Weekly Message of M. Ascended Hilarion by Marlene Swetlishoff June 02, 2013

  • 2013
Table of Contents hide 1 Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion 2 From June 02 to 09, 2013 3 Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion 4 From June 09 to 16, 2013

The path forward and upward in their consciousness has been aligned more with the joy and beauty that inhabit their souls and this gives rise to feelings of expansion and infinite possibilities. Open yourself to the sight of new beginnings and allow yourself to receive the abundance of the Universe, which puts at your disposal the fruit of your deepest and long-awaited dreams. The path before you is becoming clear and all that is required is the opening of your hearts to allow you to enter. Let your imagination fly with the joyful anticipation of the arrival of a new day, one that is a blank board on which you can write the life you choose; All that is required is your active participation.

Follow the guide of your most desired desires and dare to dream big. See the possibility that you can receive all the good that life has to offer you. Many of you are ready to go beyond the old paradigms when you see that they disintegrate before your eyes. You are the catalysts of the changes that are happening. They have reached a point on the road that requires faith and the belief that all is well and that a new life is announced. Maintain this belief every day and persist in your intentions to manifest it. There are a lot of activities taking place in the etheric realms in ways that can help them in their efforts.

These times require a constant reassessment of your expectations and perceptions of how things have to be. In truth, if you have already noticed, most of them never occur as expected and it is because there have been forces that operate to keep you occupied with the most immediate concerns, such as the need to meet the basic needs of life. These forces conspire to keep them distracted from focusing on the most important values ​​in life such as life improvement and that this would bring a way to release misery or lack. You live in a world of consumption and it is you who must discern to what extent you will continue to be an active part in it.

A simpler life with low expectations of acquiring the latest in artifacts and objects would give space to foster a life filled with the enjoyment of simple and deep pleasures that only need to be perceived and appreciated. A beautiful cloud formation in the sky on a beautiful day can bring great moments of joy and gratitude. A beautiful sunset at the end of a day can bless with its inspiring and uplifting message the infinite beauty that is available to drink and enjoy abandoning pleasure. All around there is a quality of life that requires little monetary cost. These are freely and abundantly granted by the elemental beings who serve you every day, simply for the sheer pleasure of doing so.

Take note of all the wonders of nature that surround your homes and neighborhoods; where you look there is beauty. See the beauty in the hearts of these loved ones when they strive to create a life that brings more comfort and pleasure to their enjoyment. Look beyond expectations to the wonderful gifts they give you every day without asking for anything in return. Make someone else's happiness your priorities and you will discover that bringing happiness to others also brings happiness to your own beings. Give thanks every day for everything you have and everything you receive, because in this way, it will bring you more of the same.

Until next week…


© 2013 Marlene Swetlishoff / Tsu-tana, Guardian of the Symphonies of Grace.

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

From June 02 to 09, 2013

You, like our Lighthouses of Light, are lighting the atmosphere around you while you carry out your daily activities. You are powerful in your ways and contribute a lot to the stabilization of your planet. More of you are now emerging from the dense fields of expression towards greater feelings of joy and happiness, peace and harmony and, in turn, increases the collective field of humanity. You are aware that your thoughts, words and actions have a greater influence on those around you than you ever thought was possible and that you increasingly discern more about the ways in which you interact with your sisters and brothers, always keeping in mind that The impact on your energy fields is one of blessing, empowerment and goodwill.

This does not mean that they cannot express their human moments as old issues arise to be reviewed; In fact, all this is part of the process of letting go and focusing and aligning more and more with your true divine essence. Everything that is not in alignment with the higher aspects of your true self will continue to surface to be recognized and accepted as a part of your total, human and divine being. What happens when you work with yourself in this way is that after you release all aspects within yourself that do not serve you on your ascension journey towards greater awareness and expression, you begin to appreciate and love yourself more and When they love themselves unconditionally, without judgments or justifications, they begin to love others in the same way.

Only this can help clarify and further alleviate the strong dense energies and, this work within each one, ultimately, helps everyone, because everything is energy, frequency and vibration. Being aware of their effect on those around them, it is always beneficial for them to remember their true nature and that, of course, they are Beings of Love. Love is the basis of all things and all situations; Sometimes, however, they need deeper insight into themselves to connect with their hearts and feel this love. Many of you, at one time or another, have been hurt or injured in some way in your interactions with others and this has led to you putting protective shields around your heart, which prevents you from experiencing all that is good in Your life now. It's time to release them now, Dear.

Dare to be vulnerable by opening your heart wide. Your inner light must shine, and it is important that you keep up your rituals and practices to achieve it, since it is through meditation, yoga, breathing exercises n, the visualizations, the mantras, the decrees, and listening to music, or even singing, that rise and inspire. These are many of the ways to keep your bright light shining and we are sure that there are many more ways that we have not mentioned, that you know and use. What we are emphasizing here is that playing in your little world to meet obsolete paradigms has come to an end. Now is a new time, a new beginning, where all souls have the same right to pursue their passions, those that bring joy to their inner and outer selves. Think of the activities that bring you joy and make them a priority in your daily life. Spend some time each day in this activity for the highest and greatest good of your soul.

It doesn't matter if the passion that gives them joy is something that will never bring them fame, fortune or praise in the world around them, the only thing that matters is that they begin to connect with feeling good with themselves so that the gifts they bring to bless this world begin to emerge. Each of you has gifts that you bring to this world and now is the time to find them and connect with yours. The world is very rich and there is enough for everyone, connect with your inner world and let yourself shine!

Until next week


2013 Marlene Swetlishoff / Tsu-tana, Guardian of the Symphonies of Grace.

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilari n

June 09-16, 2013


Throughout these coming weeks, more of your natural and innate abilities and gifts will become clearer inside. Your intuitive gifts are being perceived and recognized within you and a greater feeling of oneness and unity with others and with all the wonders of the earth will permeate your consciousness. There will also be more moments of confusion and mental cloudiness as their brain and physical systems are recalibrated and aligned to their highest potentials and their greatest good. In everything that has focused your energy that is aligned with your individual and collective well-being, it will begin to manifest itself for you in wonderful ways.

Those who have done the spiritual work of cleansing, refining and purifying their bodies, minds and feelings are aware that there is a feeling that something great and wonderful is about to happen. This is an anticipation of the movement of the heavens toward greater alignment with the galactic center in the cosmic scheme of things and this will open a new world of possibilities within humanity and collective consciousness. Everything is in constant movement and transformation in the etheric levels, but it takes more time to manifest on the earth plane and within you.

If you have not done so, start spending more time outdoors, under sunlight for at least 20 minutes each day, just looking at the sun in silence and reverence. The sun is the giver of the life of energies and deep knowledge for all who are ready. Bathe in its radiance and warmth and connect to the trees, plants, birds and other animals in your environment. Observe how connected you are to everything around you and to the communication that occurs between you. You will notice that there is a sense of familiarity and unity in your encounters with birds and animals. They will realize that they are friendly and more confident than before.

Be sure to anchor deeply in the heart of the earth's crystalline diamond, visualizing a cord of light from its root chakra, which penetrates the center of the earth and is anchored within the diamond there; then he returns to his spine and climbs up to his crown chakra and all the way up to the diamond of the great central sun in the center of the galaxy, so that there is a flow of energy inside. You are the cosmic conduits that are here to help the earth expand its light within its center so that it becomes the beautiful star that is your radiant destiny.

The wonders that are waiting to be discovered are ready and ready for humanity to connect to them. The elemental kingdom is happily in service to all creation, helping to shape what is being visualized by the beautiful co-creators of the new reality of the earth, the magnificent beings of light that each of you are. Beautiful Beings Stay focused and sustain your vision!

Until next week…


© 2013 Marlene Swetlishoff / Tsu-tana, Guardian of the Symphonies of Grace.

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"It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness" Confucius

"Everything is fine and in perfect Divine order."

Translated by: Esther Abreu

Weekly Message from Ascended Master Hilarion

From May 26 to June 02, 2013

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