Precise and Precious Message: We Are Part of Everything and Everyone, November 2009, dc

We present a brief fragment of the movie Powder that was released in 1995. It is now when many of us are understanding what the protagonist says in this fragment of the film. We are connecting from the heart where the limits of time and space fade.

Now more than ever it is easy to have the same simultaneous thinking people who are separated by a certain distance. Telepathy is one of the phenomena of the passage from the third to the fourth and fifth dimensions. It is only the rational mind of each one, that which revolves around the conscious part of the ego - the point of light on the forehead that explains the protagonist in the film - that limits and hinders the admission of this wonderful faculty that we all have. The dissolution of differences is another because unity is the most powerful force there is. THE UNIT IS LOVE. With a few sentences the protagonist summarizes all this step that humanity as a whole is now beginning to experience.

To reconfirm ourselves in what we already are.

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