Who has the will, it has strength

  • 2014

In my opinion, this is one of those titles that you would not need from a later text that adds something or tries to clarify it.

It is so resounding, so direct, and carries such concentrated truth, that it should be a sentence of those that reach the heart directly without the need for intellectual or intellectual-intellectual interpretation of the mind.

The will, that wonderful ability to persist, not to admit surrender or defeat to the first inconvenience, is the unstoppable engine that can lead us to any of the reasonable goals we set ourselves .

The will, in addition, brings energy to Self-Esteem, because it causes personal satisfaction to verify that if one wants to, he can; that one has an inner power at his service and a potential and a newness that provide a very pleasant feeling in the relationship with oneself.

And how do you get the will?

Good question to which I think I have no answer.

I suppose that from a good relationship with oneself in which all the parts that make up one, or at least most of them, agree to collaborate for good. of the set that is oneself.

I want to imagine that from the reconciliation of unequal ideas that coexist within each one, the agreement arises to unite and ally in order to achieve a favorable objective .

I want to suppose that this energy that composes the will is the loving contribution of each one of the parts that integrate us, and that, united and with a uniform objective, they give us the necessary start to start anything ; the boldness to undertake whatever is necessary; persistence not to surrender to any of the impediments that may appear and will appear; bravery to move forward against difficulties; the firmness and the testament irreducible, and the constancy necessary to not fail.

The will without the necessary conviction or faith lacks one of its main elements, so it is practically doomed to its disappearance.

The will does not arise spontaneously from a thought or an idea, but it requires, above all, a firm conviction - in oneself and in what is intended -, and a certainty in feeling surrounded by a capacity almost supernatural that we all have: to aspire for the best or most convenient, for dignity, for self-love, and for respect for who one is and what one deserves.

So it seems that with a firm will - and better while firmer - that in the end it is the notorious manifestation of free will or self-determination, with clear ideas in a project or purpose, plus self-love - love to himself - necessary to be able to face and overcome all the inconveniences - which will appear, without a doubt -, one can access the realization of his intentions.

The task that one has to perform is to maintain the necessary will and constancy, and ensure that they do not faint, and if it is possible for them to increase every day.

All this as a demonstration of a respect for one's dignity, of a devotion to the essence of each one that deserves that insistence / persistence that the will brings when it comes to achieving a goal or achieving an achievement, and as a demonstration of respect for Own decisions.

So it is necessary to have a project or purpose - that is viable or has almost all the possibilities of becoming one -, to put everything on one's part - not to settle just to think about it -, to look at that aspiration, and not abandon it, insist, to persist, not to falter, not to surrender, to fight, not to faint, to return to it with determination and energy, and all this will become a force, but not a brute force but a constant, maintained force, which will lead - even if it is a step slowly - inexorably until the realization of the purpose.

Perhaps the most visual demonstration is that of that river water that with its will, and not with its strength, has been able to erode the stone.

I wish you will.

I leave you with your reflections ...

Francisco de Sales is the creator of the web www.buscandome.es oriented to the Development and Personal and Spiritual Growth of people interested in improving their lives.

Who has the will, it has strength

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