Who is the Human Being? ~ Seth's message

  • 2014

Who is the Human Being?

Warm regards to all the teachers who inhabit the earth in these moments of great and hurried changes, I am your teacher and your friend Seth who crosses again the veil of the illusion of death to speak with you; there will be among you who will judge and point out this communication and ask yourself, how is it possible that Seth is among us again speaking to us from the other side of the veil? well I remember teaching you through my Roburt channel that death was no more than an illusion and that the only state to which the being can really aspire is that of eternity. Because if my dear brother and sister of mine you ARE IMMORTAL AND ETERNAL, if it were not so, I would not be speaking to you at this right moment. Blessed are those who read this messages and review with their hearts the content of it because in it they will find a great truth that is only revealed to those who come to walk with us with their hearts, minds and souls open, theirs is the new reality of creation.

I Seth have returned because you need me now as much as when I started my communications some time ago when roburt was among you and well eme here again bringing you new information in these times of change, because we tell you with much respect that there is a new Humanity being born and some of you already know it, however it is important to tell you about the new Human Being that begins to take shape in the dawn of this new era that is none other than the Age of Now.

And they will ask , what is this new human being? well we will slowly unveiling, like someone who peels the layers of an onion because there is much to say about it and your dear friend you need to be explained by steps certain types of things, because after all you still do not fully understand the multidimensionality of energies and you have to put in your language something that is only understood when you are observing from a multidimensional perspective. That is why I emphasize that it is important that you train your mind and elevate your spirit, that you break the borders that limit your world because remember that your world is nothing more than an illusion a matrix in which different realities merge, if you train your spirit and raise your soul / mind then you can acquire new glimpses of the truth, never forget it because I have come to remind you how important it is that you impose the priestly garments of light and recognize that there are still forces operating in you and your reality They limit you and this is something natural. Remember, you have come to sow the light and it requires that you first discover that you are light and the first glimpse of your inner light you discover when you recognize that you are an eternal and immortal being. You will say “SETH you are repetitive in this, what do you want to tell us in this case”. Well, I want you to remember who you really are and it's not just me because there are others like me who speak on the other side even when they don't have a body like yours formed of biological atoms, yet "we are all one voice."

Well, let's return to the topic that concerns us in this meeting . What is the new human being? Well, the new human being is being born at the moment with certain purer aspects of his active divinity. What do I want to say with this? For among you, new realities are being created with living beings more aware of their being in connection with what you call God and I call Spirit, it is as simple as that. However, this issue requires further explanation because what happens to humanity that inhabits a biological form just now as an adult? what happens with this humanity is that she herself is advancing by leaps and bounds because as they are attracting greater radiations of light and consciousness to the earth they are changing, but remember this dear teacher that what brings this as a result is an appearance of external Chaos but the truth is that the humanity that until now worked comfortably with a group of tools, has realized that the ones they had are already insufficient and we have come to tell them “Check the bottom of the box and there you will see a new team of tools that will fit better with what you really are at the moment ”but remember you must actually have these tools branded as new since you were created and not remembering fully how to make good use of them It makes the work with them a bit difficult But calm down you will be able to make good use of them.

The new human being awakens to find a new panorama / paradigm before them and this is really confusing, with the awakening of their new energies you see reality as something unknown is not so, you face the fact that to some extent you feel alone and somewhat misunderstood by those who until recently worshiped and loved you conditionally, I tell you dear brothers and sisters that this is natural but calm those beings will also wake up and you will be there to tell them “Come you will not walk this path alone "The days of the desert are no longer brothers, for these are about to end, the monsoon season is about to come and you will really see the earth green and revive before your eyes, you yourself are here co-creating the possibility of changing the reality of your planet to make use of energy in a more creative and safe way for you and those around you. You are the Gardeners of Love as Sananda once said and you have come to this reality to protect the seeds of light that you are sowing.

The new Potential of Humanity:

Well, you who have come to this reality and throughout this life have questioned the tinted truths that they have given you. I invite you now to be irreverent and to wake up completely so that you blur the reality that surrounds you and you can take no longer Priestly garments of light as these are the garments of the initiated. I invite you to dress in the Master's clothes, and you will ask me, Seth, how should I do such a thing? the first thing is to reveal your third eye and for that the Horus school has returned to Earth, not as an initiatory school anymore, it has come as an Ascension School and it comes from the hand of my brother Serapis Bey to regenerate in you the desire to embrace the inner God. Ask and it will be given you say some books of ancient knowledge and this is a universal law because the One responds to your desires and inclinations without protesting.

There is a new potential for one in which even more conscious and awake humanity discovers its human abilities and recognizes that everything created sustains life and that life itself is reflected in multiple ways, never forget what you see is just a 25% of what has been created and only with the clothes of the Master can you observe with the eyes of God.

The Activation portal 7-7-2014:

Blessed are all those who see inside and discover God, for that is the force that moves the universe, you are the universe and you can pervert your reality. A new energy portal is activated for your reality and this is the "Portal of Change and the perfection of Being", what is set in motion are new light codices that will be activated in your cellular memory, your DNA will be recharged openly with the energy of the Lion Portal and this will come to you at the moment when emotions are most active, during the reign of the celestial crab.

What does this dear Teacher represent? First, in ancient Egypt, the lion represented sovereignty and full reign in faculties, it represented the appearance of the sun when it was most undefeated. But in his turn he showed us the danger of leaving emotions in control, because a lion whose emotions are not harmonized will find and create only Chaos and Destruction. The portal of the Lion arrives in the reign of the celestial crab and this tells them dear brothers that they must scrutinize their deepest emotions because this energy will bring them afloat and what is not in MAAT simply will not continue in your reality.

Explained in a more direct way, dear teachers, this portal activates the memory of Embracing your Inner Master, it is the portal that will facilitate the work of planetary ascension and even more. relevant to the conscious awakening of humanity. I will tell you that this day your Sun Ra will emit more energy and you will feel it; For in you the desire to act will awaken. Well, another way of seeing it is that this portal will change in you what is no longer necessary. I tell you there are still internal chaos to heal and I have come to remind you that I am there to submit the manifest chaos.

I am Seth your brother and friend. I honored and respected them. PEACE be among you.

Message Channeled on March 07, 2014 in Caracas Venezuela.

Rainier Cede o Yamiel channel.

Who is the Human Being? ~ Seth's message

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