it becomes covered and gradually we lose sight of it and instead of letting ourselves be guided by it, we substitute it for a whole complex mental system, created by an endless number of norms that we have acquired through the living of the years.

Consciousness does not need concepts, nor theories because it sees things for themselves, as they are. It does not judge, nor criticize as it goes beyond the facts. It has a more global vision and is not personalistic. He sees things from many different angles and that is why it is easy for him to discover the truth that is hidden behind the facts. He has a natural, innate and decontaminated wisdom of any preconceived concept. Consciousness is beyond duality, good and evil, but it always seeks solutions that are healthy and will never be harmful. Consciousness is also characterized by being a center of peace.

To find oneself again, more to add is to remove. Letting go of everything we have been told we are and we are not. Remove beliefs and habits that retain us without letting us grow, abandoning everything that limits our true essence: victimism, criticism and self-criticism. It also consists in rethinking the current guidelines of our society: which is like a river, whose current wants to drag us with it and guide our lives, leaving us little room for maneuver. It is like a great cleaning of closets, a thorough cleaning of our being. It is to see where the true value of our life is beyond the purely material and economic sense and to go after it. Whoever wants to meet again will have to swim against the tide, because we live in a rather illogical and childlike world where immaturity prevails, where money is venerated. Money has nothing wrong, it is a means, it only depends on who handles it and for what purposes it uses it; but it seems that those who manage the threads lack perspective of the common good and of a greener economy . The world can be something different and much better than we have. It is no longer enough to complain about how things are currently, each one will have to contribute their grain of sand, in order to transform it. Each one contributing the best of their qualities for this transformation, which is both internal and external; because when we start living more frequently from consciousness, it is also born as a feeling of commitment.

The road of reunion is long, has many ups and downs, with their respective phases of light and darkness; but as we move forward we become stronger and the phases of darkness are shorter, as long as we let those phases pass through us, without resistance. The glimpses of the light will make us continue the path, there is no going back if we want to recover our true authenticity. Some people come to him because they are suffering from tremendous internal suffering and this is the door that leads them through it and find meaning in their lives. Others by saturation of everything that this society offers them or because they feel like a lack of fullness, like a lack of authenticity that makes them a search engine.

To also say that the phases of shadow will be accompanied by a strong sense of loneliness, whose sensation will be like a paradox: we want to meet again and we will feel that we are going through a great loss; but all this is part of the journey towards the authenticity of oneself. Returning to the comparison of the cleaning of cabinets: to clean it is necessary to locate the dirt and the disorder. This also happens in our interior and sometimes we will not like what we will see, but we will have to go through it with our five senses, without fleeing for that to be healed.

The tools that can help us to start and go through this adventure are: meditation, silence, prayer, readings of spiritual guides or some self-help book, yoga, physical exercise, interpretation of dreams and those who like art any of its aspects ; But the cornerstone of this great work is: observation without judgments and finding spaces, during the day, to welcome silence within us.

Books that have been helpful to start and continue this process:

"Silence speaks" and "The power of now" by Eckhart Tolle

"The mastery of love" and "The four agreements" of Dr. Miguel Ruiz

Finally remember that any Osho book can also be a great help.


Rediscover Our Essence by Rosa Mª Gallego

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