What exactly does "Raise our vibrational frequency" mean and why is it important to do so?

  • 2016

The expression "raise our vibrational frequency" is widely used in the world of spirituality and personal growth, right?

And we all accept that it is a positive thing. We use it as a synonym for "advance", "grow" and "improve".

But as usual as this expression is, I think it is important to ask what exactly it means. Why raise our vibrational frequency is positive? Why is it better to have a high frequency than a low frequency? And what implications does it have?

It is an important and profound issue, and I think it is worth talking about it in detail. It will help us to better understand the world where we live and better integrate into it.

What is the vibration frequency?

For starters, the first step is to understand the definition of vibration frequency well. This concept is mainly associated with waves, and indicates the number of cycles that a wave produces in a given unit of time (normally, one second).

Put colloquially, the frequency of a wave is the number of times it "goes up and down" in a second. The higher the frequency, the faster the wave vibrates; and the lower the frequency, the slower the vibration.

The following image shows two different waves. In the same space, the second wave "rises and falls" more times, and this means that its vibrational frequency is higher.

What does the wave vibration frequency have to do with us?

From the outset, it may seem that the frequency of vibration of the waves does not have much to do with us, but really does. Because it turns out that we are waves. In fact, the entire universe are waves.

This is one of the great and fascinating discoveries of science of the last century. The universe where we live is made up of tiny particles called quarks and electrons, and these particles behave like waves.

At a deep level, then, we are waves. And like all waves, we have a vibration frequency. Each his own. (More or less).

The First Reason to Raise Our Vibratory Frequency

Once we have clear the concept of "vibration frequency", and also that the whole universe are waves that are vibrating, we can already ask why it is positive that the vibrational frequency increases.

The first reason is that the higher the vibrational frequency of the universe, the greater its diversity and richness. The greater the vibration of the universe, the more life there is.

To see it graphically, we can look again at the previous image of the two waves. Look at the peaks each wave has (each peak is marked with a red arrow):

Then imagine that each peak is a concrete form of the universe: a peak can be a tree, another peak can be a person, another can be a shirt, etc. That is, imagine that the universe is a large wave that is vibrating, and that each oscillation of this wave generates a different form (it is a slightly simplified comparison, but it is not far from reality).
The question is: in what case will there be more things, with the low frequency wave or with the high frequency wave?

The answer is simple, right? The higher the vibration frequency, the more there are.

Thus, the greater the vibration of the universe, the greater its diversity and creativity.

This is also valid at the individual level. The greater your internal vibration, the richer and more creative your life is.

The Second Reason to Raise Our Vibratory Frequency

Apart from increasing the diversity and richness of life, raising our vibrational frequency also has another positive aspect: by increasing our internal frequency we become more sensitive to our surroundings. We are able to perceive reality better.

This is due to a well-known property of waves: it turns out that when a wave meets an object in its path, it only perceives it if the size of that object is greater than the distance between two peaks of the wave ( this distance is usually called "wavelength") . This means that the shorter the wavelength of a wave, the more it has the ability to perceive small objects. It has more ability to perceive its surroundings in more detail.

The following figure shows the wavelength of the two waves that we have seen in the previous examples. This figure shows that the higher frequency waves have a shorter wavelength. For this reason, high frequency waves have more sensitivity. They can perceive smaller objects.

In the case of a sea wave, for example, the wavelength is the distance between the crests of two consecutive waves. If we introduce a small object into the sea compared to this distance (a stick for example), the wave will not notice it. He will not realize that there is a stick in his path, because he is too small for her.

On the other hand, if the wave vibrated much faster, so that the crests of the waves were close together, then I could perceive the stick. There would be a disturbance in the wave, and I would notice that there is something in its path.

In general, for the same object of a given size, a high frequency wave can detect it better than a low frequency wave. In the image of the following figure, the first wave (that of the low frequency) will not "perceive" the object in its path, because it is too small for it, but the second one.

This is why there are many aspects of life that we are not yet able to see: our vibrational frequency is still a bit low. There are many aspects of the universe that are very subtle, and with the frequency we have today we cannot perceive them.

But our frequency is increasing at high speed in recent years, and it is important that you continue to do so. Thus we become more sensitive to the world around us and perceive it more clearly.

And we also contribute to make an universe richer and more colorful.

Which, in fact, is what we have come here to do.


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