Message from Babaji Nagaraj, Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff

  • 2016

Beloved Lightworkers of the World:

You have been struggling for some time to create the alchemy of the transformation that is currently progressing within and within the Planet and above it. Your current life is only one of those efforts you have made. Now it is becoming a greater possibility to have the memory and knowledge of all the efforts you have made to bring and anchor the Light.

Prepare yourself for the internal revelations concerning the efforts that, as the Divine Being that you truly are, you have made for the actualization of the attainment of what you have been working for. Every day thousands of people are waking up thanks to your efforts and those of others in your class, Lightworkers; and now they are better able than ever to connect with their Divinity in a faster and more quantum way.

When you create stability in yourself, in your families, in your communities and in the World, you are serving the great purpose for which you have worked many lives. This is the life of completion for you; and also the opening of a New Life in a New World that is manifesting before you. Do not lose sight of this fact during the next few days. The changes you have worked for now are ripe for fruiting; require that mind, heart and soul be stable.

While we of the Ascended Realms work together with you, we are being given all the opportunities to bring your World in line with Ascension and transformation. Now everything is being renewed; and that can be uncomfortable for many of you, because the Earth as a whole is going through its birth towards graduation from one level to the other. Within each new level there are other levels and dimensions; You are all on a journey of discovery and validation of everything you have believed with faith and perseverance throughout your lives.

Now the voices of many are rising and they are demanding that there begin to be changes in all the old obsolete institutions of the old World that is no longer going. While more and more humans realize this fact, many great and profound changes take place. Everything will happen quickly and you will find it difficult to keep up with these changes as they occur.

Remember that you have already prepared for these days in which you are; stand firm in your faith and your resolution; and you will be guided anyway to be in the right place at the right time, doing exactly the right thing. Affirm and decree this every day establishing your intention to be aligned with the greatest good of yours and of all. Trust with all your heart that you are always supported in your worldly life on this planet that you call home.

You are aligning yourself more and more with the Earth and you will feel the changes She is experiencing. You have the power of intention to change anything you see before you, firmly maintaining your Higher Vision of the World you want; Everything else is illusion Dear, remember this. When enough of you stably maintain this vision, all illusions will dissipate in a blink of an eye; and its place will be taken by a fresh and wonderful possibility.

Everything is as it should be; and in all other worlds, in your Universe, the bleachers are full and excitement is accumulating. The biggest game ever played is now in its children's stage. Stay awake, alert and aware; and ride the waves of change with ease, grace and confidence.

I AM Babaji Nagaraj.

TRANSLATION: Jairo Rodríguez R. Energy and Spiritual Consulting

AUTHOR: Marlene Swetlishoff


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