More light, more awareness and more love for Kara

  • 2014

November has been a time to delve deeper into the quagmire to which the October eclipse cycle and the powerful 11:11 portal woke us up. It is all part of our profound transformation. Many have been revisited for their childhood memories, old relationships and old patterns that simply no longer serve them. We are in different spaces and we are truly different people. And as we have reviewed the past, we release it spontaneously and focus fervently on the New that we are all creating. It is important to remind ourselves that we are not alone. Many are experiencing similar things. We have let go of those with whom we no longer resonate when we choose as we are guided.

Especially surprising and powerful has been the dissolution of what some thought were "relationships forever, " such as the union of the Twin Flames (for example). Some question whether these relationships were really Twin Flames or not, since there have been so many ties, projections and expectations surrounding the idea of ​​“Twin Flames.” Remember just that whatever happened to you, it is for your evolution more high. The only true part of you, your Being, is always with you, by your side, observing compassionately with Love while each one chooses to be less or to be more than what each one really is. Look, an old belief and illusion that has been important to release is that of "happily ever after." We believed that once we found our "Prince Charming" it would be forever and ever. Many have discovered that this is not so. People come into our lives to help us grow and become the beautiful beings that we really are; No matter how long this takes. The truly brave have been able to see and receive the gift and then let go, if they were guided to that. Remember, or there is a "supposed to" in the New. We have the opportunity to choose at all times what resonates with our hearts.

We have approached the Home. And "home is where the Heart is." Home is not somewhere out there. It is coming home to the truth that you are a Divine Being of Love. As we continue to go through the rest of this year (has 2014 not gone very quickly, but powerfully?), Each of us will deepen in Our experience of being Love, we will continue to evolve, liberate and rise in vibration and consciousness. We rise in the knowledge of our Heart as to what we choose to feel, because what matters is not the circumstances but how we feel and how we respond (we do not react).

Yes, this year has been another powerful year of change. Having external chaos, the Sages have focused on the inner Truth instead of the chaos. Chaos brings changes; It is the dissolution of the old ways of being. Focusing within ourselves, in Love and Truth, one empowers the New. By becoming frantic by external chaos, one really empowers it. What will they choose? In the next month until and even on January 11 we will be anchoring a large amount of highly vibrational energy for us and for Gaia. How complete the anchorage will truly depend on where they put their focus. Please do not categorize this new energy as being from the 4th, 5th, or even 6th. dimension, because that would be limited, boxed. Look, many carry energies of very high dimensions and are bringing them to their lives and to Earth. We are multidimensional, so let's expand unlimitedly. The higher the vibration one carries, the higher the lower energies will rise, which can result in perceived chaos . And in the center of the chaos or challenge there is an opportunity to rise in vibration, without tying to chaos or challenge, but knowing the Truth of everything that could qualify as "bad."

This past New Moon brought us another highly vibrating energy portal, and it will be with us still for a few days. This energy is helping us to balance ourselves with What Is. Instead of denying or resisting What Is, what are you telling them, what is the message? As each of us accepts and intends to rise in vibration, this happens. After all, we are preparing for an even greater year in just over a month. If they keep trying to hold on to what they know intellectually or fear a loss or change, this energy will make it difficult to do so. If on the other hand they are open and willing to let go of everything they think they know and fully commit to change to being more, then this energy will help them to do this. Again, everything depends on you. Sometimes it could feel as if they had no choice, that things are pushing or happening to them. This is not true since you have consciously or unconsciously chosen everything that is happening in your life ... and everything is for you, not against you. They are being shown gifts from those who have not fully realized they had; They are being shown the way, if they just stop, breathe and listen. For this it helps to be a Compassionate Observer, to be neutral while witnessing everything that is being presented to them.

The floodgates have opened and as a huge flow of Light enters, they will see that there is much that is being offered. . . new or expanded paths, new people, new ways of being, new ways of expressing your creativity, more of everything. Will they embrace all this or will they run to the other side? That is your choice. You do not have to do everything that is presented to you because that could blur and distract you. Watch everything and see what resonates. Take only one step towards something new. . . be it a thing, a person, a new perception or letting go of something that is holding you back. This is not a race, Joy lies on the path, so take your time and see everything with the eyes of a newborn. . . full of wonder and innocence.

Many are experiencing great physical detoxification and improvements. Observe what is happening and flow with it, remember that everything is happening for your benefit. And take care of themselves by resting enough and whatever else they are led to do or not do. With the old cultural demands of the “festive season” marketed, are you going to give in to all this or are you asking yourself what resonates with who you are now? You don't have to do it if your Heart is not in it. You can choose something different that is more sacred to you. You no longer have to please anyone or do what is expected of you. Choose how you want to experience life.

It is also an old concept that the more you work and do, the better you are. This is not true anymore; The New Life is about Play, Ease and Flow. There is nothing to prove and no one to prove it to; so follow your own guide and your own energy. We are creating miracles being authentically us . We do not have to do anything of what our Heart does not resonate joyfully, and in fact if we do something because it is something we must do or is an obligation, then we lower our own vibration and nobody benefits from it. Stop pushing and allow yourself to flow, then everything aligns with your highest state of Grace.

In the New we are learning to detach ourselves lovingly from expectations, the final results and the attachment to "how it is supposed to be." Detachment is to be neutral. It is to be a Compassionate Observer without expectations, simply observing with Love how things are. Detachment is more loving because it is not judged, not labeled there is nothing to box or limit. Detachment allows us and life to be more.

As we continue to recalibrate and improve towards our Authentic Yos, we must take care of ourselves . This is self-love, and as we increase our self-love, everyone around us is touched by our Beauty . When we first give ourselves to ourselves, we have more to share with others. After all, we are Love. Point.

Source :

Translated by Gloria

More light, more awareness and more love for Kara

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