Message from Archangel Uriel about beliefs

  • 2015

The political facts are partial.

Wars are partial.

Win or lose is partial.

The problem is to give the partial the category of absolute.

It is to give personal truth the category of absolute truth.

Personal truth is linked to beliefs.

Ideas and ideologies are linked to the beliefs that form small truths.

There are hard truths.

There are convenient truths .

There are inconvenient truths .

Political disagreements come from the support of these partial truths coupled with great truths.

Truths related to ethical and moral political values ​​accepted by the great majority used by a group of highly parasitized intelligences to propagate these infected and interfering truths by beliefs of power.

The issue is that the belief of power has already expired in the third dimension and that hurts and destabilizes.

The belief in a power comes from the ego, from an old pattern that you have sustained. Same throughout all your incarnations, but today in this great moment of openness everyone is recognizing himself loving and opening to self-knowledge.

Whenever a personal or group tyrant aspect is integrated into light, there is despair and destabilization .

Train the disagreement but with the awareness of knowing that it is partial.

The global impartial vision is that of the being that is fractal manifested as the extensive arm of God the Father Mother Creator of all that was - is - and will be. To that aspire all those who in courage dare to reverse old structures and from their own pain to recognize themselves as “old” file and collapse their beliefs at every moment promoting the paradigm shift.

Prophetic visions can be changed by paradigm changes.

Beloved brothers do not yet become aware of the loving force and be imprinted with:

I am peace in unity

When reason finds no argument remember:

I am peace in unity

The story is cyclical, but remember that the spiral of evolution is ascending. They are always evolving, even if they have difficulty seeing it.

It is that difficulty the great stone that slows the process of "seeing."

While there is a need to be on one side or the other, in favor of something and against something, to arrive at solutions that are supposed to be for the common good, this will indicate that the old power-ego-fear-manipulation paradigm It is still held by many of all.

Remember that everyone has been on one side and the other.

Remember the love and certainty of the antechamber of the heart that connects you directly to the source.

Train observation to dimension internal reality in synchronic time with spiritual laws.

Look inward is the most difficult task.

Stop demanding to be on one side or the other.

Recognize yourself as god father mother in action in all its manifestations.

Recognize yourself beloved, beloved ones.

It is time here and now to empty the mind,

Deliver the heart, receive the new

Integrate the perfect and complete - light and dark

It is time at every moment to thank and bless in the name of the multidimensional galactic community as an extensive arm of God. Father, the mother of all that was and will be, receive our thanks and Blessing.

Archangel Uriel

Message from Archangel Uriel about beliefs

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